Published at 27th of April 2021 12:29:55 PM

Chapter 645: 645

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Deng Xiaochao stopped abruptly: "President Ye, thank you, you are our benefactor to the whole village."

Ye Chen was also very moved to see Deng Xiaochao's actions.

"Xiao Chao, you are welcome. I am also very happy to be able to help your hometown's desert become an oasis. By the way, you can take my private jet and go back. If you have any difficulties, please tell me.

Deng Xiaochao nodded and drove directly to the airport.

After getting off the plane, Deng Xiaochao took another day and night in the car before returning to his hometown.

Deng Xiaochao's hometown is surrounded by deserts, but there is a village here.

This is Deng Xiaochao's hometown.

After graduating from university, Deng Xiaochao actually had the opportunity to stay in the city, but he did not hesitate to stay in his hometown to help the folks in his hometown get rich.

In the past few years, he had made a lot of money outside, but after repeated experiments and failures, now he has almost lost the money.

When he was worried, he met Ye Chen.

Seeing Deng Xiaochao's return, the faces of the villagers were very sad.

They worked very hard, but they didn't expect to fail again this time.

Many folks have red eyes.

Deng Xiaochao smiled: "Everyone, what's wrong? We haven't failed. As long as we work hard, our dream will be realized."

The old village chief sighed: "Xiao Chao, everyone knows that you have paid too much for us, but our place is really not suitable for planting fruit trees. Don't come back. You should have a better life."

Although everyone is reluctant to bear Deng Xiaochao, Deng Xiaochao has paid too much for his hometown in recent years.

They are really embarrassed to let Deng Xiaochao continue to pay for them.

Many people even think that this may be fate.

In the orchard, the fruit trees that had been blown down were placed on the side of the road, and all the villagers looked at themselves.

Originally they thought they had succeeded, but nature taught them another lesson.

Seeing the fruit trees that were blown down by the wind and sand, people were bleeding in their hearts.

Deng Xiaochao smiled and said: "What are you talking about, village chief? I promised Mama Bai to turn this place into an oasis. This time I bring back a good thing. We will definitely succeed this time."

Hearing Deng Xiaochao's words, everyone was stunned.

But many people don't believe it, thinking that Deng Xiaochao is just to comfort everyone.

After all experiments, but all failed.

Deng Xiaochao smiled and said, "How many seeds do we have?"

"There are two more bags," the village chief said.

"Everyone planted it, but I brought a secret weapon this time. They will definitely be able to defeat the wind and sand."

Seeing the confidence on Deng Xiaochao's face, everyone was stunned.

Deng Xiaochao explained: "I met a university president in the city. I have been working with them in that school to research projects these days. Our experiment was successful. After our experiment, after the special fertilizer I used, The seed's gripping ability can reach a few meters, and no matter how big the sand is blown away, we can really become an oasis here in the future."

Hearing Deng Xiaochao's words, everyone was ecstatic in their hearts, but they were all skeptical.

Can it really be so powerful?

Deng Xiaochao took out the potion and said, "This is the result of our research, this is a treasure."

He also talked to the villagers about the principle of this medicine, but everyone didn't understand it.

This potion is green, and it feels very ordinary. Does it really have such a powerful effect?

Deng Xiaochao said: "After watering with this kind of potion, our seeds will survive in two months, and it only needs to be watered with very little water, which is very drought-tolerant."

After Deng Xiaochao finished speaking, everyone was stunned.

Is the potion in his hand really so powerful?

Desert land is almost inexhaustible, but plants cannot be grown at all.

It would be great if the desert can be turned into an oasis, as Deng Xiaochao said.

"Xiao Chao, really? The potion in your hand is really so magical?"

"Well, we have gone through scientific experiments, and it must be no problem."

Hearing Deng Xiaochao's affirmative answer, all the villagers cheered.

Everyone has been looking forward to this day for so many years, and now it has really come true.

All the villagers took action.

Everyone replanted the seeds one after another, and Deng Xiaochao carefully prepared the potion proportionally.

After everyone's efforts, it took half a day to plant all the seeds, and now we are waiting for a bumper harvest in two months.

In Kyoto, Ye Chen was also very happy to hear about Deng Xiaochao.

It can be said that they are the first experimental fruit forest, and whether it succeeds depends on two months later.

Hanging up the phone, Ye Chen's cell phone rang, the call was connected, and Xiaoxiang's voice came from inside.

"Ye Chen, I found out who wanted to kill you, Wei Liang from the Wei family in Kyoto."

Kyoto Wei Liang?

Ye Chen frowned.

The name Ye Chen is very strange.

Xiaoxiang said: "You have to be careful. This Wei Liang is not simple. He has a monstrous background. He is the eldest son of the Wei family of the four major families in Kyoto."

"Thank you, Xiaoxiang, I owe you a favor."

Ye Chen hung up the phone and turned on the computer.

Soon Wei Liang's information was checked out by Ye Chen.

This Wei Liang graduated from Laverton University in M ​​country and has practiced taekwondo, which is the 9th dan of taekwondo.

"Want to deal with me? Very good, see who of us can play who."

For the enemy, Ye Chen would never be soft-hearted.

At this time, Ye Chen's phone rang again.

Ye Chen glanced at the call from Su Wanyi.

Why is this girl calling me so late.

The phone was connected, and Su Wanyi's anxious voice came from inside.

"Ye Chen, can you accompany me back to Kyoto? My grandpa is sick."

"Okay, no problem." Ye Chen nodded.

Ye Chen contacted his private plane directly, and the two flew directly from Modu to Kyoto.

After getting off the car, Ye Chen drove straight to Su's house.

The Su family is also a first-line family in Kyoto.

However, Su Wanyi's father didn't like the family property contention within the family, so he came to Demon Capital Development.

Under Su Wanyi's guidance, Ye Chen drove to Su's house.

The Su family is a large house.

Ye Chen knew that it was not easy for the Su family to have such a large house under the roots of this golden imperial city.

Su Wanyi explained: "Actually, the Su family also has villas in the suburbs, but my grandfather just wants to live here."

Ye Chen smiled, and the two got out of the car.

As soon as he arrived at the door, a woman in her fifties greeted her.

"Miss, you can count as coming back." The woman saw Su Wanyi enthusiastically.

Su Wanyi asked anxiously: "Wu Ma, how is my grandfather?"

Madam Wu said: "Grandpa's condition is quite serious. In fact, grandpa is in good condition recently, but I don't know why he suddenly fell ill while eating today. Although Li TCM prescribed medicine, his condition is not very good. "

Su Wanyi followed Wu Ma hurriedly towards the villa.

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