Published at 27th of April 2021 12:29:29 PM

Chapter 666: 666

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Scar looked at the photo on the phone, with a bit of grief and anger on his face.

Xiaoxiang, you forced me, don’t you know my heart for you?

But you opened up a room with a little vulgar, you let me down.

Since I can't get you, then I have to destroy you.

Xiaoxiang is dead, and now he is the boss of the entire killer organization.

At this time, there was a knock on the door outside, and Phoenix walked in: "Brother Scar, it's ready outside."

Scar took a deep breath and strode out.

He looked at those high-level officials and said coldly: "Next I announce one thing, Xiaoxiang is dead."

Hearing this news, the scene was in an uproar.

"The person who killed her was called Ye Chen. I am ready to issue a kill order and vowed to avenge the boss."

"Swear to avenge the boss."

When the killer executive heard that the boss was dead, his eyes flashed with murderous intent.

The corner of Scar's mouth raised and said, "The boss is no longer there, but we must inherit her legacy and carry forward our organization. I am the boss. I believe everyone will have no opinion."

After hearing Scar's words, no one was speaking below.

In fact, many people did not accept the scar, but when they saw the people around the venue, everyone was still silent.

Scar continued: "From today, I will lead you not only in the assassin world, but I will become the king of the magic capital."

Bang bang bang!

Suddenly, there was a round of applause, and a graceful figure walked in.

Scar's face changed when he saw this figure.


"You, you are not dead?"

Xiaoxiang looked at Scar: "I'm not dead, are you disappointed? Scar did not expect you to send a killer to kill me."

Scar stepped back a few steps: "No, I don't, boss, let me explain."

At this moment, suddenly a dagger pierced his heart.

The Phoenix behind him said quietly, "Brother Scar, I'm sorry, I can only sacrifice you to save my life."

"You...!" Scar fell to the ground, no breath.

Looking at the scar on the ground, Xiaoxiang also secretly sighed.

At first, when her father handed over the killer organization to her, Scar did indeed work for herself.

She didn't expect that the other party would betray her and even kill herself.

If it weren't for Ye Chen, she might be dead now.

Xiaoxiang glanced at the high-level officials and said, "I would like to introduce you to everyone. This is Mr. Ye Chenye, an official person."

Hearing Xiaoxiang's words, everyone was shocked.

Xiaoxiang continued: "I believe you are disgusted with this daily life of fear, right? I want to lead you on a bright path. I wonder if you are interested?"

Hearing Xiaoxiang's words, the scene was in an uproar.

An old man said solemnly: "Miss Xiaoxiang, it's not that we don't want to go that way, our hands are covered with blood, do you think it's possible?"

Ye Chen walked out at this time: "Of course it is possible. Let me handle this matter. I will definitely give everyone a satisfactory answer."

Xiaoxiang took a deep breath and said, "Mr. Ye, trouble you."

Ye Chen smiled faintly: "Don't worry, wait for my news."

That night, Ye Chen flew to Kyoto.

Liu Weiwei drove in the driveway: "Ye Chen, I have already told the senior management about your request, but there are a lot of details that the leader wants to talk to you in person."

Ye Chen nodded.

Xiaoxiang's organization can be said to be inferior, it is really difficult to let them go this way.

In an office, Ye Chen met Liu Weiwei's leader.

The other party is an old man in his sixties.

"Long Xiaotian, known as the Golden Shield of China, is responsible for the security of China."

"Lao Long, hello." Ye Chen said respectfully.

"Ye Chen, haha, your name is arrogant to me."

Ye Chen’s Star Academy is now very famous, and now Ye Chen has become a name often talked about by high-level people, so Elder Long is also very clear about Ye Chen’s deeds.

"Old Long, I came here to negotiate on behalf of a friend." Ye Chen said.

Old Long nodded: "Ye Chen, this matter is a bit difficult to handle."

Ye Chen heard this and said, "The existence of this organization is a threat to China itself. Now if we take this opportunity to incorporate them, I think it is the best choice."

Old Long took a deep breath: "It's okay to include them, but they need to have enough sincerity."

"what do you mean?"

Elder Long said: "They have to do something to clean up their past sins. It is also an expression of sincerity."

"what do you mean?"

Elder Long came to the map and said: "This is the place where China borders with several other countries. It is an unmanned area. There is a killer organization called Snow Wolf. Their organization is very tight. We just learned about them. But in the mountains, it’s easy to defend and hard to attack, so we don’t care about what they have done before to eradicate the snow wolves."

Ye Chen gave a wry smile after hearing what Long Lao said.

Elder Long really knows how to use the killer group to deal with the killer group.

But Elder Long's request is not too much. You have done so many murderous things before, so you can't say that you can just forget it.

Ye Chen nodded: "Okay, I will bring the words. As for whether they are willing to cooperate, then I can't guarantee."

Old Long smiled: "Well, listen to the good news."

Ye Chen returned to the Killer Group, and when she told Xiaoxiang the news, her face suddenly changed.

"This is impossible. It is clear that we want us to kill each other, and then they will profit, and I will not let my brothers die." Xiaoxiang said, biting his silver teeth.

Ye Chen took a deep breath and said, "Actually, have you ever thought that this might be an opportunity? As for the cannibalism, the snow wolves are different from you. They have done too many maddening things, and if you Yes, I will go with you to kill the snow wolf."

Xiaoxiang was stunned when he heard Ye Chen's words.

In fact, this matter did not have much to do with Ye Chen.

After all, Ye Chen could completely act as a bystander.

But Ye Chen took the initiative to participate in this matter, obviously because of himself.

"Ye Chen."

Ye Chen took a deep breath: "After all, we know that they are dark, and Elder Long is willing to help us, so it is not difficult to kill the snow wolf. If we succeed, then you should know that you don’t have to live in It's in the dark."

Xiaoxiang nodded: "Well, let me discuss it with my brothers."

Ye Chen smiled and said, "Xiaoxiang, I hope I can walk with you on the street openly, and I don't want you to live in hiding for a lifetime."

After a meeting all night, Xiaoxiang finally told Ye Chen that they had agreed to Long Lao's request.

Ye Chen brought Xiaoxiang and Liu Weiwei to a meeting, and then Xiaoxiang's people were formally incorporated into the Hua Guolong group.

And their first task is to destroy the snow wolf.

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