Published at 27th of April 2021 12:29:41 PM

Chapter 656: 656

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Zhou Susu sprang out of the house fiercely.

"Who do you really say is illegal trading."

"Team Zhou?" Seeing Zhou Susu's two policemen staring at each other.

"Team Zhou, we were wrong, I'm bothering you." The two police officers left in a panic.

Seeing the two policemen leaving, Ye Chen felt very depressed.

What kind of thing is this?

Because of the rounds, it was a perfect night, and it was completely cold.

Zhou Susu pretty face flushed, and at this moment, she couldn't wait to find a seam to get in directly.

Ye Chen was also a little embarrassed and didn't know what to do.

After half a day, Ye Chen said, "Susu, are you okay?"

Zhou Susu shook his head: "I'm fine, but I want to go home."

Ye Chen listened and said, "Why don't you just rest here at this late hour? It happens to be quiet here. There is a villa near me, let me go."

Zhou Susu's pretty face flushed, she didn't even dare to see Ye Chen, she nodded shyly.

Although a little embarrassing, Zhou Susu was still very guilty.

In fact, she really likes Ye Chen in her heart, and originally wanted to use this time directly...

I didn't expect to encounter such a thing.

Now that these policemen have mixed up with them, they don't have any thoughts.

Seeing Zhou Susu's embarrassment, Ye Chen smiled faintly: "Well, you can rest first, I'll go now."

With that, Ye Chen opened the door and left the hotel.

Out of the hotel, the night breeze was a bit cold.

Nima, what is this?

At this time, Ye Chen's cell phone rang suddenly.

Ye Chen glanced at the WeChat message sent by Zhou Susu.

"Ye Chen, I'm sorry, I'm all to blame for letting you play this way before going home."

"It's okay, isn't this an accident?"

"Do you... do you think I'm too that?

Ye Chen froze for a moment: "No, haha, you are a very cute little policewoman."

Zhou Susu blushed as he watched the text message sent by Ye Chen. After a long silence, he finally sent a message: "Let's get along again, and there will be opportunities in the future."

Although Zhou Susu was a resolute criminal police captain in the police station, Zhou Susu was still very reserved when he encountered this incident.

If it wasn't because she really liked Ye Chen, and this kind of thing happened tonight, in any case, Zhou Susu would not send such a text message.

Zhou Susu was lying in the hotel at this time, her face flushed.

God, what did I do? How could such a text message be sent.

I don't know why, Zhou Susu feels that since he met Ye Chen, his whole person has changed.

She was ashamed to think about what she was going to do with Ye Chen tonight.

Ye Chen glanced at the text message, amused in his heart.

This girl, but the harvest today was quite big, at least he had a huge breakthrough with Zhou Susu.

As for things like two people, it's just a matter of course.

Ye Chen glanced at the road, very quiet.

There is not even a bright car.

Hey, it's so late, it looks like the big brother is dick.

But at this moment, Ye Chen's eyes condensed, because he saw a dozen people walking towards him with sticks in their hands not far away.

A group of fierce and vicious bullies, still holding weapons in their hands, don't need to ask if they are coming towards themselves.

Ye Chen frowned, too, whose people are these? Could it be that Geng Hao sent it?

His eyes fell on the head of a scar face.

The other party stared at him with cold eyes, Ye Chen could feel the strong killing intent on the other party.

Obviously, the other party is going to kill himself.

Ye Chen's eyes also narrowed. This person Ye Chen had actually seen him, and he was following the man next to the middle-aged man.

"Boy, you provoke Young Master Geng, you think it's over, you dare to come out alone so late, you are really looking for death." Scarface looked at Ye Chen, and joined forces to reveal a strong killing intent.

Ye Chen also smiled, and he smiled faintly: "You Young Master Geng hasn't given up yet. You want to deal with me. It seems that I beat her too lightly today."

After hearing Ye Chen's words, Scarface's eyes were cold: "Boy, if it weren't for you, Master Geng would be very happy today. You affected Master Geng's mood and dared to smash his head. You can only say that you are stupid. Nosy you shouldn’t care about.”

Ye Chen smiled and said, "Hey, in fact, I should also be grateful to him. If it weren't for him, how could I have a chance to save the beauty by a hero? If it weren't for him, how could I have a chance to open a room with a beautiful woman.

"Hmph, it's so cool to die, then your time to die is also here."

Ye Chen glanced at Scar and the **** behind him with sticks in his hands and said coldly: "What are you doing? Now in a legal society, you want to kill people in the street?"

Scar sneered: "In a society ruled by law, Lao Tzu is law."

When the voice fell, Scar and a dozen men behind them rushed towards Ye Chen directly.

Ye Chen understood that these people had already murdered himself, so his expression was also slightly cold.

"Just because you want to kill me too, you value yourself too much."

When the voice fell, Ye Chen's body was like lightning, rushing to the group of **** holding sticks.

Bang bang bang!

Ye Chen would naturally not keep his hands on those who wanted to threaten his life, and in the blink of an eye, people kept falling down.

Scar looked at this scene coldly, his eyes gleaming with coldness.

With a flash of his body, he rushed towards Ye Chen, brandishing an iron rod, and smashing at Ye Chen's head.

Unlike those bastards, Scar's body has kung fu, and this iron rod was swung vigorously by him.

Ye Chen was speechless. He didn't seem to have any deep hatred following this scar. This guy was obviously going to kill himself.

Seeing that the opponent's moves were all ultimate moves, Ye Chen's eyes were also cold.

Scar flicked a stick, Ye Chen drew sideways, his body approached the Scar like lightning, and then patted it out with a palm.


Ye Chen's palm hit Scar's body heavily, and Scar's body retreated four or five steps, and then fell to the ground.

Although Scar wanted to stand up, there was a sharp pain in his chest and a mouthful of blood came out.

Ye Chen walked to Scar, wanting to solve this guy directly.

Suddenly, the early warning system flashed a red light, and Ye Chen felt an extremely dangerous crisis locked himself.

Ye Chen's eyes condensed, he stepped on his feet and bounced away.


A dart directly landed where Ye Chen just stood.

Then, a graceful figure slowly walked out of the darkness.

The opponent's jade hand waved another dart and shot towards Ye Chen.

In the darkness, the dart pierced Ye Chen's throat like lightning.

Ye Chen's face was slightly cold.

He directly waved the iron rod from the bastard's hand.

Dang Cang.

Ye Chen's iron rod directly knocked the dart into the air, and it was heavily nailed to the big tree nearby.

Almost at the same time, the woman was already close to Ye Chen like a phantom, and the dagger in her hand pierced Ye Chen's chest again.

The opponent's speed is very fast, all moves are murderous, if you don't pay attention, Ye Chen will be killed in the hands of this killer.

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