Published at 27th of April 2021 12:29:36 PM

Chapter 661: 661

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Ye Chen was also very happy to see the students' high learning atmosphere.

On campus, many students have started their own new creations.

Sitting in the principal's office, Ye Chen was very happy to see the students studying hard.

At this time, there was a knock on the door outside.

"Come in."

The few students who walked in were all students majoring in mechanical manufacturing.

Monitor Lu Gang walked in the forefront.

Ye Chen smiled and said, "How is your mecha project?"

Lu Gang said: "It has been basically completed."

Ye Chen nodded: "I have a new project here. Are you interested in mechanical skeletons?"

Hearing Ye Chen's words, Lu Gang's eyes lit up.

After the mecha project was completed, Lu Gang didn't know what to do for a while, and this mechanical skeleton gave him a new goal.

Ye Chen first showed them a short video, a video of soldiers patrolling the border of China.

These fighters are patrolling with heavy load in high-altitude areas, which is a test of their physical strength and willpower.

If you have mechanical bones, it will be much easier.

After Ye Chen finished talking about the principles with a few students, Lu Gang said, "President Ye, don't worry, I will definitely complete this project."

"Okay, looking forward to your good news."

At this time, Deng Xiaochao also called Ye Chen. They planted apples in the desert very smoothly.

Not only did they grow apples, but they also planted a variety of trees and vegetables. Their hometown is already green.

Seeing the video sent by Deng Xiaochao happily, Ye Chen was also very pleased.

In the country of China, the medicine that Mr. Wei took back has been proven through repeated tests by experts that it can be used to control land desertification, and even some saline-alkali soils can grow plants.

This news made the Ministry of Agriculture of China very excited and immediately promoted it nationwide.

Star University, once again created a miracle.

Many newspapers have published news in the headlines that Star University Potion has turned the desert into an oasis.

"Stellar University is good."

"This is what a university should look like."

"If all universities are like Star University, why not worry about China's prosperity."

The technology of mechanical skeleton is actually not difficult.

Ye Chen has found the direction for the students.

In just one day, all parts of the equipment have been assembled.

Ye Chen also joined the final attack.

Thanks to Ye Chen's participation, the equipment of the mechanical skeleton has been assembled.

"It's done." Lu Gang looked at the mecha skeleton very excited.

Although the other classmates have been busy all day and night, they all have excited expressions on their faces.

The manufacturing this time is another improvement in their mechanical technology.

Ye Chen smiled: "Okay, let's take a break first, and then start the experiment."

There was footsteps outside, and Wei Lao walked in.

"Ye Chen, what good things have you studied again?"

Ye Chen smiled and said, "You'll know after a while."

At the beginning of the experiment, Lu Gang put on the mechanical skeleton, and then picked up fifty kilograms of rice.

A shocking thing happened. Although Lu Gang was holding fifty kilograms of rice, he walked unaffected by any influence. He walked like flying and even started trotting.

Ye Chen found another girl and asked her to carry a boy on his back.

This boy is a big fat man, but the weak girl is wearing a mechanical skeleton, and can even run with him on his back.

Wei Lao was stunned when he saw this scene.

"Ye Chen, is this?"

Ye Chen smiled faintly: "Its name is mechanical skeleton. After putting on him, the mechanical skeleton can relieve the weight of the weight-bearer, so that even if a person is carrying a few jins of things, he will not have any weight-bearing feeling."

Seeing Ye Chen's invention, Wei Lao was excited.

Although this project is very simple, it is too useful.

Whether in military or production, the significance of this project is epoch-making.

"Ye Chen, it's great, we bought this item."

Mr. Wei has already thought about building a factory for mass production.

In this way, the soldiers on the border don't need to carry such a difficult patrol.

This national project was quickly applied to border defense forces.

A soldier, carrying a heavy backpack, walks fast on the mountain road.

Soon this news spread across the Internet again.

And this technology is from Star University.

At this time, foreign countries also noticed that a lot of abandoned land in China, farmland appeared, and even oasis in the desert.

This news excites some countries in the African desert.

Because their country is located in the desert, drinking water is a problem, let alone growing plants.

Although the country is very poor, their fruits, vegetables and even water need to be imported.

The local people are suffering so much that they can't even get enough food and clothing.

These countries have applied to China for cooperation.

Regarding the applications from these countries, after negotiating with Ye Chen, they sold the liquid medicine to them.

After all, being able to solve the famine problem in these countries also has a great effect on world peace.

For this project, Star University won the International Natural Science Award.

This award is another recognition of Star University.

In the Great Hall of the Star University, all the students gathered here.

Officials from the International Red Cross Organization awarded the medal to Ye Chen, and all the students applauded excitedly.

This is the first international award won by the Star University.

After leaving the Star University, Ye Chen drove directly to the Ya Shi Group.

The two have already discussed, and they will watch a movie and go shopping together.

After a while, Su Wanyi came out of the building.

Su Wanyi is wearing an OL professional outfit today, as beautiful as it is.

"By the way, we are not going to the restaurant today, how about you cook for me?" Su Wanyi said suddenly.

Ye Chen nodded after hearing this: "No problem, let's go to the vegetable market to buy some food, and I will make you spicy crab."

"Great." Su Wanyi was also very happy.

The two had just got out of the car and were about to enter the vegetable market, when suddenly a van stopped not far away.

More than twenty big men got out of the car.

They both had murder weapons in their hands and rushed towards the two people.

Seeing this scene, Su Wanyi's face suddenly changed.

Ye Chen's eyes narrowed slightly, if he himself Ye Chen would not be afraid, but after all, there was Su Wanyi beside him.

Obviously, they came for themselves.

Damn, who are these guys?

Ye Chen didn't have time to think about it, pulling Su Wanyi towards the alley next to it.

Su Wanyi was wearing high heels and couldn't run fast. Ye Chen couldn't help but hugged Su Wanyi directly.

Ye Chen hugged Su Wanyi and ran wildly in the alley. Behind him was a group of big men with murder weapons.

Su Wanyi looked at Ye Chen's calm look, and the anxiety in her heart disappeared instantly.

Ye Chen calmly said as he ran: "Wan Yi, don't be afraid that no one can hurt you if you are here."

Hearing Ye Chen's promise, Su Wanyi was not afraid at all, but her heart thumped.

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