Published at 27th of April 2021 12:29:23 PM

Chapter 671: 671

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I have to say that the people of Snow Wolf are very cunning.

Those shacks are very inconspicuous. If they enter rashly, they will enter the circle of snow wolves, and then they will be dumped directly by the other party.

There are four shacks in the southeast, northwest, and each shack should be able to hide seven or eight people.

The corner of Ye Chen's mouth raised.

Fortunately, I came to investigate in advance, or I was almost overcast by the other party.

If they rush in rashly, even if the opponent is wiped out and the enemy meets inside and outside, their losses will not be small.

Ye Chen's body was hidden in the darkness, and the secret agent's magical skills were exerting power at this moment.

His figure shuttles through the grass like a phantom, and has reached the strength of the king of soldiers as a scout.

Ye Chen's several charges finally came under the shack.

Here, it is a blind spot for the enemy's checkpoint.

The other side's observation points are far away, but they can't see what's in front of them.

And now the night is very deep and the light is not good, so it is even harder for the enemy to spot Ye Chen.

It was two or three o'clock in the morning, but the people in the shack were still up.

One of them complained: "The boss is too cautious, but it's just a few gangsters. We should add so many manpower and set up a night watch. I originally wanted to sleep in. It's really depressing."

Another voice came from inside: "I heard that the limelight is very tight now, and the strength of this group of guys is also very strong, let's be careful."

"That's right, I heard that our elite brothers were all caught by this group of people, so we have to be careful too."

"Well, let's not all hold on here. If it doesn't work, we will take turns to sleep."

"Well, it's okay, so I'll stare first, you guys will go to bed first, and you will change one person an hour."

After a few people discussed it, it was quiet inside.

After a while, there was a snoring sound.

Obviously these guys are already asleep.

The corner of Ye Chen's mouth raised slightly.

This is the result he wants most.

There is only one man on duty now, which is much easier.

After all, these people have just started, and if they act now, it is very easy to get rid of them.

Therefore, Ye Chen did not act immediately, but quietly came to the entrance of the village.

Originally, he wanted to sneak into the village to investigate, but suddenly he saw a dark figure coming out of a hut.

The figure of the dark figure is very fast, although he wears glasses, his body is very flexible.

He was dressed in casual clothes and walked out of the village.

This person was the man whom Xuelang had just discussed, and was called Xiao Zhuge in the Xuelang organization.

Ye Chen understood, this guy should have come up with the village, and then make arrangements in advance, so that they can be eaten up during the negotiation.

That's why this guy started early.

Little Zhuge discussed with Xuelang in the middle of the night yesterday and set a plan.

He is preparing to sneak into China this time just for the layout.

Because it is noon to negotiate, so the time is very tight.

The opponent ran quickly along the path.

Ye Chen didn't do it directly, after all, he was still within the opponent's range.

He took out his cell phone and sent a text message to Xiaoxiang.

The direction Xiao Zhuge left was exactly the direction Xiaoxiang led the people to ambush.

With Xiaoxiang's shot, this little Zhuge had no chance to escape.

Little Zhuge was humming a little song and was going to cross this mountain, and there was a car to meet him below.

This time, Xiao Zhuge was also very cautious.

After all, these guys are very strong, and this is also a tough battle for Snow Wolf.

Especially among those arrested, there was his brother.

So Xiao Zhuge is more anxious than anyone else.

Along the path, he soon left the village five or six hundred meters, and then he reached the highway.

After getting on the bus there, you can reach China within an hour.

It was the bar that he and Ye Chen agreed upon.

The bar is ready, even they let the waiter add medicine in the wine.

When they negotiated, they decided to catch a turtle in an urn.

Little Zhuge was very proud.

This group of people is strong, but under the calculations of his little Zhuge, this time they will definitely be planted here.

Xiao Zhuge's figure is very fast. Although he is not tall, he runs with two calves.

Go further five hundred meters and you will reach the highway.

Little Zhuge would not have imagined that at this time, a pair of eyes were staring at him.

This hunter is not someone else but Xiaoxiang.

Although Xiao Zhuge's strength is not weak, it depends on who he compares.

Xiaoxiang is a top-notch killer, and in terms of physical strength, he ranks among the top three in the killer organization.

Little Zhuge had just walked through the jungle, and suddenly a jade hand directly covered his mouth.

Before Xiao Zhuge could react, he was knocked out by Xiaoxiang.

Little Zhuge never dreamed that he was naturally as smart as the living Zhuge, but today he was actually planted in the hands of a woman.

Xiaoxiang took out the handcuffs, handcuffed Xiao Zhuge directly, gagged his mouth, carried it back like a chicken, and handed it to his subordinates.

Against a low-level killer like Xiao Zhuge, Xiaoxiang's catching him is really no different from catching a chicken.

Even the two sides didn't fight each other, they were directly caught by Xiaoxiang.

This is Xiaoxiang, and she is a terrifying ghost in the dark.

Xiao Zhuge woke up, Xiaoxiang's dagger hit his throat.

"Don't make a noise, or I will kill you."

Seeing the person in front of him, Xiao Zhuge almost didn't start to pee.

He originally thought he was dealing with a group of rogues, but he didn't expect it to be Xiaoxiang.

Little Zhuge was completely stupid.

He never dreamed that this time it was the boss of others, Xiaoxiang, who was ranked in the top three in the killer world.

No one in the killer circle knows Xiaoxiang's name.

Xiaoxiang said coldly: "Since you know me, you should know what to do."

At this time, Xiao Zhuge was completely convinced and convinced.

After all, the existence of the top three killers, and he is just a small one.

Xiaoxiang's name is too terrifying, so terrible that he knows the identity of the other party, Xiao Zhuge has given up all hope.

He knew that in front of this woman, all the resistance was futile.

At this time, the people that Phoenix took were also ready.

Xiaoxiang said coldly: "I ask one sentence and you answer one sentence. If you dare to tell a lie, you don't need the stuff below."

Little Zhuge shook his head in pain.

He knew that he had fallen in the hands of Xiaoxiang.

Xiaoxiang interrogated Xiao Zhuge and further confirmed the situation in the small village.

There are five to six killers hidden in each house.

And there is a secret passage in Xuelang's room.

This news is too important, otherwise the cunning fellow Snow Wolf might escape from the secret road when they do it.

Ye Chen and Xiaoxiang met for a while and worked out a strategy, first fix the periphery, and then directly launch the general attack.

Their goal in this mission is to wipe out the enemy, and none of them can let them run away.

After the interrogation, Xiaoxiang asked Xiao Zhuge to look like, and they were also preparing to launch a general offensive.

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