Published at 27th of April 2021 12:29:05 PM

Chapter 682: 682

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Tian Yuanyuan clenched her fists nervously. She had already thought that once the stone was really emperor green, even if she was a junior, she would chase Ye Chen back down again.

Ye Chen used to love himself so much, it must be possible.

Tian Yuanyuan encouraged herself in her heart.


Accompanied by the harsh sound, the knife in Old Li's hand has been cut down.

Just cut the thin outer edge, a dazzling emerald green appeared inside.

"I wiped it, it's green so soon."

There was dead silence all around.

Seeing that piece of emerald green are all dumbfounded.

Lao Li was even more shocked. He took a deep breath: "Little brother, 500 million, I want this rough stone."

Five hundred million, when hearing the price, everyone on the scene took another breath of air-conditioning.

Oh my God, this young man is really rich.

Picking up a piece of rock casually made 500 million yuan, which is simply awesome.

Su Ming was completely stupid.

He couldn't even dream that he had become a billionaire in the blink of an eye.

Tian Yuanyuan's excited eyes lit up.

As if the rough stone was his own.

She has decided that she must be Ye Chen's third, not even the fourth and fifth are no problem.

Everyone thought Ye Chen would sell this time, but Ye Chen shook his head again: "500 million is less."

After hearing what Ye Chen said, everyone was about to vomit blood.

It's less than 500 million, why don't you go to heaven.

Old Li also frowned: "Little brother, you can make a price, how much you can sell."

Ye Chen said: "One billion."

Hearing the price offered by Ye Chen, the scene was in an uproar.

"I rub, this kid really dare to open."

"Billions? How could it be possible!"

Lao Li stared at the rough stone and took a deep breath: "One billion is sold for one billion."

One billion transactions.

The scene was all shocked.

Everyone looked stunned, especially those who laughed at Ye Chen for daydreaming just now, they were all stupid.

I went, and they picked up a stone casually, and it really sold for a billion, which is too awesome.

Su Ming was completely stupid.

Tian Yuanyuan looked excited: "Ye Chen, you are amazing, a billion, enough for us to spend a lifetime."

Su Ming was angry, and this woman put a green hat on him in front of him.

"Tian Yuanyuan, what do you mean?"

"Ugbi, I was really blind at the beginning, why did I follow you? How can you compare to Ye Chen? The parents are handsomer than you, richer than you, why should I follow you like Ugly?"

Speaking of Tian Yuanyuan looking at Ye Chen affectionately: "Ye Chen, in fact, I have always loved you very much. I am willing to be your junior as long as I can be with you."

Ye Chen looked at Tian Yuanyuan's green tea **** look disgusted.

"But I don't love you anymore."

"No, you must love me, you forgot you said you would love me to the point where the sea is dry and the rocks are rotten, and the flowers die and the flowers bloom."

Ye Chen sneered: "Tian Yuanyuan, we are all grown up, in other words, you are too ugly to be qualified."


Tian Yuanyuan was rejected by Ye Chen and finally revealed the essence of green tea.

"Ye Chen, didn't you just pick up a broken stone? What's so great?" Tian Yuanyuan pointed at Ye Chen and cursed.

At this moment, several people in suits walked in.

Leading a middle-aged man, Li Kun saw the other party and hurriedly greeted him.

"Mr. Hu, why are you here?"

The person who came was Hu Wan, the general manager of Jinjie Commercial Street.

Hu Wan and Lao Li greeted them and walked straight to Ye Chen.

Afterwards, Hu Wan bowed with several Jinjie executives behind him.

"Hello, Ye Dong."

"Ye Dong?"

Everyone was stunned again.

Old Li was even more confused: "Mr. Hu, who is this little brother?"

Hu Wan respectfully said: "This is the boss of our Magic City Commercial Street, Ye Chen."

"What? Boss?"

Even a needle dropped on the ground can be heard silently at the scene.

This young man who just sold one billion rough stones turned out to be the owner of Jinjie!

Su Ming and Tian Yuanyuan are stupid.

Ye Chen looked at Tian Yuanyuan with a dull gaze: "I really loved you back then. If you were not a green tea bitch, all of this should be yours today. Unfortunately, you don't have this life. Do you think you are worthy of being my junior? "

Tian Yuanyuan collapsed to the ground.

Marrying into a wealthy family has always been her dream, but she ruined this dream alive.

Su Ming also had a flushed face, thinking about it, he just scolded the other party for being poor, and as a result, not only did he sell a billion yuan of rough stone, but he was also the owner of Jinjie.

He is a scum in front of Ye Chen!

Su Ming really didn't have the face to stay here, and turned to leave dingy.

At this time, Tian Yuanyuan suddenly hugged his thigh: "Amin actually I love you the most."

"Fuck, you green tea bitch, now I see you disgusting." Su Ming kicked him, turned and left.

On the ground, Tian Yuanyuan cried bitterly, and she finally knew what it means to beat a chicken.

Ye Chen looked at Tian Yuanyuan in pain, only feeling sad for her in his heart.

"This woman is too noisy, President Hu handle it."

Hu Wan nodded quickly and ordered the two security guards to throw Tian Yuanyuan out.

Calm was restored in the jade shop.

The jade matter is settled, Ye Chen's next task is to save Tong Xiaoya.

From the jade incident, it can be proved that the future can be rewritten.

In other words, he could avoid a car accident as long as he prevented Tong Xiaoya from riding on the island country's Fengtian sedan.

Ye Chen called Tong Xiaoya early in the morning.

"Xiaoya, what are the arrangements for tomorrow."

"Oh, there is an announcement tomorrow morning, I will go to the event early in the morning."

"Well, I'll drive to see you off tomorrow. It just so happens that I have something to go there too."

Ye Chen was worried that Tong Xiaoya was thinking about it, so he didn't tell her about the car accident.

"Okay, then I'll wait for you."

Early the next morning, Ye Chen drove Cullinan to the hotel where Tong Xiaoya was staying.

Sure enough, a Fengtian car was parked at the door.

This should have been Tong Xiaoya sitting.

Tong Xiaoya was sitting in Ye Chen's car, and the assistant and other staff were sitting on the windmill.

Ye Chen prayed in his heart, hoping that the accident would not happen if Tong Xiaoya didn't sit in that car.

In fact, Ye Chen also took a risk.

This is what will happen in the future, so he is changing the future.

If Tong Xiaoya is the core, then she will suffer a car accident in that car.

But after all, Ye Chen and Tong Xiaoya are friends, he can't just watch Tong Xiaoya get into a car accident.

Fengtian's car was in front, and Ye Chen's Cullinan followed behind.

"Ye Chen, it feels like you are different today." Tong Xiaoya said suddenly.

Ye Chen was stunned for a moment: "Where is it different?"

Tong Xiaoya thought for a while and said, "I feel you are very nervous."

Ye Chen smiled bitterly in his heart: "Can you not be nervous? This is about your life and death."

The journey went smoothly, and finally the car reached the highway.

Ye Chen has been tightening this string in his heart. Although he has the bonus of god-level car skills, he dare not care.

However, the crisis came unexpectedly.

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