Published at 27th of April 2021 12:29:59 PM

Chapter 642: 642

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Ye Chen looked at Chen Yu, his eyes were cold, and he slapped his face with a slap in the face.

"The adults speak, and the children roll away."

Chen Yu: "..."

Hu Tian was immediately anxious when he saw Ye Chen dared to beat his brother-in-law: "Boy, do you dare to beat my brother-in-law?"


With another slap in the face, Ye Chen said coldly: "Not only do I dare to beat your brother-in-law, I will smoke with you."

Just now, Hu Tian was arrogant and domineering, and the crew took a sigh of relief.

Helpless people are investors, rich in wealth, and they dare not speak up.

Now Ye Chen slapped the opponent directly, and everyone felt very happy.

Especially Ye Chen's angry look fascinated many girls.

Oh my God, this little guy is so handsome, he is so handsome even when he smokes people.

Jia Rui was also very happy in her heart.

In fact, she felt very sad just now, but seeing Ye Chen smoke Hu Tian and his brother-in-law, she was very happy even if she didn't become the director.

Yang Mimi was also very excited on the side: "Ye Ge is mighty, this kind of trash is just not smoking."

Yang Mimi was also very depressed just now.

Even Yang Mimi had already thought about it, if Ye Chen could not be the protagonist, she would not act in this play.

Especially when she saw Chen Yu looking at her squinting expression, she felt sick.

Moreover, she doesn't have any acting skills in her own right, and she doesn't have any good feelings even if she relies on the person who walks through the back door.

Tong Xiaoya looked at Ye Chen's domineering look, and her heart trembled.

Hu Tian pointed at Ye Chen: "You, do you dare to hit me... you are dead."

Ye Chen snorted coldly: "It is true that one of us is dead, but it's not me, it's you."

Speaking, Ye Chen dialed the phone directly: "Chen Wan, you can roll me to the set now."

Opposite Chen Wan was stunned for a moment. What happened to make the boss so angry.

Hu Tian was by the side, and when he saw Ye Chen calling, he didn't care.

But hearing what Ye Chen said, his heart suddenly changed.

What did this kid say?

Let Chen Wan roll over.

Who is Chen Wan?

The general manager of Wantai Group.

Except for the big boss behind the scenes, he is the biggest in the company.

Who is this kid, dare to talk to Chen Wan like this.

Suddenly, Hu Tian's heart trembled.

Because he suddenly remembered that it seemed that Jia Rui just called Ye Chen as Mr. Ye.

Could it be that?

Hu Tian's expression suddenly changed at this time.

His brother-in-law was still bragging.

"Boy, you are dead. The bodyguards under my brother-in-law's hands are all trained by Long Shield. Wait, brother-in-law hurry up and call someone."

But when he turned his head, he found that his brother-in-law's expression was a bit wrong.

Chen Yu was taken aback and asked: "Brother-in-law, what's wrong with you?

At this time, Chen Yu saw her brother-in-law's face pale.

Hu Tian asked in a flustered expression: "Mr. Ye, don't you know your surname?"

Ye Chen glanced at Hu Tian and said lightly: "Ye Chen."


Hu Tian sat on the ground.

At this time, a Bentley car stopped at the entrance of the studio.

In the car, Chen Wan got out of the car in a panic.

Seeing Ye Chen with a cold complexion, and then looking at Hu Tian sitting on the ground, Chen Wan suddenly knew that this Hu Tian must have provoked Boss Ye.

Now, Ye Chen is the largest shareholder of Wantai Group and the real boss of Wantai Group.

This innocent guy, it's not good to offend anyone, he even offended the king.

Chen Wan hurriedly came to Ye Chen: "Ye Dong, what's wrong?"

Ye Chen sneered and said, "What's wrong, you can ask your branch manager."

At this time, Hu Tian's face was dead.

He never dreamed that this young man turned out to be the big boss behind the Wantai Group.

If he knew, he wouldn't dare to take the role of Ye Chen if he had the courage.


Hu Tian knelt on the ground.

My brother-in-law wanted to watch Hu Tian show off his power, but saw that his brother-in-law was kneeling on the ground unexpectedly.

"Brother-in-law, what's wrong with you?"

Hu Tian glared at Chen Yu: "You bastard, it's all your brother-in-law's stuff. I still don't apologize to Mr. Ye. He is the big boss of our Wantai Group.

Hearing Hu Tian's words, Chen Yu knelt on the ground with his legs weakened.

Hu Tian often said how awesome the big boss behind his group is.

Unexpectedly, I was going to grab such a powerful character today.

There was dead silence all around.

Everyone stared at this scene blankly.

The two kings who were arrogant just now are actually kneeling in front of Ye Chen.

Ye Chen said coldly: "Mr. Chen, fire this Hu Tian. Our company will not hire him in the future."

Chen Wan nodded after hearing it, and kicked Hu Tian on top of him.

"You dumb thing, Lao Tzu gave you a bowl of rice to eat, so you smashed your own rice bowl by yourself."

Hu Tian is a distant relative of Chen Wan. He asked Hu Tian to manage a branch because of the relative's face.

This time Star Entertainment was shooting a series. Chen Wan also wanted to please Ye Chen, so he asked Hu Tian to invest.

In the end, this guy actually offended Ye Chen because his brother-in-law was going to be the leading role.

"Boss, I was wrong, give me another chance." Hu Tian cried.

However, Ye Chen's expression was cold.

Since Wantai Group is its own company, it is no problem for such a person if he does not see it. Since he sees it, he must clear the company.

Chen Wan snorted coldly, and said to the bodyguard beside him: "Drag the two of them out, and discount one leg for each."

Hu Tian and Chen Yu were dragged out by the bodyguards, and after a while there was a miserable cry from outside.

Chen Wan looked at Ye Chen nervously: "Ye Dong is the one who hires me and doesn't check it. You can scold me."

Ye Chen said coldly: "This is the first and last time. If you use nepotism again, this general manager won't have to do it."

After hearing Ye Chen's words, Chen Wan's heart trembled: "I know, I promise this is the last time."

Seeing that the awesome General Manager Wantai was reprimanded like a child in front of Ye Chen, everyone was stunned.

Girls like Yang Mimi and Tong Xiaoya were even more shining in their eyes.

Ye Chen's performance just now was cooler than the domineering president on TV.

With good looks, temperament, and so rich, this man is simply the best in the world.

Ye Chen waved his hand: "Okay, we have to make a movie, you go back first."

Chen Wan couldn't help nodding, then turned and left.

Watching Chen Wan leave, everyone on the set looked at Ye Chen in shock.

Originally, they thought Ye Chen was just rich, but now they know that he is a good boss.

You know, Chen Wan is the general manager of the most powerful real estate company in the magic capital. Such a person is actually Ye Chen's subordinate.

Ye Chen was so awesome.

"Okay, Director Jia, I have taken all the flies away, and we can start preparing for filming."

Hearing Ye Chen's words, Jia Rui said excitedly: "All departments are ready, let's start shooting."

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