Published at 27th of April 2021 12:30:10 PM

Chapter 635: 635

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After Zhou Susu caught the criminal, he wanted to find the woman who would subdue the criminal, but the other party has disappeared without a trace.

"Report to the captain that the criminal has been caught." Zhou Susu nodded.

For some reason, she seemed very familiar with the woman just now.

Suddenly, a name appeared in his mind.

International Class A wanted criminal poison rose.

"Could it be her?"

At this moment, Zhou Susu saw Ye Chen.

Ye Chen had just been in the crowd and saw Poison Rose doing something, so he didn't do it.

"Ye Chen, why are you here?" Zhou Susu asked suspiciously.

"I was drinking coffee, and when I saw it was lively here, I came over and have a look."

"Oh, I have something to do. I will ask you to have a meal later." Zhou Susu left in a panic.

At this time, a message came from Ye Chen's cell phone.

The appointment location has changed, Xiangjiang Hall.

Ye Chen shook his head secretly. This woman was really cautious, but Ye Chen couldn't help it. After all, the other party was a girl, and by comparison, to meet Ye Chen, Poison Rose took a big risk.

Ye Chen came to the Xiangjiang Guild Hall.

This is an old-style guild hall with a three-story building with beautiful scenery, just like a water town in the south of the Yangtze River.

In front of the window on the second floor above, Ye Chen saw a figure.

It's her, poison rose.

Poison Rose changed her clothes, a red cheongsam, accompanied by a beautiful face, just like a rose swaying in the wind, the beauty is suffocating.

However, Ye Chen felt a terrible feeling from this woman.

The strength of this woman is not even lost to herself.

Moreover, the other party is a killer, and there are some means of killing.

Ye Chen is also very careful when dealing with such people.

After all, poisonous roses, although beautiful, can make people die miserably.

Ye Chen smiled and walked to the entrance of Xiangjiang Guild Hall.

When he arrived at the designated box, Ye Chen pushed the door and saw that graceful figure.

The cheongsam on Poison Rose is very elegant, and at first glance it is the work of Jiangnan master.

Coupled with her 1.7-meter figure, it is almost like a classical beauty coming out of the painting.

The extension of the cheongsam, the beautiful legs like fat, give a man the urge to spurt blood.

"Beauty, you won't just let me see your back." Ye Chen smiled.

Only then did Poison Rose turned to look at Ye Chen, the cold feeling on his face did not change with Ye Chen's active smile.

Being stared at by this big beauty, Ye Chen felt uncomfortable.

Especially Ye Chen could feel that there was a strong murderous aura on the opponent's body.

The beauty is outrageous, but it is still a poisonous rose.

Being stared at by such a woman, Ye Chen couldn't help feeling a tingling heart.

Poison Rose's face has reached 99 points, and it is truly beautiful to the extreme. There is also a feeling of ignorance of the fireworks on her body.

Ye Chen suddenly said: "I'd better call you Xiaoxiang, the name Poison Rose is too ugly, it doesn't match your beautiful face."

Hearing Ye Chen's words, Poison Rose's face suddenly turned aside.

Xiaoxiang is her real name. There are too few people in the world who know her real name, and no one in the organization even knows how Ye Chen knew it.

She raised her brows: "Why do you know me so much."

Ye Chen smiled faintly: "I said, I can see from your face, do you believe it?"

Xiaoxiang did not speak, there are indeed many strange things in this world.

People at the level of Xiaoxiang also know a lot about these things.

As for Xiangshu, Xiaoxiang also knows a little bit.

Back then, there was a master who almost counted everything about her.

Xiaoxiang looked straight at Ye Chen and said suddenly: "Take your shirt off."

Ye Chen was stunned for a moment.

This girl has a few meanings, she will be undressed as soon as she meets.

This is too proactive, brother is not ready yet.

"Take off." Xiaoxiang said coldly again.

Being scolded by a beautiful woman for taking off her clothes, Ye Chen felt a little happy too suddenly.

"Should we brew for a while? This is too fast. Although I have a life-saving grace for you, but..."

But in the next second, Xiaoxiang already had a cold dagger in his hand.

"Give you three seconds."

Ye Chen smiled bitterly. In fact, he was not afraid of the other party, but after all, he was asked to take off his clothes by a big beautiful woman.

Ye Chen had to take off his casual suit and then unbuttoned his shirt.

Seeing Ye Chen's perfect muscle ridges and Ye Chen's handsome and suffocating face, Xiaoxiang was also stunned.

When her eyes fell on Ye Chen's left shoulder, she couldn't help being stunned. This was exactly what the mysterious old man said at the beginning, a dark red birthmark.

"Your man is a man with a dark red birthmark on his left shoulder..."

The old man's words appeared in Xiaoxiang's mind.

If it was a coincidence, Xiaoxiang wouldn't say anything, but the old man's previous predictions were all right.

And this Ye Chen was too mysterious, he knew everything about himself.

"Okay, you can put on your clothes."

Ye Chen: "..."

"Beauty, you are a bit silly, after you read me, are you..."


The dagger passed Ye Chen's ear.


At this time, at the entrance of the hall, a group of plain clothes came to the surrounding of the hall.

This time, dozens of people from the Interpol team came to arrest Xiaoxiang.

Just now they received a secret report that the International A-Class Wanted Poison Rose will appear in the Xiangjiang Guild Hall.

A plainclothes male policeman stood in front of Zhou Susu.

"How about Xiao Chen?"

The male policeman said: "According to what we know, the suspect is in Box 218. She never came out after entering."


Zhou Susu took a deep breath.

She knew that the mission this time was extraordinary.

The opponent is an international A-level wanted criminal, and he is powerful.

Poison Rose's hidden weapons and fighting are all top in the world. If you want to catch her, the risk factor is too high.

Even if you are not careful, your life will be lost.

Zhou Susu said earnestly: "Evacuate the crowd immediately. We will start to act when the people are evacuated. The criminal is very dangerous. Tell everyone to be careful."

"Yes." The male policeman led the task and began to arrange it.

The guests in the hall were quietly evacuated.

As soon as he started to act, Zhou Susu's heart became more and more nervous.

Although Zhou Susu had caught a lot of murderous criminals, she was still very nervous in the face of poison rose, which is among the top three killers in the world.

At this time, Ye Chen's figure suddenly appeared in her mind.

"I don't know if I can get out of the inn alive today. Why don't you confess it to him? I will save regrets."

Zhou Susu took out his mobile phone and sent a WeChat message to Ye Chen.

"Ye Chen, I am performing a very dangerous mission. My opponent is an internationally famous killer. The life and death of this mission is unclear. I don't know if I can survive. As a policeman, this is my duty, but I am afraid that there will be a word today. Not to mention, there is no chance. I like you. If I can't go back today, I hope to be your woman in the next life."

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