Published at 27th of April 2021 12:30:14 PM

Chapter 632: 632

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Ye Chen said that the poison rose was scourge of blood and light, and the two killers looked dumbfounded.

After all, Poison Rose is so powerful that it is difficult for anyone to get close, how could there be a disaster of blood and light.

Cherry and Lu Yong were also confused.

This guy really knows how to talk.

"By the way, I think you'd better call him now, because this happened five minutes later."

Hearing Ye Chen's words, the killer's expression changed.

Although he didn't believe Ye Chen's words, out of caution, the killer took out his mobile phone.

"Okay, I will call and bring your words to the boss."

The call was connected, and the killer's voice trembled slightly.

"Boss, our mission failed. We met a super master. Huzi and I are not his opponents."

Hearing the killer's words, Poison Rose suddenly stunned, and a soft and angry voice came from the phone: "Neither you nor Huzi are his opponents. There is such a fierce person beside Cherry?"

This time, Poison Rose sent two ace killers to catch the cherries.

In fact, Poison Rose originally thought it could be foolproof.

Unexpectedly, his two ace killers were killed, which was completely beyond her expectation.

After all, his two ace killers were ranked in the top 100 in China, and they were defeated by the people around Cherry.

How fierce the opponent will be.

"Did you get caught up in the trap?" Poison Rose said coldly.

The killer gave a wry smile: "No, neither of us can beat each other together."

Poison Rose was even more shocked. It was incredible that neither of the two were opponents of the other.

"We were defeated within three moves."

The killer once again told the news that shocked the poison rose.

"How is this possible." This time, even the poison rose was surprised.

You know, she knows the strength of these two ace killers very well.

If two people work together, Ouchi's masters are not necessarily their opponents. Now they can't survive even three moves by two. How strong is the opponent.

And such a strong person, she should have heard of it a long time ago.

"By the way, that person asked me to pass you a word, and you will have a **** disaster in five minutes."

Hearing these words, Poison Rose froze for a moment, and then a sneer crossed the corner of her mouth.

"The person who can make me have the **** disaster of the poison rose, this world does not exist yet."

Killer: "..."

"Well, how will he release you?" Poison Rose continued.

"He said that we would pass it on to you, and he would let us go."

This time, it was the turn of the poisonous rose to be a little surprised.

This guy is really weird.

"What's his name? Let him answer the phone." Poison Rose said lightly.

The killer handed the phone to Ye Chen.

"Hey, beauty, hello, nice to meet such a big beauty like you."

The Poison Rose snorted coldly: "Do you know me?"

Ye Chen smiled and said, "I don't know, but my instincts have always been accurate. After five minutes, you will be bloody, so be careful."

"What is your name?"

"Well, my name is Ye Chen."

In fact, Ye Chen didn't want to be nosy, but Ye Chen already knew through the life resume system that this woman and herself would be inextricably linked, so she had to help her once.

"Okay, I remember you. If it's true as you said, I owe you personal love. If what you said is false, then you are dead."

Then the phone hangs up.

Ye Chen was a little speechless, this girl is really a thorny rose!

Poison Rose hung up the phone, she was a little curious about where this guy was confident, and she would say she was in a **** disaster.

At this moment, there was a knock on the door outside.

"Boss, the shadow is back, he brought you the picture you wanted."

"Really?" Poison Rose was overjoyed.

At this time, a thin man walked in with a scroll in his hand.

"The boss shadow mission is completed, I'm here to hand in the mission."

The poison rose nodded: "Bring me the painting to see."

Shadow spread out the paintings on the tabletop little by little.

Poison Rose suddenly remembered Ye Chen's reminder, the blood and light disaster, could it be said that there was a problem with this shadow.

Shadow has followed her for more than ten years, and she is a very trusted trump card killer.

According to reason, he shouldn't be against himself.

If Ye Chen did not remind, Poison Rose would not guard against shadows.

But because of Ye Chen's **** disaster, Poison Rose took a little bit of caution in her heart.

Just as the scroll turned to the end, suddenly a dagger appeared at the end of the scroll.

Shadow directly picked up the dagger and stabbed at the poisonous rose.

If the Poison Rose is unprepared, such a close distance, combined with the strength of the shadow, is enough to cause the Poison Rose to be injured.

It's a pity that the poisonous rose at this time has been careful because of Ye Chen's reminder.

At the moment the dagger came, Poison Rose flashed her body, grabbed the shadow's wrist, and then patted the shadow with a palm.

The guard outside heard the noise and ran in, and directly caught the shadow.

Poison Rose looked at the black dagger on the ground, her face pale.

This dagger is poisoned, and the blood seals the throat.

If it weren't for Ye Chen, she would probably be killed here today.

Ye Chen saved her life.

Poison Rose looked gloomy and stared at the shadow coldly and asked, "Why?"

Shadow lost his hand and looked a little sullen: "Boss, I'm sorry, they arrested my wife and children, I can't help it."

Poison Rose sighed: "For the sake of you and me for so many years, I will reward you with a whole body."

The betrayal organization assassinated the boss, according to the family rules, it was going to be plucked.

Poison Rose has been very merciful for not doing so.

After dealing with the shadow, Poison Rose dialed Cherry's phone.

After the call was connected, Poison Rose said coldly: "Give the call to Ye Chen."

Cherry's face trembled slightly when she heard the boss's voice, and she quickly called Ye Chen.

"Hey, beauty, it seems that you have escaped the disaster of blood and light. Congratulations."

"How did you know?" Poison Rose was a little puzzled.

After all, the shadow came back suddenly, she didn't know beforehand, but how did the other party know?

Ye Chen smiled faintly: "The secret of heaven cannot be revealed. By the way, I saved your life. You should not object to digging someone from your side."

"Do you want to preserve cherries?" Poison Rose said lightly.

Ye Chen nodded: "Well, my girlfriend needs a female bodyguard. I think she is very suitable."

Poison Rose pondered for a moment: "Yes, but I want to see you."

Ye Chen was stunned for a moment: "See you? No way."

Hearing Ye Chen's words, Poison Rose was stunned for a moment. Many people didn't have the chance to ask her. Now she took the initiative to ask a man, but she was rejected.

"Do you want to die?" Poison Rose said domineeringly.

Ye Chen smiled and said, "It's not. The main reason is that I'm afraid you will fall in love with me when you see me."

"You..." The poisonous rose, who has always been so cruel, was almost amused this time.

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