Published at 27th of April 2021 12:29:11 PM

Chapter 678: 678

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Before, when Song Qianqian returned to Song's house, he always felt home.

But this time she felt a little nervous.

Because this family is also in crisis for her now.

At this time, Ye Chen held Song Qianqian's hand: "Don't worry, there is me."

Feeling the warmth of Ye Chen's palm, Song Qianqian nodded vigorously.

The two walked into the Song's house.

The butler just arrived at the door and saw Song Qianqian's face changed slightly: "Miss, why do you dare to come back?"

Song Qianqian was stunned for a moment: "This is my home, why can't I come back."

The steward said bitterly: "Young Master is holding a clan meeting to drive you out of the Song family."

Song Qianqian froze for a moment when she heard the housekeeper's words, her eyes flashing with deep anger.

Big brother deceived people too much.

Finding a killer again and again to kill him, now he has to expel himself from the Song family.

At this time, a playful voice sounded.

"Song Qianqian, I didn't expect you to have the face to return to Song's house."

The person who came was Song Qianqian's cousin Song Weiwei.

Song Qianqian said coldly: "Song Weiwei what do you mean?"

"What do I mean? Take the police to arrest the second young master. You are really capable. You are embarrassed to return to Song's house if you are a guy who eats inside and out."

Song Weiwei was smug.

As a branch of the Song family, she has always been very humble in front of Song Qianqian.

Now Song Qianqian is just a bereaved dog in the Song family.

She finally had a chance to hold her head high in front of Song Qianqian.


A loud slap rang.

Ye Chen was already standing in front of Song Qianqian.

Song Weiwei was pretending to be forced, and she was slapped in the face suddenly, and she was stunned.

"You, what are you doing?"

Ye Chen snorted coldly: "What are you doing? I am Missy's bodyguard, I am educating you for Missy."

Song Qianqian was also stunned, she didn't expect Ye Chen to make a sudden move.

At this time, footsteps came from the door: "What's the matter?"

Song Ming walked out with the Song family.

When Song Weiwei saw Song Ming and her father, she ran over her face and crying.

"Big brother, Song Qianqian is too much. I just said that she should not let the police arrest the second brother, so she instructed an outsider to slap me."

Hearing Song Weiwei's words, Song Ming's expression sank: "Qianqian, you are so shameless, you have lost the Song family's face."

"Big Brother I..."

"Just now we had a family meeting. You took the police to arrest the second young master and eat out. From then on, you have been expelled from the Song family. Let's move your luggage and roll." Song Ming said with a gloomy face.

Now the two sides can say that they have torn their faces, so Song Ming has no intention of telling Song Qianqian about face.

"You..." Song Qianqian's pretty face flushed, and she never thought that her eldest brother would be so unsympathetic, and directly swept her out.

Song Ming snorted coldly: "Security guard, blast Song Qianqian out."

"Wait a minute." At this moment, Ye Chen stood up.

Seeing Ye Chen, Song Ming's expression became cold: "Who are you?"

Ye Chen smiled faintly: "I am Miss Song's bodyguard."

"It's just a servant, is there any qualification for you to speak here?"

Ye Chen snorted coldly: "Then do you think you have the qualifications to speak here? The old man is not dead yet, what qualifications do you have to hold a family meeting, and what qualifications do you have to sweep Qianqian out of the house?"

"The old man is seriously ill, Young Master Song is now in charge of Song family affairs for the time being." A major shareholder of the Song family said coldly.

"The old man is seriously ill? You don't understand the law. The Song family's property is not his Song Ming. According to the inheritance law, Song Qianqian must be divided into one third. If there is any old man, who is eligible to leave Song Qianqian? ."

"Hu tangled up, the security blasted them out for me." Seeing Ye Chen's eloquent speech, Song Ming couldn't make sense.

More than a dozen bodyguards rushed over, but the next second Song family members were all stupid.

I saw that a dozen bodyguards were beaten down by Ye Chen directly.

"This!" The Song family was all stupid seeing this scene.

This kid is too good at playing.

Two fists are hard to beat four hands, but this guy hit ten one by one without any effort.

Ye Chen said to Song Qianqian: "Let's go, let me see who dares to stop us to Song's house."

Song Mingqi's face was blue, but he couldn't help it.

After all, Grandpa Song did not speak, and Ye Chen was too capable of fighting, so no one really had a way to deal with them.

Watching Ye Chen and Song Qianqian leave.

Song Qianqian held Ye Chen's hand tightly, she felt that Ye Chen was her support.

When she was most desperate, Ye Chen pulled her back from the brink of despair time and time again.

"Ye Chen, I want to see Dad."

Ye Chen nodded.

Song Qianqian and Ye Chen came to the old man's room.

Two bodyguards stood at the door.

"Miss, Master said, no one can enter without his order."

Song Qianqian snorted coldly, "Could it be that I can't even see my father?"

"I'm sorry, Miss."

Obviously these two bodyguards belonged to Song Ming.

Ye Chen didn't bother to speak either, he just kicked the two security guards at the door.

"Nima, what is it, people see your father have to get your permission?"

Ye Chen and Song Qianqian walked into the room.

In the room, the old man was already angry.

There was a tube stuck in his body, and it seemed that he was going to be dying.

But there is not even a doctor in the room.

Obviously, they wanted to let the old man die directly.

Song Qianqian burst into tears when he saw his father's appearance.

The old man also saw Song Qianqian, moved his fingers, and a tear came out of his eyes.

Ye Chen walked up and unplugged the tube from the old man's nose.

Seeing this scene, Song Qianqian was stunned: "Ye Chen, what are you going to do?"

Ye Chen said: "Detoxify the old man, if you don't remove the poison, it won't take an hour, the old man will be over."

When the voice fell, Ye Chen inserted the silver needle into the old man's body.

Rows of silver needles were inserted into the old man's acupuncture points.

Ye Chen twirled the silver needle cautiously.

After a while, the needle body of the silver needle turned black.

Seeing this scene, Song Qianqian trembled all over.

The eldest brother is simply frantic and commits such a vicious attack on his father.

Ten minutes later, Ye Chen said, "Bring a basin."

Song Qianqian hurriedly took a basin, and then Ye Chen patted the old man's back with a palm.

"Wow!" The old man vomited wildly, and all he vomited was black liquid.

After spitting out the black water, the old man's mental state was obviously much better.

"Qianqian, why are you here?"

Song Qianqian told his father what Song Ming had done.

Hearing this, Song trembling all over, he took a deep breath and said, "Qianqian, I have a deposit overseas. You should leave Kyoto immediately and find a place to live in seclusion. You are not your brother's opponent."

"No, what do you do if I leave?" Song Qianqian said.

Old Song took a deep breath: "As long as I have a breath, I will fight this rebellious son to the end. I can't just watch the Song family ruined in his hands."

Ye Chen smiled faintly from the side: "Master, as long as you pass the position of Patriarch to Qianqian, I can help you deal with Song Ming."

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