Published at 27th of April 2021 12:29:24 PM

Chapter 670: 670

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Ye Chen faintly smiled: "What do you think of the cooperation proposal I just put forward, Brother Lone Wolf? You see, although our brothers are not as many as you, they are all elites. You may not be so easy to kill us."

The Lone Wolf was also very surprised. After all, the few people caught were also their elite level killers, and there were so many **** to cover, they were also planted.

It can be seen how strong Ye Chen's strength is.

So if the two sides really head-to-head, I am afraid that they will also suffer some losses.

So the lone wolf had already thought about it, first stabilize Ye Chen, and then deal with them.

The lone wolf said coldly: "Dude, since we are in a business and we are also a family, I am an errand runner and cannot be the master at all, and we have to make a decision by our boss, but if our brothers are in yours I’m missing a hair, don’t blame my brother, I’m ruthless."

Ye Chen smiled faintly: "Don't worry, it's all your own. Your brothers are drinking tea in our place. It's good."

After hanging up the phone, Ye Chen's mouth raised slightly.

Nima, I still want to scare Lao Tzu at this time.

He glanced at the snow wolf assassin who had been beaten to a bruised face.

These guys are a group of wicked bastards, Ye Chen would never keep his hands.

He said coldly: "Beat it so hard that they confessed."

The snow wolf killers were suddenly stupid.

They thought that the lone wolf had already said that they would negotiate, and the other party would not be cruel. They didn't expect that after the phone call, the demons would beat them even harder.

In another room, Ye Chen interrogated a bully leader who was also caught.

The **** leader was also very sad. A group of brothers he brought were crippled and injured by Ye Chen, and he himself was seriously injured.

Originally, the bully leader thought it was pretty beautiful, a group of people rushed up directly, beat Ye Chen fiercely, and could get a reward of 10,000 yuan.

Originally he thought it was a beautiful job.

He never dreamed that Ye Chen would be so strong.

Nima, throw the stone directly, this stone is more accurate than a bullet.

They had no chance to get close at all.

At this time, Phoenix also called, and the woman at the bar was also caught by her.

After interrogation, this woman was indeed Xuelang's contact person, responsible for contacting the local gangsters.

Both Ye Chen and Fenghuang had gains, but Xiaoxiang had the biggest gain.

As a top killer, Xiaoxiang's tracking ability is that Ye Chen sighs.

The lone wolf thought he had already dumped the person who followed him, and didn't care at all.

He never dreamed that Xiaoxiang would have been hiding by his side.

This guy, because he was anxious to call the boss, went straight to an alley and dialed the boss's phone directly.

He never dreamed that Xiaoxiang was on the roof of the house, so Xiaoxiang had a clear view of the call he dialed.

The content of the call by Lone Wolf was that his subordinates were caught by Ye Chen and the two sides wanted to negotiate, and wanted to ask the boss to make an idea.

With this phone number, Xiaoxiang sent it directly to the security department of China.

Through the phone number, he was directly located to the base camp of Snow Wolf.

It turned out that they only knew the approximate location, but this piece was too big and it was very difficult to search.

And if you conduct a search, it is easy to start the snake.

But now it's different, they know the exact location of each other's hiding place.

Ye Chen looked at the map excitedly, and according to the data that came, it must be the base camp of the other party.

It's just that the people of Xuelang couldn't think of it, because of a phone call from the lone wolf, their location has been exposed.

The soldiers are very fast.

After confirming the location, Long Dun and Xiaoxiang's people gathered and prepared to encircle and suppress Snow Wolf.

Ye Chen held a meeting in advance.

This time, they need a complete victory to let them know their strength.

In this way, the people above can be better impressed.

Fenghuang said excitedly: "Unexpectedly, this group of people would hide in such an abandoned village on the border."

In the middle of the night, Ye Chen and Xiaoxiang led their men and horses toward the abandoned village through the night.

This time they were divided into three groups, with Ye Chen, Xiaoxiang and Fenghuang each taking the same route.

The three teams formed an encircling circle, like a rope, quietly tightening the enemy.

The most ridiculous thing was that Ye Chen was already less than one kilometer away from them, and the lone wolf called Ye Chen to discuss matters.

Of course Ye Chen directly agreed.

In fact, Ye Chen understands that the so-called negotiation is basically a trap of black and black.

As long as they go, they are likely to be eaten directly by the other party.

At this time, in an abandoned village, the lights are bright.

An old man in a cotton coat squinted, thinking about something.

The old man is Lu Sheng who is called the Snow Wolf.

Opposite him sat a man with a sharp-mouthed monkey cheek, wearing gold glasses, and his eyes were gloomy.

"Big brother, we brothers are all elites and must be rescued anyway." The glasses man said coldly.

Xuelang nodded: "These gang of bereaved bereaved dogs, do you really think we Xuelang are so bullied?"

The spectacle man pushed his spectacles and said, "These brothers are all good players. I didn't expect them to be caught quietly. We must be cautious to prevent the gutter from overturning."

Xuelang nodded: "I'm also curious, can it be said that these people are so strong? The Scarlet kid has seen him before. His own strength is very average, and the person under his hand is so powerful?"

At this moment, Lone Wolf called.

"Boss, we have made an appointment. We will meet tomorrow morning."

Xuelang hung up the phone and said coldly: "There is news from the lone wolf. Those guys will negotiate tomorrow. This thing must be done cleanly, and the five brothers must be rescued anyway."

The man in glasses nodded: "Don't worry, let me take care of this matter. They just want money in negotiations. They want to blackmail us. They are just looking for death."

Xuelang grinned coldly: "Haha, we have been in business for more than ten years. This group of people really don't know whether they live or die, and they want to grab food with us!"

The man in glasses looked at the time: "Boss, time is almost up, I'm leaving."

Xuelang nodded: "Be careful."

The two had never dreamed that they were planning how to clean up Ye Chen.

At this time, Ye Chen had already surrounded them with someone.

At this time, a total of more than sixty people from the three-passengers had already lurked near the village by night.

Ye Chen and Xiaoxiang had sneaked into the village without knowing it.

This village is actually not big, there are about 20 or 30 Snow Wolf people in it.

But Ye Chen's gaze suddenly fell on the shack at the entrance of the village.

There was a flickering figure inside.

The corner of Ye Chen's mouth raised, and Snow Wolf was really cunning. It turned out that a secret whistle was arranged outside the village.

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