Published at 27th of April 2021 12:50:18 PM

Chapter 63: 63

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All the detectives' eyes fell on Ye Chen.

Ye Chen said lightly: "There are two key people in this case, Fang Hua and Zhou Linlin."

"First of all, Fang Hua and Li Wan'er do have an affair, but Fang Hua also has another lover, Zhou Linlin. The reason why Zhou Linlin rose so quickly at the beginning has a lot to do with Fang Hua. This can be seen from the two film directors starring Zhou Linlin. , But after Li Wan'er joined the company, everything changed."

Ye Chen paused and continued: "Li Waner wants to make Zhou Linlin better in her looks and scheming, so she not only snatched Zhou Linlin's resources, but also Zhou Linlin's backing. From then on, she could only become the company's No. 2 person. Li Wan'er stepped on her feet."

"Of course Zhou Linlin has hatred in her heart. She hates Li Wan'er and hates Fang Hua even more, so she directed this drama. She first told Fang Hua's wife about Li Wan'er and Fang Hua. This caused Fang Hua's family conflict to escalate and Fang Hua On the other hand, she persuaded Li Wan'er to let Fang Hua and his wife have a showdown. The last step was to spit potassium cyanide on the lipstick during the filming, which led to Li Wan'er's death on the set and Li Wan'er's death. Fang Hua will also become the most suspicious person. She is very smart, and all the arrangements are interlocking, making some idiots really hooked."


Upon hearing these two words, the corner of the policeman's mouth twitched.

Everyone knows who the idiot said.

The office is full of experienced criminal police, and many of them are even old criminal police who have handled hundreds of cases.

Hearing Ye Chen's reasoning, these detectives were all stunned.

It is well-founded and very logical.

Ren Ping snorted coldly: "Your reasoning is indeed very imaginative. What about the evidence? How can you explain that there is no potassium cyanide on the lipstick?"

Everyone's eyes gathered on Ye Chen again.

It's true that you need to talk about evidence when handling a case, and your reasoning is a mess. Without critical evidence, everything is just empty talk.

"There is no evidence, everything is just your imagination, yes, if you can write a mystery novel, you are not qualified to handle the case." Ren Ping snorted coldly.

The other detectives also shook their heads secretly.

Ye Chen's reasoning is wonderful, but you can't directly arrest people just because of Ye Chen's reasoning.

"Of course there is evidence." Ye Chen said in a hurry.

"Is there evidence?" Ye Chen's words surprised everyone again.

The lipstick has been tested and is not poisonous at all.

Where is the evidence?

Everyone looked at Ye Chen with doubts in their eyes.

"It's very simple. Zhou Linlin prepared two lipsticks. One is toxic and the other is non-toxic. After she gave Li Wan'er the toxic potassium cyanide lipstick, she immediately dropped it. You should search the trash can on the studio. I can find that lipstick."

Ren Ping's eyes condensed after hearing this.

Yes, if Zhou Linlin commits a crime, this possibility is very big.

"Search the trash can in the studio immediately." Ren Ping immediately gave an order to the police who were still on the scene.

Ten minutes later, there was news that, as expected, a paper-wrapped lipstick was found in a trash can on the set.

After being sent to the laboratory, it was quickly found that the lipstick contained potassium cyanide, and there were fingerprints of Li Waner and Zhou Linlin on it.

Zhou Linlin was arrested, and after interrogation, it was exactly the same as Ye Chen analyzed.

There was a dead silence in the criminal police office.

Ren Ping was the most embarrassed.

If it weren't for Ye Chen, I'm afraid this case might even become an unjust case.

"Ye Chen, thank you." Ren Ping smiled awkwardly.

"It's nothing, the police and the people cooperate. This is what I should do." Ye Chen smiled faintly.

The other detectives looked at Ye Chen with admiration.

Ye Chen's reasoning ability was too strong, and it was amazing to be able to recover the case 100%.

Zhou Susu was very proud: "How about? Ye Chen is my friend, right?"

"Your friend, it's a boyfriend." Xiao Chen laughed.

There was a lot of laughter in the office.

Zhou Susuqiao's face flushed, but she did not refute it.

Ye Chen also smiled: "Team Ren, I have helped you so much, and I need you to do me a favor."

"What's busy?" Ren Ping was taken aback for a moment.

"Give Susu a vacation, she promised to invite me to dinner."

Ren Ping was unwilling a hundred in his heart, but after all Ye Chen did help them solve the case, and the brothers in the criminal police team were watching.

He had no choice but to nod his head: "Well, let the follow-up work of Susu's case be handed over to someone else. Please ask Brother Ye for us."

"Yeah! Thank you for the team."

Ye Chen and Zhou Susu left the criminal police team.

Seeing Ye Chen's sports car, Zhou Susu looked excited.

"Hennessy Venom GT, with a speed of 270 mph, is the fastest car in the world, Ye Chen, why do you have such a powerful sports car?"

"You are very familiar with sports cars." Ye Chen smiled.

"Of course, I'm a racing fan, and Ferrari's Shu Ge is my idol."

Speaking, Zhou Susu turned up a photo in the circle of friends.

"Look, this is my best friend, and her father is a Ferrari dealer. The last time Shu Ge came to China for a race, she took a photo with him. For this reason, she showed off with us every day and was so envious." Zhou Susu looked at the photo. A look of envy.

"Haha, if you like it, let alone taking pictures, it's okay for you to have dinner with him." Ye Chen smiled.

Ye Chen is now Ferrari's major shareholder, so it's too easy to meet Shu Ge.

"You? Who do you think you are, Brother Shu is a car god, can you meet me casually?" Zhou Susu gave Ye Chen a white look.

Ye Chen smiled faintly and took out his mobile phone: "Hey, is it Mr. Wei?"

Wei Xiang, Director of Ferrari China.

"Mr. Wei, is Brother Shu in China now?"

"Where are we? We are eating."

"Oh, where, my friend likes Brother Shu very much and wants to have dinner with him."

"We are at the Magic City Hotel, and we can come over now."

"Okay, I'll pass now."

Ye Chen hung up the phone and said to Zhou Susu, "I will show you Brother Shu now."

"Really, you want to lie to me, I can beat you." Zhou Susu waved a small fist.

Ye Chen smiled faintly.

Zhou Susu is different from the other girls he knows.

Her character is very lively, sharp eyes, strong momentum, beautiful and sassy, ​​and very flavorful.

Ye Chen opened the poison and went straight to the Magic City Hotel.

At first, Zhou Susu thought Ye Chen was joking, but when he really arrived at the Magic City Hotel, Zhou Susu was a little confused.

"No, does Ye Chen really want to show himself to Brother Shu?"

Zhou Susu was more curious about the man beside him.

S-class secret, driving a luxury car worth 70 million yuan to dig, and I want to see Brother Shu to get it done with a phone call, it's too bullish.

Ye Chen parked the car and took Zhou Susu to the private room of the Heavenly King Hall.

After pushing the door open, everyone in the box stood up when they saw Ye Chen.

When Zhou Susu saw the person in the middle of the dinner table, he was shocked and covered his mouth.


It turned out to be his idol Shu Ge!

"Hello, President Ye!"

"President Ye, please come inside!"

Ye Chen was generally given to the main position by everyone and the stars Gongyue.

Zhou Susu was even more surprised to see everyone treat Ye Chen so respectfully, even Brother Shu had been standing next to Ye Chen.

Ye Chen is really a man like a mystery.

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