Published at 27th of April 2021 12:29:44 PM

Chapter 654: 654

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Zhou Susu turned his head and frowned when he saw the person coming.

"Uncle Li, he attacked the police and was still gathering crowds in the bar to make trouble. I arrested him to perform my duty. Why can't you say no?" Zhou Susu said coldly.

"Susu, let go, otherwise I won't be able to protect you."

Li Cheng winked at the other two police officers.

One of the policemen unfastened the handcuffs on Geng Hao's wrists.

Geng Hao saw a touch of excitement on the person's face, and pointed to Ye Chen and said, "What are you guys doing in a daze? This kid broke my head and won't catch him."

Zhou Susu frowned when he heard it, and stood in front of Ye Chen: "Uncle Li, it's okay to let him go, but catching Ye Chen is a bit too much."

The middle-aged man sighed and said, "Young Master Geng, forget it. This kid has a very hard background. I can't offend you, nor can I offend him."


Geng Hao pointed to Ye Chen: "You wait for me."

The corner of Ye Chen's mouth raised: "Okay, I'm waiting for you."

Ye Chen followed Zhou Susu out of the bar, and when he reached the door, Ye Chen stopped suddenly.

"Dude, I'll take away the girl. If you are wronged, you can solve it by yourself at night."

After all, Ye Chen and Zhou Susu left in Geng Hao's angry eyes.


It was a bit cold at night.

The street lights stretched the figure of two people.

Zhou Susu didn't seem to be in a very good mood, so he lowered his head and said nothing.

Ye Chen casually followed Zhou Susu.

Ye Chen knew Zhou Susu's mood at this time.

Ye Chen understands that Zhou Susu is a girl with a strong sense of justice. Otherwise, with such a superior family environment, she would not be able to become a policeman.

But today's events caused Zhou Susu to suffer a bit.

In her heart, the bad guys should be punished.

But she watched the bad guys get away with it, feeling like this, Zhou Susu must be very sad.

At this time, Ye Chen saw a roadside night snack stall.

"Let's have supper together."

Zhou Susu nodded.

The two came to a barbecue stall, and Ye Chen ordered a few skewers.

It's already past 11 o'clock in the evening, so there are very few people at the barbecue stall, with only a few customers.

Zhou Susu is usually a very lively girl, but today she has been depressed, even in a daze.

Ye Chen looked at Zhou Susu's face and sighed secretly in his heart.

Zhou Susu is really beautiful.

Especially her appearance, she is obviously a very delicate girl, but she has a cold expression, her delicate skin is like a peach, and her big eyes are more aura.

Slender figure, without a trace of fat, S-shaped figure, extremely seductive.

With a sassy police uniform and a peerless face, it is no wonder that the guy named Geng Hao would think about her.

Seeing that Zhou Susu's mood was very low, Ye Chen comforted: "Susu, as a policeman, you have done a great job, but the world is not what you think, there will always be a dark side."

"But, as a law enforcement officer, I am not reconciled when I see the bad guys and watch him at large."

"There is nothing unwilling to be unwilling. We just need to do our best for everything. No matter what, it is impossible to be perfect. All we have to do is to do our best and have a clear conscience."

After hearing Ye Chen's words, Zhou Susu fell into deep thought.

Before, she liked this profession very much.

It is because she can bring the bad guys to justice and get the bad guys punished.

But today, she suddenly felt weak.

For example, this Geng Hao, who has clearly violated the law, can be above the law.

She has always thought that her career is great, but today she suddenly feels powerless.

Zhou Susu only wanted to be a police officer who punishes rape, but now she understands that some bad guys can evade legal punishment.

However, Zhou Susu has experienced a lot of things today and has grown a lot.

If it weren't for Ye Chen's appearance, maybe he would really suffer a big loss today.

There is nothing right or wrong in this world, but strength.

After all, only with absolute strength like Ye Chen can he protect the justice in his heart.

Zhou Susu pondered for a moment and suddenly said, "Ye Chen, I don't want to be a policeman anymore."

Ye Chen froze for a moment: "Hey, you wouldn't be so fragile, would such a small matter make you give up your dream?"

Zhou Susu nodded: "Yes, being a policeman is my dream, and I have always worked hard for this dream, but today I really feel a little bit chilly. What is justice and what is evil? Is it possible that some evil can override it? Is it above justice?"

"Since I can't punish **** and eliminate evil, what is the point of being a policeman."

Ye Chen smiled faintly: "Have you never heard another sentence? Justice will be late, but he will never be absent."

Zhou Susu was taken aback.

Ye Chen smiled and said, "Why don't we drink some bar. It is said that wine can forget all the troubles."

Zhou Susu nodded after hearing this: "Well, today we will not be drunk or go home."

Ye Chen smiled and said, "Boss, come here with a drizzle of beer."

Zhou Susu directly said: "Boss, we don't want beer, we want to do nothing."

Ye Chen: "..."

He shook his head helplessly. Ye Chen suggested drinking. Naturally, he would drink whatever the beauty wanted.

Ye Chen drank two cups of a bottle of Laobaigan, and Zhou Susu also drank a cup.

At this time, Zhou Susu's pretty face was already a little red, and his eyes were a little blurred.

Zhou Susu sighed and said, "Ye Chen, do you know? I have always wanted to maintain justice and want to be the patron saint of the people, but now I understand that justice sometimes has to bow my head like evil, and I am not reconciled."

Ye Chen and Zhou Susu touched the cups, and then smiled and said, "In fact, this is the real world. There are good and evil in this world. Today this Geng Hao is only one of the insignificant of evil, so we can only constantly make ourselves become Strong, dreams can’t go smoothly, and some thorns are normal, so if this makes you give up, you can only say that you don’t really like this dream at all."

Zhou Susu was suddenly stunned.

"Unexpectedly, you are so good at persuading people, you are simply better than our political commissars in ideological work."

"Haha, thank you for the compliment. If you have anything to worry about in the future, just ask me, I am good at coaxing girls." Ye Chen smiled.

"Ye Chen, there are many girls around you," Zhou Susu said suddenly.

After all, Ye Chen is handsome and rich. There are no other girls around such a man, and Zhou Susu doesn't believe it either.

"Well, yeah, I'm so handsome, how can there be no girls around me."

Zhou Susu suddenly laughed: "You are quite honest, no matter what, thank you, so that I can stick to my dream again, yes, as long as I have a clear conscience, that's enough. I will be a good policeman to guard the people. "

The two clinked glasses again, and the wine in the glasses was drunk.

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