Published at 27th of April 2021 12:30:26 PM

Chapter 623: 623

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Baitang couldn't help being angry, and said to Daiming: "Daiming, you are too much. Mr. Ye is already very good to you. You actually eat inside and out and frame the hotel. What is your intention."

Daiming sneered: "He is good to me? What are you kidding?"

Mr. Chen from the Chefs Association said: "Old generation, this is your fault. We have checked and the sanitation here has reached the standard of a five-star hotel. Don't make any fuss anymore."

Daiming snorted coldly, "I see, you must be in the same group. You have all been bought by Ye Chen."

Hearing Dai Ming's words, Old Chen was not happy anymore.

"Old generation, please pay attention to your own attitude when you speak."

Ye Chen sighed on the side: "Mr. Bai, please call the police."

"Call the police?" After hearing Ye Chen's words, everyone was stunned.

When Baitang heard this, he nodded: "Mr. Ye, I said that I can't show mercy to this white-eyed wolf at all."

Speaking, Baitang picked up the phone: "I want to call the police. The former chef of our restaurant is suspected of using bad things to fill the good and embezzling hotel property."

Dai Ming's expression changed after hearing this: "Ye Chen, what are you talking about?"

Ye Chen said indifferently: "What did I say? You used your identity as a chef to order ingredients at a high price, and then you bought them from other channels at low prices to fill the good with the bad. At the beginning, I didn't think you were in harmony with your stay in the hotel for so many years. Don't blame me if you are shameless."

"You are spitting blood."

Ye Chen smiled coldly and said directly to Baitang: "You call the purchasing manager."

Seeing the purchasing manager, Dai Ming panicked completely.

The purchasing manager explained how Dai Ming was shoddy and how to embezzle the company's property.

Old Chen looked gloomy: "Dai Ming, your behavior is too shameless. Now I announce that you have been expelled from the Chefs Association."

At this time, several police officers walked into the office.

Baitang handed the evidence to the police, and Daiming was taken away by the police.

His corruption amounted to more than 10 million, and it is estimated that he will end up in prison.

After dealing with the Tianbao Hotel, Ye Chen drove the car to pick up Su Wanyi.

The two people came back from Sanya last time and their relationship is getting better and better.

But when the car drove to the vicinity of the studio, there was a traffic jam.

This road has been smooth, why is there a traffic jam?

Ye Chen got out of the car and wanted to see the situation.

At this time, a middle-aged man came over and looked at Ye Chen's Cullinan.

"Boy, how much is your car?"

"Not much money, tens of millions."

Hearing what Ye Chen said, the middle-aged man was a little speechless.

Not much money? Tens of millions.

This guy has a good tone.

Ye Chen asked curiously: "Is there a car accident or something? Why is the traffic jam so bad?"

"This is not the movie city in front. Just now a crew moved in, and the two heroines were very famous, so many people watched, but the road was blocked.

At this time, director Li Jie frowned.

The entire crew is surrounded by avid fans.

The main reason is that Tong Xiaoya is too hot recently, and Yang Mimi is also a traffic star.

Originally, they came to collect the scenery, but they were surrounded by fans on the road.

Tong Xiaoya anxiously said: "Don't watch, okay, this is a dangerous road."

Yang Mimi also said: "You see there are traffic jams on the road, everyone doing this has hindered the traffic."

But these fans ignored them and took pictures with their phones.

Tong Xiaoya and Yang Mimi couldn't help it.

They did their best for this kind of thing, but the fans didn't mean to give way at all.

And more and more people.

Yang Mimi and Tong Xiaoya failed to persuade them, so they had to return to the nanny car.

Director Jia Rui asked: "These fans still refuse to leave?"

Yang Mimi and Tong Xiaoya shook their heads: "Yes, it seems that the traffic police can only come and solve it."

Jia Rui was staring at the script in a daze, with a sad expression on her face.

"Director, what's the matter? Are you still worried about the male lead?" Tong Xiaoya asked.

Jia Rui nodded: "The role of Eighth Brother is too important, so I must find the right person to play it."

Jia Rui fell in love with the script of this play at first sight.

Therefore, she made up her mind to make a classic.

The heroine had been selected a long time ago, this is the eighth elder brother. After trying many people, they were not satisfied.

And this role is very important, and Jia Rui doesn't want to ask someone to perfuse.

So up to now, the candidate for Ba Age has been vacant.

Tong Xiaoya and Yang Mimi knew Director Jia's character and were meticulous about filming, so they didn't say anything.

"Can't the traffic star recommended last time help?" the deputy director said.

"No, although he is very handsome, he is too **** good, and does not fit the character of the eighth elder brother who dares to love and hate." Jia Rui shook her head.

"However, our film is now missing this role. If it is delayed, I am afraid that investors will not be happy."

Jia Rui said: "My principle is to either not shoot, but to shoot it must be a classic."

Hearing what Jia Rui said, the others did not dare to continue to persuade.

Jia Rui sighed. Why are there so many actors, none of them are suitable for the role of this bastard?

Shaking his head, Jia Rui decided to choose one of several referees.

After all, this kind of thing cannot be dragged on.

At this time, Ye Chen drove the car and just arrived not far from the babysitter's car.

Driving the car was too boring, Ye Chen opened the window and looked outside.

At this time, Jia Rui happened to look in the direction of Ye Chen.

When she saw Ye Chen's profile, Jia Rui's heart moved.

Ye Chen's side face is too handsome, his temperament is like an immortal.

"He is the eighth brother I want."

Seeing Ye Chen, Jia Rui's heart moved completely.

At this time, under the command of the traffic police, the car started slowly.

Jia Rui watched Ye Chen drive away and quickly picked up the walkie-talkie.

"Deputy Director Li, stop the Cullinan in front for me, and stop him anyway."

Jia Rui has an intuition that if this young man is allowed to act as Ba Ge, this drama will definitely become popular.

Because his temperament is too in line with Ba Age.

Regardless of the appearance or the temperament of the body, there is absolutely no fault, even this character is tailor-made for this young man.

Just now she was thinking that there was really no suitable place to find a little fresh meat to make do with it, and now she knew that Ye Chen was what she needed.

Seeing Ye Chen driving away, Jia Rui was anxious.

For fear that Ye Chen left in the car.

He knew that as long as Ye Chen drove away, it would be difficult to find it again.

The rest of the people were all stunned when they saw Jia Rui's excitement. They all looked at the Cullinan.

Tong Xiaoya and Yang Mimi also looked at the car, the license plate number seemed familiar.

"Ye Chen?" Tong Xiaoya and Yang Mimi exclaimed almost simultaneously.

The two finally realized that it was Ye Chen who made Director Jia Rui crazy.

However, both Yang Mimi and Tong Xiaoya felt that Ye Chen really fits the image of Ba Ge.

Regardless of appearance and temperament, it is no wonder that Director Jia Rui is so excited.

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