Published at 27th of April 2021 12:29:52 PM

Chapter 647: 647

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Ye Chen asked someone to fetch paper and pen, and then wrote the prescription on it.

Many Su family members had some opinions on Ye Chen just now.

However, seeing that Ye Chen's medical skills were so brilliant, he immediately looked at Ye Chen with admiration.

The only one who is depressed is Su Zhen's family.

They were very happy to see the old man falling ill, but suddenly they were rescued back, so their search for family property had to be delayed again.

Su Zhen stared at Ye Chen with cold eyes: "It's all this **** guy."

The old man drank the prescription Ye Chen prescribed and his condition got better.

Su Wanyi and Ye Chen were planning to leave when they saw the old man's illness healed, but at this time someone walked in outside.

This man is very handsome in a suit.

Seeing the visitor Su Wanyi frowned: "Wei Liang, what are you doing here?"

Ye Chen raised his brows when he heard Wei Liang's name.

It was this Wei Liang who bought Xiaoxiang to kill him.

Seeing Wei Liang's eyes at Su Wanyi, Ye Chen understood why this guy had to do it to himself.

Obviously, Wei Liang was eyeing Su Wanyi, and he knew the relationship between the two of them, that's why he attacked him.

Wei Liang smiled faintly: "Sister Wanyi, why don't you tell me when you come back, I didn't hear that Grandpa was sick and came here to take a look."

Old Su saw Wei Liang's face with a faint smile: "Wei Liang, you are interested."

Wei Liang said, "Haha, Grandpa Su, I was the one you grew up. You are sick, so how can I not come."

Old Su nodded: "Well, how is Mr. Wei these days."

"My grandfather has a very good body, he just keeps talking about you."

Old Su sighed, "Hey, we are all old bones with today and no tomorrow."

Wei Liang said to the side: "Grandpa is not. I think you can live to be a hundred years old."

After chatting with Su Lao for a while, Wei Liang suddenly said, "Wanyi, tomorrow our friends in the circle in Kyoto will have a party. Come and join us."

Su Wanyi just wanted to refuse, Su Lao on the side said: "Wanyi, don't be too lonely. It's always good to make more friends."

"Yes, grandpa, I know." Su Wanyi reluctantly agreed.

After all, grandpa just happened to be seriously ill, and Su Wanyi didn't want to make grandpa anxious.

Wei Liang glanced at Ye Chen next to Su Wanyi, with a faint smile on his face: "Wanyi, you haven't introduced me yet, is this one?"

Su Wanyi said lightly: "He is my boyfriend Ye Chen."

Hearing Su Wanyi's words, Wei Liang's face was obviously a little ugly.

But he still smiled awkwardly: "Oh, this way, hello, Wei Liang from the Wei family, take good care of you when you meet for the first time."

Ye Chen looked at the other's hypocritical smile, and smiled coldly: "You are killing me, so please take care of me."

But Ye Chen also shook hands with Wei Liang: "Hello, I have long heard that Wei Shao is so bitter, so lucky to meet."

Sword Qi?

Wei Liang was taken aback for a moment.

Recently, he has indeed learned swords from a master.

Could it be that the sword qi has been refined?

But soon, Wei Liang understood that the sword qi in Ye Chen's mouth meant humble qi.

But even though he was a little angry, he still had to maintain a good image in front of Mr. Su.

Wei Liang: "..."

Although Wei Liang was shocked when he heard Ye Chen's words, there was no expression on his face.

When Wei Liang left, Su Wanyi was a little worried.

"What's wrong with Wanyi?" Ye Chen asked.

Su Wanyi sighed: "I really don't want to attend this party. It's just that some rich second-generation pretends are not interesting at all, and there are some flies that are too annoying."

Ye Chen smiled faintly: "Don't worry, everything has me."

On the second day, luxury cars gathered at the Kyoto Grand Hotel.

This gathering was organized by the Wei family. The rich second-generation circle would meet once or twice a year, saying that it was for the purpose of communicating feelings, but in fact it was just a gathering of some rich second-generation girls pretending to be a girl.

Su Wanyi was naturally disgusted with such gatherings.

At the beginning of the banquet, Ye Chen wore a suit and stayed with Su Wanyi all the time.

Originally, some rich second generations who were interesting to Su Wanyi had no choice but to give up when they saw the handsome Ye Chen.

No way, Ye Chen's face is too bad.

Even many ladies and ladies couldn't help but look at Ye Chen more.

Because they always feel that Ye Chen is completely different from other rich second generations.

Ye Chen's body is more masculine, not only the face value is against the sky, but the temperament on his body is even more exciting.

At this moment, a young man in a suit walked in.

With a cold smile on Wei Liang's face, he looked at Ye Chen beside Su Wanyi.

In the circle of Kyoto, Wei Liang is a famous evil lesser.

I don't know how many bad things have been done, how many girls have been insulted.

But Wei Liang has always liked Su Wanyi.

At first, I didn't know how much thought was spent chasing Su Wanyi.

Later, Su Wanyi couldn't stand Wei Liang, so she left Kyoto.

Su Wanyi didn't feel anything about Wei Liang's scumbag. Su Wanyi only disgusted him.

But the Wei family is one of the four big families after all, so no one dared to provoke him.

Some time ago, it was said that he insulted a girl and forced others to jump off the building. As a result, the city was full of troubles.

Afterwards, Wei Liang disappeared for a while. It is said that he went abroad to take shelter, and he returned quickly as expected.

Wei Liang's return this time has an important goal to be Su Wanyi.

He had always regarded Su Wanyi as his prey, and it was very uncomfortable not to eat it in his mouth for so many years.

"Wanyi hasn't seen you for so long, I miss you so much." Wei Liang looked at Su Wanyi, his eyes full of love.

"Wei Liang, please, do you think I can't change it anymore, don't pester me." Su Wanyi said silently.

Ye Chen couldn't help laughing aside.

Su Wanyi's way of rejecting people is really interesting.

Rejected by Su Wanyi, Wei Liang had a fire in his heart, and was ridiculed by Ye Chen. Wei Liang's face changed slightly, and he directly cast his anger on Ye Chen.

He Wei Liang is the eldest son of the Wei family of the four major families, Ye Chen is nothing but a triumphant son.

In Wei Liang's body, he always felt that he was superior, that he was born with the blood of a nobleman.

So for Ye Chen's sneer, he couldn't bear it.

"Your name is Ye Chen. Tell you it's better to stay away from Su Wanyi, otherwise you don't know how you died."

Ye Chen smiled faintly after hearing it, "have you tried it already? But am I not standing here?"

After hearing Ye Chen's words, Wei Liang's expression changed. Does this kid know?

When he asked the killer to kill Ye Chen, the other party replied that the mission failed, without saying anything.

Originally, he wanted to add money, but the other party said that he would not accept this task.

Could it be that this kid has something to do with that killer group?

"Hmph, I am chatting with Wanyi, who are acquainted, you'd better go away and don't interrupt."

Ye Chen smiled faintly: "You have wronged me, everyone is watching? When did I insult you?"

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