Published at 27th of April 2021 12:29:13 PM

Chapter 676: 676

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Ye Chen glanced at the little girl expressionlessly and said, "They are molesting you, they are not molesting me, why should I be nosy."

The woman was stunned for a moment, with countless horses running around in her heart.

Why are you so uncaring as a young man.

Shouldn't heroes save the beauty at this time?

The woman said, "Sir, please, if you don't save me, I will fall into their hands."

Ye Chen nodded when he heard the woman's words: "You are indeed right, I have a way."

Hearing Ye Chen's words, the woman seemed to see hope: "Sir, what can you do?"

Ye Chen smiled faintly: "My way is to stun you, and then they ravage you, you won't feel anymore."

When the voice fell, Ye Chen's palm was cut on the woman's neck.


The woman fainted without taking out her hand in her pocket.

Seeing this scene, those **** are stupid.

I go, what's the situation? Why is this person so good?

You know, the woman is the third-ranked Poison Shadow in the killer organization, she didn't even fight back in front of Ye Chen, and she fainted.

The corner of the leader's mouth twitched.

Seeing Ye Chen effortlessly subdued the Poison Shadow, he was extremely shocked.

Oh my God, what is the strength of this young man.

Originally, these assassins helped Poison Shadow kill Ye Chen, but he didn't expect that Poison Shadow would be subdued by Ye Chen without a chance to make a move.

Where did these killers have the guts to stay, the killers turned their heads and ran and disappeared into the darkness instantly.

Those who ran away were all here, what Ye Chen caught was a big fish.

Ye Chen called Xiaoxiang directly.

"Xiaoxiang, I caught a big fish and gave it to you."

Soon Xiaoxiang came with someone and was shocked to see the woman that Ye Chen had caught. It turned out to be a poisonous shadow.

At this time, Song Qianqian followed Song Wei to a club.

Song Qianqian and Song Wei walked towards the hall.

The hall was very quiet, Song Qianqian frowned.

Generally, this time period is when the club has the most guests.

But the hall in front of me was quiet at the door, and there was not even a guard.

Song Qianqian frowned: "This hall is too quiet, why doesn't it even have a single person?"

Song Wei smiled and said, "In order not to reveal our plan, the hall is closed today, and we are specially entertained."

Song Qianqian walked to the entrance of the hall and suddenly stopped: "Second brother, I don't feel right."

Song Wei smiled and said, "Sister, are you too nervous?"

Song Qianqian's face suddenly changed when he saw Song Wei's smile: "Second brother, you?"

Song Wei's laugh was so weird, he was totally different from the second brother she knew.

Although Song Wei still had a harmonious smile on his face, Song Qianqian felt an awe-inspiring murderous aura on him.

Song Qianqian backed away a few steps.

Song Wei smiled faintly and said, "Sister, what's the matter? What is your expression."

At this moment, the door behind him closed suddenly.

Song Wei stepped back two steps, and three men in black stood in front of Song Qianqian.

"Second brother, what do you mean."

"Sister, don't you understand? Big brother asked me to kill you."

"What?" Song Qianqian's face changed completely.

She never dreamed that her second brother would even kill herself.

These assassins carried cold killing intent on their bodies.

Song Wei said indifferently: "Sister, don't resist. Maybe you will die more easily. These three killers are all top killers in hell. You have no chance to resist."

"You..." Song Qianqian's face was pale.

"Do you still hope that your little bodyguard is dead now? I am also doing good deeds to reunite you and that little bodyguard underground."

After listening to Song Wei's words, Song Qianqian trembled all over.

"Second brother, why?"

Song Wei sighed: "Sister, you and your father are too pedantic. If our Song family wants to carry forward, it will only become more and more decadent by walking the right path. Finally, it will be annexed by other families, and the eldest brother's strength is too strong, brother I have a wife and children, don't blame me."

Song Qianqian stood there blankly, with tears in his eyes.

"Second brother, this is the reason you killed me. Big brother asked you to kill me, don't you talk about our brothers and sisters?"

Song Wei sneered: "Love points? How much is it worth?"

Song Qianqian completely collapsed.

She never dreamed that this second brother who had loved her so much, spoiled her, and other boys bullied her in order to avenge her, was spanked by his father. "

Song Wei sighed: "Sister, don't blame me, my wife, your niece's life is held in the hands of your elder brother, I can't help it, I can only stand with him."

With that, Song Wei said to the assassin behind him: "You three move more neatly, try to make her suffer as little as possible."

Song Wei's words fell, and the three assassins had surrounded Song Qianqian.

These three killers, ranked fourth, fifth, and sixth in the Hell Killer Organization, are powerful.

One of the leading one-eyed killers said with some regret: "It's a pity, that young man was killed by Poison Shadow, that kid is worth more than this girl."

Seeing the three killers approaching, Song Qianqian closed his eyes.

In front of the three top killers, she had no chance at all.

The only thing that made her regret was that she shouldn't let Ye Chen be her bodyguard, and she hurt Ye Chen.

She just wanted to maintain the Song family, but she didn't expect the second and eldest brothers to become like this.

But he was still thinking about the future of the family silly.

Song Qianqian closed his eyes: "You guys do it."

At this time, the sixth-ranked killer brandished a dagger and pierced Song Qianqian's throat.

But at this moment, a figure suddenly appeared in front of Song Qianqian like a phantom.


With a muffled noise, the killer was kicked and fell heavily to the ground.


The sudden change made everyone's face changed.

Seeing the people who appeared, Song Wei was stunned.

"It's you, how can you be alive."

Song Wei heard a few killers say that the one who shot Ye Chen was the third-ranked killer in the **** organization.

Song Qianqian opened his eyes, saw the figure appeared, tears appeared in his eyes, and even his voice trembled slightly: "Ye Chen!"

Ye Chen smiled faintly: "Stupid girl, you don't believe me when I say your second brother is unreliable, but don't worry, no one can hurt you with me."

Song Qianqian suddenly remembered something: "Ye Chen, leave me alone, run, these are all top killers, you are not their opponent."

Ye Chen didn't move. He smiled and said, "You forgot, I am your personal bodyguard."

With that, Ye Chen looked at the remaining two killers: "Don't waste time, you two will go together."

Seeing the young man appeared, the eyes of the two assassins also narrowed slightly.

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