Published at 27th of April 2021 12:29:53 PM

Chapter 646: 646

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As soon as the three people walked into an old house, Ye Chen smelled a strong smell.

Ye Chen quickly smelled the smell of herbs.

Ye Chen frowned at the smell.

Entering the room, Ye Chen saw a thin old man lying on the bed.

The old man's face was pale and his complexion was very bad.

Although his complexion was not good, but seeing Ye Chen, the old man waved to let Su Wanyi pass.

"Wanyi, why are you so fast? Doesn't it mean that a genius has a plane?" Su Hong asked with a smile.

"Grandpa, I came here by a friend's private jet." Su Wanyi replied.

At this time, the old man's eyes fell on Ye Chen's body.

"Oh, who is this?" Su Hong asked.

Su Wanyi smiled and said, "This is my friend Ye Chen."

Ye Chen came to the bed: "Hello, grandpa."

We greeted the old man, and the two of them came out because the old man needed a rest.

At this time, a middle-aged man walked in and saw Ye Chen's face suddenly sink.

"Wan Yi, what's the matter with you? Why did you bring an outsider back, and also brought it to the old house to understand the rules."

Su Wanyi heard this and said, "Second Uncle Ye Chen is my friend. If it weren't for him, I wouldn't be able to come back so quickly."

"Hmph, your grandpa is so sick now, it's too much for you to still be in the mood to bring your boyfriend back." A girl who was about the same age as Su Wanyi said coldly.

Hearing the girl's voice, Ye Chen frowned.

It was a bitter and mean girl who was talking about Su Wanyi's cousin.

"I didn't." Su Wanyi defended.

"No, do you think everyone is blind? This person has been brought home, what else do you have to say?" The second sister-in-law said in a strange way.

Su Wanyi's pretty face flushed.

The reason why their family went to the magic city at the beginning was that they didn't want to be with the second uncle's family.

Acrimonious, nothing to look for.

"The child nowadays is really ignorant, poor grandpa loved her so much at the beginning."

"You guys." Su Wanyi's eyes were red.

Yes, grandpa really loves her the most, but she also cares about grandpa the most.

Otherwise, I will not give up important meetings and return to Kyoto.

But these people are indiscriminate, and Su Wanyi feels that she is also indistinguishable.

"I think it's your family who is ignorant." Ye Chen suddenly said.

"What are you talking about?" Su Wanyi's second uncle, Su Zhen, looked cold.

Ye Chen said coldly: "Grandpa needs a rest, but your family is yelling here, tell me who is ignorant."

"What are you? What does our family's affairs have to do with you?" Su Wanyi's second sister-in-law Liu Yun scolded.

"Yes, someone blasted this little **** out for me."

"I see who dares, Ye Chen is my friend, don't forget that I am Miss Su Family." Seeing these people target Ye Chen, Su Wanyi was also angry and stood in front of Ye Chen.

"Su Wanyi, you turned your elbow out towards an outsider." Su Zhen scolded.

Right here, a coughing sound came from the bedroom: "Do you want me to die soon?"

Hearing the father's voice, everyone stopped arguing.

Su Yue said: "Grandpa, you are sick, and Wanyi brought an outsider here. It's so ignorant. My parents said a few words about her, and she didn't like it."

"Hmph, I asked her to bring Wanyi's friend back. Are you going to send me out?"

Hearing what the old man said, Su Zhen's family suddenly lost their temper.

Su Wanyi's heart warmed slightly, grandpa is kidding me.

Ye Chen said: "Grandpa, I just saw that you are going to rest. I wanted to wait for you to rest before seeing a doctor. Since you can't sleep, I'll show you your illness."

Su Hong was stunned for a moment: "Will you see a doctor?"

Ye Chen nodded: "Understand a little bit."

Su Wanyi only remembered now, yes, how can I forget that Ye Chen is a doctor and his medical skills are not bad.

Su Zhen snorted coldly on the side: "Joke, you can also see a doctor as a hairy boy? Our dignified Su family asks a quack doctor to see the doctor, so it won't be laughed out of."

Ye Chen heard a cold snort: "There is really no one who can cure the old man's disease except me. Are you afraid that I will cure the old man's disease?"

Hearing Ye Chen's words, Su Zhen's expression changed: "You fart."

Su Wanyi said to her grandpa from the side: "Grandpa, Ye Chen's medical skills are very good, and he is a visiting professor at Ren'ai Hospital."

Visiting professor at Renai Hospital?

Hearing Su Wanyi's words, everyone was shocked.

Su Hong nodded: "Okay, since that's the case, I will trouble the little friend."

Ye Chen smiled: "I and Wanyi are friends, this is all we should be."

Su Hong said: "Then trouble the little friend, my illness is really too uncomfortable."

Ye Chen nodded and said, "Then let me get the pulse of the old man first."

Seeing the old man really let Ye Chen cure his illness, Su Zhen's family looked gloomy.

If Ye Chen cured the old man, it would definitely be very unfavorable to their plan.

And they clearly saw that Mr. Su had a very good impression of Ye Chen.

Ye Chen gave the old man a moment's pulse and then said: "Grandpa, you should have been hit on the head recently."

Su Hong was taken aback, and shook his head: "No."

Su Zhen sneered on the side: "Boy, don't be imaginary, you haven't been fooled, right."

Su Hong suddenly remembered something: "By the way, when I was watering the flowers two days ago, I did bump into the window sill together. At that time, I felt that my eyes were dark, but I was fine soon. What are you talking about?"

Ye Chen nodded: "Yes, your headache is because of this collision, which caused congestion in your head and blood loss. This is what caused the symptoms of dizziness, nausea, and inability to eat."

Su Hong was also a little surprised after hearing what Ye Chen said.

"Yes, I have all the symptoms you mentioned."

Ye Chen continued: "Furthermore, the doctor prescribes you a Chinese medicine for colds and colds, and there is no right medicine at all, so your condition is getting worse and worse. Fortunately, you meet me, otherwise you will be in danger."

"Nonsense, we hired a famous doctor of traditional Chinese medicine in Kyoto." Su Zhen's expression changed.

Ye Chen snorted coldly: "Otherwise he is a quack doctor or else..."

He didn't say the second half of the sentence, but the meaning was already obvious.

Su Lao glanced at Su Zhen without speaking, and said, "Little friend, thanks to you this time, do you think there is still treatment for my disease?"

Knowing Ye Chen's medical skills, Old Su was more and more polite to Ye Chen.

Ye Chen nodded and said, "Of course there is a cure. This little problem is not a disease at all to me."

Hearing Ye Chen's words, Su Wanyi's face was also happy.

"Great, then you can treat Grandpa quickly."

Ye Chen smiled: "Okay, I will prescribe a prescription and take the medicine on time. The old man's illness will be cured soon."

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