Published at 27th of April 2021 12:29:38 PM

Chapter 659: 659

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Ye Chen returned to the room and fell asleep soon.

As for the female killer Xiaoxiang in the house, Ye Chen didn't worry too much.

After all, there is an early warning system. If she has any dissatisfaction with herself, the system will prompt Ye Chen as soon as possible.

Ye Chen washed his face, thinking about what happened last night and shook his head helplessly.

I was invited to the room by two girls, and ended up in the woman's bed twice, but failed.

Hey, I'm so depressed.

But mainly because of his strong self-control ability.

After all, Brother is not a casual person.

Ye Chen was thinking wildly, and there was a knock on the door outside.

Open the door and see Xiaoxiang standing at the door.

"You got up so early?" Ye Chen looked at Xiaoxiang for a moment.

"Of course, I'm not like you are a vagrant."

"Who said that brother is a vagrant, I am a Didi driver, OK?" Ye Chen said silently.

Xiaoxiang changed her clothes and a leather jacket today, showing her S-shaped figure vividly and vividly.

"But your massage really works. I fell asleep when I lay on the bed last night. It's been a long time since I slept so soundly."

Ye Chen was speechless when he heard it. Yesterday he was tossing and turning on the bed for a long time without falling asleep.

Nima was teased by the beauty, but she didn't succeed. It felt so uncomfortable.

Xiaoxiang smiled and said: "Next time I have time, I will ask you to have a massage."

Ye Chen snorted coldly, "I'm not your servant."

Xiaoxiang smiled faintly: "I can meet your needs."

Ye Chen's eyes lit up.

However, Xiaoxiang continued: "There are many island countries***** your men like on my computer."

Ye Chen: "..."

Nima, was teased by this girl again.

Two people chose a seat and started to eat breakfast.

Worthy of being a five-star hotel, this breakfast is very rich.

Xiaoxiang looked at Ye Chen with a strange feeling in her heart.

She felt very happy with Ye Chen.

Especially Tricky Ye Chen, looking at his helpless expression, felt particularly comfortable.

Sleeping is good, and eating a lot.

The two were eating breakfast, and suddenly there was chaos not far away.

An old man suddenly fell to the ground while eating.

"Hurry up and hit 120!"

"This is the morning peak, and it will take at least half an hour for 120 to arrive."

Ye Chen also stood up and came to the place where everyone was watching.

I saw an old man lying in the crowd, looking very uncomfortable with his chest.

Ye Chen saw at a glance that the other party had a heart attack.

After all, Ye Chen possesses god-level medical skills, he won't be nosy, but he can't leave it alone.

The doctor is kind, he can't help but die when he sees that the old man is about to die.

At this time, Xiaoxiang also came to Ye Chen's side.

Beside the old man, a bunch of men and women were anxiously surrounding him.

At this time, a young man seemed unwilling to wait for the ambulance to come, so he wanted to carry the old man to the hospital.

Ye Chen hurriedly stopped the other party: "I don't want the old man to die."

Hearing Ye Chen's words, the man was also startled.

Ye Chen directly pushed the man aside, squatted beside the old man, and began to pulse the old man.

The young man was pushed around by Ye Chen, angrily, and he stood up and started to fight with Ye Chen.

"If you don't want your dad to die, give me a break. I am a doctor treating the elderly."

Hearing what Ye Chen said, the young man was stunned for a moment, and then his eyes became cold: "You are so young, even if you are a doctor or an intern, what qualifications do you have to treat my father?"

Ye Chen said coldly: "Your father needs a quiet environment for a heart attack now. If you want your father to die sooner, you can continue to make trouble."

After hearing Ye Chen's words, the young man finally stopped.

Although Ye Chen is very young, he is saving his father after all.

After taking the pulse, Ye Chen said, "Did the patient drank alcohol just now?"

The young man ordered: "Well, when I woke up in the morning, the old man suddenly became greedy, so I had a few drinks with him."

"Naughty, how can the old man drink alcohol casually?" Ye Chen frowned and said.

The young man stopped talking immediately, his father's temper was stubborn, and he actually stopped just now, but his father must drink.

Ye Chen said: "The old man is too excited because of alcohol, so if he waits for the ambulance to come, he must be treated immediately if it is too late."

After hearing Ye Chen's words, the young man's heart sank: "But there is no doctor how to treat it."

At this time, Ye Chen had taken out a small cloth bag from his pocket, unfolded the cloth bag, and filled it with silver needles.

"Wait a minute, can you cure it? Don't give my father a cure."

Ye Chen glanced at the young man: "Your father will die in less than a minute if he doesn't save him now, you sure don't need me to save him."

After hearing Ye Chen's words, the young man's complexion changed, gritted his teeth and said: "Please, Mr., please help my father."

Ye Chen didn't bother to talk to the other party, and directly inserted the silver needle into the acupuncture point near the old man's heart.

His fingers twisted lightly, and the silver needles were continuously inserted into the old man's body.

The painful color on the old man's face was obviously relieved a lot.

As time passed, the old man still closed his eyes and did not respond.

At this time, the family can't wait.

After all, Ye Chen is so young, even if he knows how to heal, how good he can be.

The young man said anxiously, "Can you do it? If you can't, don't treat it indiscriminately."

"Hey, why haven't the ambulances come yet?"

"If my father has a long time and two shortcomings, I won't let you go."

Ye Chen said coldly: "Be quiet, now the old man needs to be quiet, and his body can't move anyway, otherwise even the gods won't be able to save your father."

Hearing Ye Chen's words, although the young man was anxious, he did not dare to speak out.

In fact, according to the temper of the old man's son, Ye Chen really didn't want to worry about it.

But after all, the old man is a life.

Since I have encountered it, and if I have shot it, it must be cured.

With that, Ye Chen continued to transport the needle, and finally when the last silver needle was inserted, the old man's hand suddenly moved.

After a few more minutes, Ye Chen took a breath and pulled out the silver needle.

The old man also opened his eyes at this time.

"Dad, how do you feel." The young man exclaimed in surprise when he saw the old man wake up.

The old man stood up with the support of the crowd: "I feel like I was going around the ghost gate just now, thanks to this gentleman who saved me."

The young man also looked grateful: "Sir, thank you so much. If it weren't for you, my father would probably..."

Ye Chen said indifferently; "The old man is getting older and has a heart disease. In the future, let him drink as little as possible, understand?"

After speaking, Ye Chen turned and prepared to leave.

The young man stopped Ye Chen: "Sir, I must thank you for saving my father, so be it, this is 100,000 yuan, which is a little bit of mine."

Speaking, the young man wrote one hundred thousand on the check and handed it to Ye Chen.

Ye Chen didn't answer indifferently: "I still look down on this small amount of money, so let's do something good for the elderly if you donate it to the Hope Project."

"What?" Everyone was stunned when Ye Chen had directly refused one hundred thousand yuan.

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