Published at 27th of April 2021 12:29:12 PM

Chapter 677: 677

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The sudden appearance of Ye Chen moved Song Qianqian's heart very much.

Yes, Ye Chen reminded her to make her be careful of her second brother, but Song Qianqian didn't take it seriously.

But now Ye Chen appeared in front of him again, even if it was very dangerous, he still protected her.

This made Song Qianqian extremely moved.

One of the assassins said coldly: "Why are you here? Where is the poison?"

Ye Chen smiled faintly: "Oh, she should be waiting for you in prison, don't worry, I will send you to meet."

"Asshole, I'm going to let you die today."

Song Wei snorted coldly: "Boy, you are so courageous, you dare to stand up for this girl at this time. To be honest, I admire your courage."

Ye Chen smiled slightly: "Just relying on you group of ants, you think I'm afraid, it's ridiculous."

Hearing Ye Chen's words, the faces of Song Wei and the two assassins flashed thick anger.

The cold killing intent from the two killers made Song Qianqian's heart tremble.

But Ye Chen disagrees.

A killer drew a machete: "Boy, I'm going to cut you with a knife today."

"Fourth brother, let's go together and kill this kid."

The two pounced on Ye Chen almost at the same time.

Seeing this scene Song Qianqian's heart raised her throat.

Although she knows that Ye Chen is very powerful, but now Ye Chen is facing two top killers.

Can Ye Chen really beat these two killers?

The cooperation of the two killers is very tacit.

One wielded a knife to attack Ye Chen's top lane, and the other wielded a nunchaku to attack Ye Chen's bottom lane.

Both assassins are top assassins. In their eyes, even if Ye Chen is powerful, it is impossible to resist their joint attack.

They are confident that they will kill Ye Chen today.

Ye Chen narrowed his eyes slightly, and saw the knife slashing towards the front door. Instead of retreating, he moved forward and directly grabbed the assassin's wrist.


Accompanied by the sound of broken bones, the assassin's wrist was actually pinched off by Ye Chensheng.

The knife fell on Ye Chen's left hand, and he swept the fallen leaves with an autumn breeze.

The knife in Ye Chen's hand passed directly through the blockade of the nunchaku.


Accompanied by a miserable cry, the assassin's arm was directly cut off.

In just one round, the two killers were knocked to the ground by Ye Chen.

The whole hall of the hall was silent.

No one thought that the two top killers would have no power to fight back in front of Ye Chen.

At this moment, a figure slowly walked down from the roof of the hall.

Looking at the two assassins who fell on the ground, the man's eyes were slightly cold.

"Boy, you are so courageous, you have hurt so many of our brothers one after another, I will let you die today."

"Second brother, killed that kid for our revenge."

Seeing the person coming, the two killers were delighted.

The person here is the second-ranked killer magic of the Hell Killer Organization.

Magic stared at Ye Chen, with a faint gleam in his eyes: "Boy, your strength is good, you are qualified to be my opponent."

When the voice fell, he threw off his robe and put a glove on his hand.

But he had just worn half of his gloves, and suddenly Ye Chen moved.

His body appeared in front of the magic power like a phantom.

how can that be?

Seeing the figure suddenly appeared in front of him, the magic power was already frightened.

Ye Chen smiled faintly: "Unfortunately you are not qualified to be my opponent."

When the voice fell, Ye Chen shot out with a palm.

The magic power was knocked into the air by Ye Chen before he even had time to fight back.

He hit the wall and wanted to get up, but found that his rib was broken and he couldn't move at all.

Song Wei was already stupid at this time.

In any case, he did not expect that his carefully arranged game would turn out to be such a result.

At this time, the door of the hall was kicked open, and Zhou Susu rushed in with the police.

The killers were all handcuffed and taken away.

Song Wei's face was indifferent.

"Sister, you are ruthless, but when I come out, our big brother will ask you to settle the bill."

In Song Wei's eyes, he was just an attempted murder, and he was out in a few years at most.

"You should not be able to get out." A voice faintly sounded.

Hearing Ye Chen's words, Song Wei's expression became cold: "Boy, what are you talking about? I was an attempted murder at best."

Ye Chen shook his head: "No, you have already killed someone. You just came to the magic city and competed with Wang Lin, the owner of Wanda Real Estate, for a project. In order to achieve your goal, you hired a killer and killed the other party. You won't forget it."

Song Wei's face paled after hearing Ye Chen's wicked words.

"You nonsense, I didn't."

Ye Chen smiled faintly: "Is it up to me? The killer at the time will confront you, and the police uncle will have a good chat with you."

After listening to Ye Chen's words, Song Wei's face was pale.

Murder is a felony in China, and it is likely to be sentenced to death.

Seeing Song Wei being handcuffed and taken away by the police, Song Qianqian's face looked a little ugly.

But she smiled bitterly, Song Qianqian never dreamed that her second brother turned out to be a vicious murderer, and his elder brother sent someone to kill him.

Habitual sons are like killing sons, this is because the father spoiled these two children too much.

Ye Chen drove the car and smiled and said, "What are your plans for the next step?"

Song Qianqian said, "I want to go back to Kyoto. My father is still alive. I can't just watch him die in the hands of my eldest brother."

Ye Chen nodded: "I'll go with you."

Song Qianqian was stunned for a moment: "Is it really okay? My eldest brother is much more difficult to deal with than my second brother."

Ye Chen smiled slightly and squeezed his fists: "If you don't agree, you will hit me."

Early the next morning, Ye Chen and Song Qianqian boarded a private jet and went straight to Kyoto.

Seeing Ye Chen's private plane, Song Qianqian was stupid.

"Ye Chen, why are you protecting me by my side?"

When Song Qianqian saw Ye Chen's private plane, he finally understood that Ye Chen was not protecting himself for money.

Ye Chen was very helpless. In fact, he didn't want to be nosy, it was all forced by the system.

Nimara's stomach for a year, so she can't pull it to death.

But Ye Chen smiled faintly: "I'm helping you because I'm a little boring, just find something to do."

After hearing Ye Chen's words, Song Qianqian was taken aback for a moment, but then he blushed and smiled.

Seeing Song Qianqian's expression, Ye Chen was a little embarrassed. Did this girl misunderstand something?

The plane landed at the airport, and Song Qianqian said: "Otherwise, there is a secret tunnel in our house, and we secretly enter through the secret tunnel?"

Ye Chen smiled faintly after hearing this: "Why go in the dark? You are the Song family eldest, and you must come back dignified.

Seeing Ye Chen's confident expression, Song Qianqian nodded helplessly.

Ye Chen was right, what was wrong was not that he was the eldest brother, so why did he sneak in.

I drove the car and came to the Song family. This is a very old manor. In Kyoto, such a manor is enough to see the history of the Song family.

It's a pity that the Song family has been precarious at this time.

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