Published at 27th of April 2021 12:49:57 PM

Chapter 67: 67

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Cao Qian cast a wink at Ye Chen: "Handsome man, did you want to chase me when you bought my car?"

Ye Chen glanced at each other lightly: "Customers who are in a hurry to pick up a car."

What the hell?

Cao Qian was immediately stunned.

Just because I ran didi in a hurry, bought my car directly?

Cao Qian was still being sentimental just now, and she was heartbroken when she got this answer.

Knowing that she was thinking too much, she pulled out the car key and handed it to Ye Chen.

Cao Qian looked at Ye Chen affectionately: "This car has been with me for three years. You must treat it well."

Ye Chen disregarded Cao Qian's discharge and said coldly: "Please do me a favor, drive this car directly to the waste collection station and scrap it."

Cao Qian was stunned again.

Throw the car bought for 150,000 directly into the waste collection station?

Ye Chen waved his hand, drove the Po Xiali and left directly.

The onlookers were completely stupid.

I rub, is this rich and willful?

This is the legend that if you have money, you can do whatever you want?

Just because he wanted to accept car customers, he bought a car for 150,000 yuan and threw it directly into the waste collection station?

How much money can you earn by running a didi?

Even if you make money, you can't make 150,000 yuan in a single didi business.

Is this the rich man?

Looking at the taillights of the broken Xiali, a group of people messed up in the wind were left behind.

Ye Chen came to Zhou Susu's door again.

Seeing Po Xiali, Zhou Susu was taken aback.

"How did you change the car?"

"You can't be a low-key person, don't like to pretend to be forced."

Zhou Susu glanced at the Patek Philippe watch on Ye Chen's wrist and gave him a blank look.

Ye Chen only knew in the car that Zhou Susu was picking up a hacker expert named Liu Weiwei, who was specifically dealing with this hacker case.

Ye Chen drove the car and came to the airport. When he got off the car, Zhou Susu directly gave Ye Chen a five-star praise.

[Ding, congratulations to the host for receiving five-star praise, activating the fifth praise star (55), and rewarding Qilong 360 Technology Co., Ltd. 】

Qilong 360 is mainly engaged in a free network security platform represented by 360 antivirus, but the company is still in the development stage and there is still a big gap between the previous 360.

The previous 360 is not only anti-virus, but also has browsers, cloud platforms and other services.

At this moment, Ye Chen's cell phone rang.

"Mr. Ye, this is Qilong 360 CEO Wang Xiaoyu. I just received the news that you have acquired our company. I don't know what work instructions you have?"

"What do you think about this hacker virus?"

Wang Xiaoyu sighed: "Our technicians are also cracking the virus, but this hacker master is too powerful, and our technical defense system has been breached by it."

Ye Chen nodded: "This hacking virus is an opportunity for our company, we must seize it, and we should not only focus on anti-virus software, browsers, Baidu cloud disks, and even online games. The market in these fields is very future. Big, we all have to occupy a portion of the share."

Wang Xiaoyu took a breath of air after hearing Ye Chen's words.

He had read Ye Chen's information before calling, thinking he knew nothing about the Internet, but he never dreamed that Ye Chen would have such insights into the development of the Internet.

"Yes, yes boss, we will adjust the company's deployment."

After hanging up the phone, Ye Chen also frowned.

Hacking technology, if the system can give itself a master hacker skills, it will be awesome.

The most important thing is that this hacking method is too bad, you can make money by means of nothing, but you actually sell the information of a domestic company to a foreign company, which is a bit frantic for money.

This will cause great losses to domestic enterprises, and it is simply to sell the country for money and seek glory.

At this time, Zhou Susu got into the car with a woman with sunglasses on her face and a notebook in her hand.

"Drive, go directly to the network monitoring center." Zhou Susu said.

[Ding, congratulations to the host for activating five praise stars, activating new passengers with special attributes, completing the selection task, and receiving the ultimate reward. The auxiliary host will become a global leader! 】

[Passenger occupation: Master hacker! 】

[Option 1: Help Liu Weiwei to crack the hacker virus code, bring the hacker to justice, and get the system reward hacker master, 8.8% of Ari Group's shares]

[Option 2: Pursue Liu Weiwei, let her become her own woman, get a man's glory +10, and 20% of the shares of Jissbon Group. 】

[Option 3: Send Liu Weiwei to the destination safely, get Liu Weiwei's five-star praise, and Didi the best driver of the year award]

Ye Chen took a look at the three rewards. Although option two was not too attractive to Ye Chen, the master hacker skills and 9.8% of Ari's shares were even more attractive to Ye Chen.

Master hacker skills are what he needs most now, and Ari Group is the most powerful Internet company in China in the future.

Alibaba Group ranks 10th on the Forbes Global 100 Digital Economy List, and the Fortune Future 50 list is announced, and Alibaba Group ranks 11th.

The market value is more than 400 billion, of which the founder Marco holds 7% of the shares, and Ye Chen directly accounts for 8.8%, becoming the first person in personal shares.

Ye Chen hardly hesitated and chose option one directly.

[Ding, congratulations to the host for acquiring the master hacker skills! 】

[Ding, congratulations to the host for acquiring 9.8% of the shares of Ari Group]

In the back seat, although Liu Weiwei is sitting in the car, she has been operating the computer.

Suddenly, Liu Weiwei's computer screen went blue.


Liu Weiwei exploded furiously.

Zhou Susu looked at the blue screen of the laptop and asked, "What's wrong with Sister Weiwei?"

"My computer was hacked by that guy and was scrapped." Liu Weiwei said dejectedly.

Liu Weiwei graduated from Huaqing University. After graduation, with the help of hacking skills, she entered the China National Security Agency and became a network expert.

Over the years, she has captured many hacker masters and is known as the hacker terminator.

But this time, Liu Weiwei met an opponent.

This hacker's method is too powerful. Liu Weiwei tried to track the other party's IP several times, but in the end she fell into a trap and caused her computer to be hacked.

The car stopped at the Internet Security Bureau. Just as Liu Weiwei was about to get out of the car, Ye Chen suddenly said, "Your computer is broken?"

Liu Weiwei said solemnly: "It's not broken, it's hacked, and it has been scrapped."

Ye Chen smiled faintly: "That's not necessarily true. Maybe I can fix it for you?"

After hearing Ye Chen's words, Liu Weiwei suddenly became happy: "Can you help me fix it? If you have the ability, I will ask you to be a teacher, and the computer will be given to you when it is repaired. Call me when it is repaired.

Although there are many secrets in the computer, Liu Weiwei is not worried, because the computer hacked by the hacker completely crashes and the whole system is no different from scrap metal. It was originally to be thrown into the trash.

Liu Weiwei and Zhou Susu got out of the car and walked into the network security bureau, while Ye Chen opened the laptop, and countless codes flooded into his mind!

I like to choose the president of the Yiwan Group for the opening, please collect it: ( Choose the president of the Yiwan Group for the fastest literary update.

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