Published at 27th of April 2021 12:30:21 PM

Chapter 627: 627

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The female killers are about to collapse.

She has been a killer for so many years, has performed more than 20 missions, and has never failed.

In the killer company, she is also an elite killer.

But now, there are flaws everywhere in this young man's eyes.

"If you know you better let me go." The female killer gritted her teeth.

Ye Chen couldn't help but smiled suddenly: "Are you threatening me? I should tell you that. You'd better cooperate with me honestly, otherwise don't blame me for being polite."

Upon hearing Ye Chen's words, the female assassin struggled vigorously again.

But she struggled for a long time but couldn't move at all.

In desperation, the female assassin seemed to have given up resistance and said: "Well, you are ruthless."

Ye Chen just let go of the girl's hand slightly.

However, one of his hands tightly grasped the girl's wrist to prevent the other person from escaping.

Su Wanyi on the side looked silly, Ye Chen was really handsome.

Especially when he just analyzed the female killer, it was Sherlock Holmes.

The female assassin turned around at this time, and was stunned when she saw Ye Chen.

Ye Chen is really handsome.

But soon, a cruel color flashed in the eyes of the female killer.

How could she catch it all.

The female assassin suddenly got into trouble, and a dagger appeared in the palm of her hand, and she suddenly pierced Ye Chen.

Ye Chen had been prepared for a long time, and dodged his body, avoiding the girl's dagger.

Taking this opportunity, the girl got rid of Ye Chen's shackles and rushed to the door quickly.

But before the girl rushed out, she threw herself heavily and fell to the ground.

Ye Chen had been prepared for a long time, and at the moment when the female killer ran away, he stumbled the girl.

Why did the girl think that Ye Chen would have this hand, and fell to the ground.

Before she could react, Ye Chen directly slapped a hand knife on the back of the female assassin's head.

Ye Chen understood that only if this female assassin fainted, would he be taken away honestly.

Two people supported the female assassin, and many people just thought that the female assassin was drunk.

Helping the woman to the front of the car, Ye Chen threw the car key to Su Wanyi.

"You come to drive."

Su Wanyi was speechless: "This guy actually let himself drive."

Ye Chen smiled and said, "This female assassin may wake up at any time, can you watch her?"

Su Wanyi sat in the cab obediently when she heard a chill in her heart.

Su Wanyi drove the car in front, and Ye Chen found a lot of murder weapons on the girl's body.

A pen that can shoot a crossbow, a thread that can directly strangle a person to death.

In the end, Ye Chen found a pill, and then he let out a sigh of relief.

Su Wanyi asked suspiciously: "What is this?"

Ye Chen smiled: "Every killer has poison on his body. Once they are caught, they will take poison and commit suicide as soon as possible."

Upon hearing Ye Chen's words, Su Wanyi looked at Ye Chen suspiciously.

"How do you know these."

"In the novel."

Su Wanyi: "..."

Ye Chen said, pour out all the poison in the pill, and then directly poured the ashes into the capsule.

"By the way, where are we going? Public Security Bureau?"

Ye Chen shook his head: "Go to the hotel, I will try this guy first."

Su Wanyi drove the car and found a convenient hotel.

Ye Chen and Su Wanyi helped the female killer and entered the room.

Although I met others on the road, people thought that this girl was drinking too much with her friends, so she didn't care.

Ye Chen threw the **** the bed and let out a sigh of relief.

After a while, the girl finally woke up.

She opened her eyes and found her hands tied.

The girl knew that she had met a master this time.

Unexpectedly, as an elite killer, she was actually planted in Ye Chen's hands today.

She sat up reluctantly and looked at Ye Chen with a bitter expression on her face.

Ye Chen sneered and said, "Tell me, who are you and why are you killing me."

The girl knew that her identity had been exposed, and she said coldly: "Take people's money and help them eliminate disasters."

Hearing the girl's words, Ye Chen's mouth raised up: "Oh, whoever takes the money, and who will eliminate the disaster for whom."

"There are rules, I won't tell you." The female killer was still stiff.

Ye Chen smiled faintly: "Explain, I don't like embarrassing women."

The girl's eyes condensed, as if she had made a lot of determination, she suddenly took a pill from her collar and put it in her mouth, and then swallowed it.

Su Wanyi was amused: "Beauty, that pill was already dropped, and there is soot inside."

Hearing Su Wanyi's words, the girl's face changed, and she pressed her mouth desperately to spit something out.

Ye Chen sneered: "It's not so easy for you to want to die."

After all, the other party wanted to kill himself, so Ye Chen's expression was also very cold.

Whoever is the target of assassination will probably not be happy.

Ye Chen looked a little flustered when he saw the girl's face.

"Your only way out now is to cooperate with me. Your accomplice has already run away. He should know that you were caught. If you don't cooperate with me, I am afraid they will attack the person next to you.

The girl's face changed after hearing Ye Chen's words.


Ye Chen sneered: "Why is it impossible? What they are doing now is to make you disappear, and the easiest way to make a person disappear is to make everyone who knows his existence disappear."

Upon hearing Ye Chen's words, the girl's face changed completely.

Being in the killer circle, she knows the methods of the killer group very well.

Those guys really did everything to the traitor.

"I didn't betray the organization." The female killer argued.

Ye Chen smiled faintly: "Your killer organization is called Blood Rose, your name is Cherry... You have completed 28 missions in total, except for this one, you are the elite killer of your organization."

Hearing Ye Chen's words, the female assassin was completely dumbfounded.

"You know how."

Ye Chen smiled faintly. The reason he knew it was because she read the female killer's resume and knew her past.

"I can save your sister, and I can support her to finish college." Ye Chen continued.

After hearing Ye Chen's words, the female assassin lowered her head completely.

Now she is really scared.

The person in front of him was terrible, as if he could see through everything.

Ye Chen made a call: "It's Mr. Wei from Longdun. Help me go to Kyoto No. 1 Middle School to pick someone up. Her name is Wu Weiwei."

At this time Cherry was completely convinced, and she sighed: "What do you want me to do?"

Ye Chen's voice was cold: "I want you to find someone who wants to kill me."

"I really don't know. We don't ask who the employer is when we take the task, and the money is transferred to us through the boss."

"Then tell me who your boss is?"

Cherry looked at Ye Chen in surprise: "Our boss was not caused by you."

Ye Chen smiled coldly: "That's not necessarily true. Fortunately, she is a big beauty, otherwise she will probably become a corpse soon."

After hearing what Ye Chen said, Cherry was completely shocked.

He unexpectedly knew the identity of the boss.

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