Published at 27th of April 2021 12:29:07 PM

Chapter 681: 681

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Su Ming looked up and down Ye Chen.

The stalls are all over, and they don’t seem to be mixed up at first sight. The most funny thing is that they are still holding a big rock.

"Ye Chen, what are you doing holding a big stone? You don't pick up a stone casually, so let's sell it." Su Ming said jokingly.

Tian Yuanyuan snorted coldly on the side: "Ye Chen, you are still so naive after so many years. Do you think that jade is just picking a stone on the street?"

Su Ming sneered on the side: "Yuanyuan, it's good for Ye Chen to have a dream. Poor people like him can also dream of getting rich from the sky."

Ye Chen didn't bother to take care of the two people and went directly to the counter.

A sales girl came over: "Sir, can I help you?"

Su Ming said in a weird manner: "Sister, this buddy picked up a stone on the street and thinks he can make a fortune."

While talking, Su Ming and Tian Yuanyuan couldn't help but burst into laughter.

Tian Yuanyuan even jokingly said: "Fortunately, I didn't follow this trash at the beginning, otherwise it would be really a shame."

The salesperson glanced at Ye Chen suspiciously: "Sir, do you want to sell this rough?"

Ye Chen nodded: "You can call your boss."

Su Ming said on the side: "Ye Chen almost got it. As your former colleague, I feel ashamed. Do you think you can make jade by just picking a stone on the street?"

Tian Yuanyuan was even more mocking: "Ye Chen, I thought you were worthless, but I didn't expect that because I left you, you would become even more scumbag and rubbish."

Ye Chen said coldly: "Su Ming, isn't your family engaged in waste recycling? The assets are no more than ten million, believe it or not that your entire family is not as good as the rotten stone you said."

"Hahaha, this rotten stone of yours can be more than my family's assets, tell you our house is more than 10 million, plus fixed assets, how can it be 20 million."

Tian Yuanyuan jokingly said on the side: "Ye Chen, now you know why I kicked you, a poor dick, and followed Amin. You are a local tyrant. How can you compare to a person like you who rides a bicycle and lives in a rental house."

Ye Chen sneered, and was too lazy to continue talking nonsense with the two people, and directly said to the salesperson: "Call your manager and tell them this is a purebred emperor green."

"Pure-bred emperor green?"

When Ye Chen's words were uttered, there was an uproar at the scene, and everyone gathered around.

Su Ming sneered: "You are still pure-bred emperor green, and you won't flash the wind on your tongue."

Everyone also shook their heads. It is estimated that this young man is really crazy about money.

Regardless of its color or texture, this stone does not look like a green stone.

The sales girl was shocked when Ye Chen said that the stone she was holding was Emperor Green, and quickly called an old man from it.

"The boss, the gentleman, said that the rough stone in his hand is imperial green. Could you please identify it."

An old man with a glaze came out. It was Li Kun, the owner of this jade shop and a well-known jade appraisal expert.

Old Li walked closer, looked at the rough stone, and then took a magnifying glass to observe it carefully for a long time.

At first, Old Li's eyes still had disdain, but soon the disdain in his eyes turned into shock.

Because this rough stone can be seen from the first crack, it is indeed a piece of emerald green, and the possibility of green is very high.

On the side Su Ming couldn't wait: "Lao Li, this stone must be waste, don't waste time with this kind of rubbish."

Lao Li suddenly raised his head and ignored Su Ming, and said nervously, "This little brother, can this jade be sold to me for a billion?"


There was a dead silence at the scene.

Everyone thought they had heard it wrong.

Su Ming and Tian Yuanyuan opened their mouths even more, completely stunned.

"Lao Li, what did you just say? Don't be deceived. How could this broken stone be worth 100 million?" Su Ming said in disbelief.

"I've been working on jade for a lifetime, I won't miss it, brother, can this rough be sold for a billion dollars?"

Hearing what Mr. Li said, everyone looked at Ye Chen enviously.

This young man was so lucky that he even picked up a 100 million rough stone.

Everyone thought Ye Chen would agree to sell the stone, but Ye Chen shook his head.

Because Ye Chen remembers that the estimated value of this rough stone in the weekly headlines was one billion, so he naturally wouldn't sell it for one billion.

"Sorry, I can't sell it at this price."

Hearing that Ye Chen was not selling, the scene was in an uproar.

This little brother is too greedy, why not sell a 100 million piece of rough stone?

Lao Li also frowned: "Young man, your rough stone has a high probability of being a glass type. If it is not cut open, you won't have any money."

The so-called one cut in heaven, one cut in **** is the truth.

Su Ming came to the spirit at this time: "Ye Chen, if I were you, I would sell it. You are a poor dick, and you have one billion at a time, and you are still not satisfied."

"Is our family Ye Chen so unpromising to you? I already knew that Ye Chen would succeed. In fact, Ye Chen I left you in the first place to motivate you, and now you really haven't let me down."

Tian Yuanyuan's conversation suddenly changed, and she even loosened Su Ming's arm and stood directly next to Ye Chen, looking at Ye Chen affectionately.

Ye Chen is handsome and rich. Su Ming's assets are no more than ten million, and he looks very ugly. Of course, Tian Yuanyuan would choose Ye Chen.

Originally, Tian Yuanyuan wanted to carry Ye Chen's arm, but Ye Chen avoided it.

Indeed, Ye Chen liked Tian Yuanyuan very much at the beginning, but now, hehe!

There is a fairy wife in the house, this ugly green tea guy wants to seduce him, so much.

"Tian Yuanyuan, I am married now, so please respect yourself." Ye Chen said coldly.

Tian Yuanyuan's face changed when she heard Ye Chen got married.

There was also a look of regret in his eyes.

Ye Chen didn't bother to talk to each other, and said directly to Lao Li, "I can cut the stone. If you cut out the emperor green, it won't be too late for you to make a price."

Li Kun was stunned when he heard Ye Chen's words.

This young man is really bold.

If it were an ordinary person, he would definitely take one billion directly and would not take this risk.

After all, one hundred million feet can change your life and make you rich all your life, but if it is a waste to cut, then everything is gone.

Old Li nodded: "Young man, are you sure you want to cut the stone?"

"I am sure."

If there were no weekly headlines and the other party offered one billion, Ye Chen would sell it without hesitation.

But now that Ye Chen already knew that this was Emperor Green, of course he wouldn't hesitate.

Li Kun nodded: "Young man, then I can only wish you good luck."

Ye Chen moved the stone and came to understand the stone machine.

Li Kun personally put the rough stone on the understanding stone machine and started to solve the stone.

Although Ye Chen already knew the result, he was still a little nervous.

After all, this is a billion.

Others are also excited.

I am very curious about whether the rough stone that is not sold for 100 million will be a blockbuster or become a waste after calcination.

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