Published at 27th of April 2021 12:29:31 PM

Chapter 664: 664

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Ye Chen smiled: "I just saw that the old grandmother is really sick. They really need money, and the old man and the child depend on each other for life. If the old man is not cured, it is estimated that he will not live for a year. The old man is dead and the child is so young. Who will take care of them? Two hundred thousand is a huge sum of money for them, but for me it is a drop in the bucket."

Xiaoxiang smiled faintly after hearing this: "I didn't expect you to be quite caring."

Ye Chen smiled and said, "Are you attracted to such a handsome and kind boy like me?"

Xiaoxiang gave Ye Chen a white look: "Smelly beautiful, for the sake of you shopping with me, I will ask you to drink good things."

Ye Chen's eyes lit up after listening.

Last time, Zhou Susu invited himself to drink. If it wasn't for the police to make trouble, he would have eaten Zhou Susu now.

Today Xiaoxiang also invited himself to drink, then...

Ye Chen was already thinking about it at this time.

If you have a chance today, don't miss it.

However, when Xiaoxiang took Ye Chen into a store, Ye Chen was completely speechless.

It turned out to be tea instead of drinking.

Ye Chen looked at the fragrant red robe, but didn't feel anything.

Hey, such a beautiful beauty, why do you like to drink this kind of thing.

Isn't it delicious to drink some wine?

Xiaoxiang made a cup of tea for Ye Chen and said with a smile: "Look at how good the environment is here. Listening to the Buddhist sounds makes people feel calm."

Ye Chen smiled helplessly, his dream was still in vain.

Xiaoxiang looked at Ye Chen and smiled: "What are you in a daze, do you think about which big beauty?"

Ye Chen smiled awkwardly: "There is a big beauty in front of me, what am I thinking about."

Xiaoxiang snorted coldly: "Did you forget what I did? You can't lie to me. When you just walked with me, you kept smirking. A man only has that when he thinks about such bad things. A wretched expression."

Ye Chen: "..."

He couldn't tell Xiaoxiang that he was thinking about how to sleep with her.

Of course Ye Chen wouldn't say it, nor can it be said that this kind of thing was killed, but the other party was a super female killer who had countless ways to kill people.

"Actually, I was thinking how to make you happy."

Xiaoxiang froze for a while and smiled: "Are you serious?"

Ye Chen could see that Xiaoxiang's face showed a happy smile on Xiaoxiang's face when he heard his words.

"Of course." Ye Chen took a sip of Dahongpao.

"Well, this tea is good."

Xiaoxiang suddenly asked, "Ye Chen, can I ask you a question?"

Ye Chen was stunned for a moment: "What's the problem?"

"Will you like a woman like me?"

Ye Chen heard it, and the Da Hong Pao he had just drunk almost didn't spray out.

What is this?

Is this woman hinting at me? Or woo me?

Seeing that Ye Chen didn't answer, Xiaoxiang said with a bit of resentment: "Do you dislike me like this?"

Ye Chen shook his head: "In fact, it's not what you think?"

"Am I not beautiful enough?" Xiaoxiang asked, staring at Ye Chen.

Ye Chen shook his head.

Xiaoxiang's beauty is the kind of suffocating beauty. She is like a goddess who is difficult to profanity. With 99 points of beauty, she is definitely the best among women.

"Are you not satisfied with my figure?" Xiaoxiang asked again.

Ye Chen shook his head again.

Xiaoxiang's figure, S-shaped curve, bumpy, almost perfect.

"Then where are you not satisfied?" Xiaoxiang stared at Ye Chen.

Ye Chen smiled awkwardly: "Actually, you are a superb woman, but I don't think we are suitable as a couple."

Hearing what Ye Chen said, Xiaoxiang froze for a while, and then coldly snorted: "You are not afraid of hitting me, or I will be sad, so you just rejected them?"

Ye Chen said: "It is because you are too perfect, so I feel that I can't control you."

In fact, Ye Chen wanted to say that being a wife is not good, being a lover is very suitable, but he didn't dare to say this sentence.

Xiaoxiang smiled bitterly: "Do you know? Ever since I was young, it was the first time I confessed, but I didn't expect it to be rejected by you."

Ye Chen:..."

When the two were drinking tea, not far away, a man was looking at them with a telescope.

Subsequently, the man took out his cell phone.

"Now that Xiaoxiang and Ye Chen are together, you can act at any time."

"Yes, Brother Scar, we are ready, we will act when we find the right time."

After hanging up the phone, Scar took a deep breath, holding the telescope and looking at Xiaoxiang's graceful figure reluctantly.

"It's just a pity, this beauty is."

After drinking the tea, Xiaoxiang asked: "Well, where do we go if you said you want to make me happy?"

Ye Chen said speechlessly: "Are you so idle today?"

Xiaoxiang smiled faintly: "Yes, I want to relax today. Anyway, you said you want to make me happy. Just now you rejected me, this girl is very unhappy."

Ye Chen: "..."

It seems that Didi cannot be opened today.

But being with such a big beauty is indeed not a loss.

Xiaoxiang smiled and said: "By the way, I'll take you to a good place again."

Ye Chen was stunned for a moment: "Where are you going?"

Xiaoxiang smirked: "You'll know it later."

Ye Chen followed Xiaoxiang to an SP hot spring shop.

It turns out that this girl wants to go to the hot springs.

Ye Chen just walked to the door but a waiter stopped him.

"Sir, you can't enter."

Ye Chen glanced at the sign at the door. It turned out that this is a high-end ladies SP hot spring that only caters to female customers.

There was even a sign at the door that men and dogs were not allowed to enter.

Does the owner of this shop have any misunderstandings about men?

Xiaoxiang stopped and said to the waiter: "Who said he is a man?"

Ye Chen was speechless, how could he not be a man.

The waiter glanced at Ye Chen, especially when he stayed at a certain part for a while.

The characteristics of men are obvious.

At this time a coquettish woman came out: "So it is Xiaoxiang, why did you bring a little man to the hot spring today?"

Xiaoxiang smiled: "Well, bring friends to have fun."

Obviously this woman is the boss.

The woman said to the waiter: "The friends that Boss Xiao brings are not restricted."

So Ye Chen followed Xiaoxiang into the women's hot spring.

Put on your clothes and soak in a warm bath, which seems to be soaked with various medicines.

Very comfortable inside.

At this time, suddenly the bathroom door opened, and then a long-legged beauty walked in.

"I wiped it, it turned out to be Xiaoxiang."

"You, why did you come in?" Ye Chen sank down quickly.

Seeing Ye Chen's appearance, Xiaoxiang smiled faintly: "Why did I come in? By the way, should you close your eyes?"

"Ah!" Ye Chen was taken aback for a moment.

"Don't you want to see me? By the way, I'm worried that you won't be able to hold onto it for a while and you have done something wrong. In that case, you will be my child's father.

Ye Chen swallowed forcibly.

I saw two cucumber slices on the face next to me.

He grabbed it directly and put it over his eyes.

No, he must not watch. He doesn't want to have a child with this unknown woman.

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