Published at 27th of April 2021 12:29:00 PM

Chapter 687: 687

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Ye Chen ran a few deals, but didn't get a five-star award.

"System, is there a five-star reward? If not, I won't open the dick."

After all, Ye Chen is already the president of the Hundreds of Millions Group, but there is no benefit to beep every day, and Ye Chen doesn't want to waste time anymore.

At this moment, Ye Chen received a call.

"Ye Chen, can you come to Kyoto? A friend of mine is seriously ill." Su Wanyi called.

"No problem." Ye Chen nodded.

Ye Chen drove the car and picked up Su Wanyi.

Su Wanyi was very anxious, it seemed that her friend was very sick.

Originally, Ye Chen wanted to contact his private jet.

Unfortunately, the private jet is undergoing maintenance and cannot take off immediately.

Ye Chen drove to the airport.

Fortunately, Ye Chen used his relationship to get on the earliest flight.

Su Wanyi's friends are her own friends.

Ye Chen understood that Su Wanyi asked herself to go there, it must be to save her friend.

After all, Su Wanyi knew Ye Chen's strength.

Next to Ye Chen is a beautiful girl.

She wore a pale white shirt on her upper body and a pleated skirt on her lower body. Her black hair slid across her fragrant shoulders like a waterfall. On her pretty face, she had a pair of watery eyes very beautiful.

His long eyelashes kept blinking, secretly looking at the boy next to him.

Ye Chen is really handsome.

Even girls feel that Ye Chen is very much like a recent movie star.

In fact, it's not like it. Ye Chen is in the movie.

Because of the different charm values, she just looks alike in her eyes.

Otherwise, Ye Chen wouldn't be able to go out at all.

Several TV series starring Ye Chen are on the air. It can be said that Ye Chen is in a mess now.

Had it not been for the charm of the system, it is estimated that Ye Chen would have been surrounded by a group of fans wherever he went, just like other stars.

The girl smiled and said, "Handsome guy, what do you do?"

Ye Chen smiled faintly: "I'm the Didi driver."

"Didi driver?" The girl was taken aback for a moment.

This completely subverts the girl's worldview.

In her eyes, shouldn't the didi driver be that kind of uncle? How could it be so handsome?

Ye Chen smiled and said, "Beauty, you are a medical student."

Hearing Ye Chen's words, the girl was stunned for a moment: "How did you know?"

Ye Chen smiled faintly: "Because I know how to look at the face, in fact, I am still a master, do you want me to show you palms?"

The girl snorted coldly, "Hmph, your method of accosting is not clever at all."

Ye Chen said: "Who said that? My method is very clever? For example, I can figure out that there will be a patient on the plane who needs help."

The girl sneered: "Well, I look forward to your prediction."

Now, Ye Chen still thought the girl was very handsome.

But now I feel that Ye Chen is a scumbag.

What kind of physiognomy is simply a lie.

"Believe you, sows can go up the tree, and the plane is flying in the sky, what can happen?"

The girl didn't want to pester Ye Chen anymore.

Now Ye Chen had almost no good feelings in his mind besides being handsome.

Ye Chen shook his head, and when he saw the girl's eyes, he knew that the other party didn't believe him at all.

It's okay to be idle anyway, Ye Chen decided to tease the girl.

"Actually, you look weird by your face."

The girl was taken aback and asked: "What's weird?"

Ye Chen smiled faintly: "It's so pretty."

Originally, Wu Ning thought that Ye Chen would be like the other liars who said she was in trouble, and then he could resolve it and take advantage of him.

Unexpectedly, he was teasing himself.

"Huh, Youzui Huaqiang, I don't know how many girls have been deceived."

Ye Chen nodded: "Wow, how did you know that, would you also look at it?"

Wu Ning was speechless.

Ye Chen continued: "Actually, I am also studying medicine, and we are still half colleagues."

"It's you? Didn't you make a beep?"

"Well, apart from prescribing di di di di di di di di di di di di di di di di di di di di di di di di di di dily), and I can also heal

Wu Ning said: "Okay, you will see the picture, what do you see from me?"

Ye Chen smiled faintly: "I see that you should be a senior, and now you are going to go to the hospital for an internship. You are the only child in your family, and your living conditions are very good. Your parents should be in officialdom."

Hearing what Ye Chen said, Wu Ning was stunned.

Ye Chen was even right about her background.

How did this young man know?

Could it be that this young man investigated himself.

But it's impossible. You know, they met on an airplane for the first time. How could he investigate his background?

Does this young man really know the picture?

Just when Wu Ning was skeptical, suddenly there was a voice from the plane's broadcast.

"Hello everybody, there is a passenger in economy class, and there is a sudden illness. If there is a doctor in the plane, please come to F15 in economy class for help."

After listening to the radio, Wu Ning's face suddenly changed.

Because Ye Chen just said that someone on this plane would need help.

The announcer played it three times in a row, and looked very anxious. It seemed that the patient was very sick.

Wu Ning glanced at Ye Chen and said, "Didn't you just say that you know medical skills? Or let's take a look together."

Ye Chen nodded: "Well, the doctor is kind, how can you stand by when you encounter it."

Two people arrived in the economy class, and found that the patient's position had already surrounded a lot of people at the moment.

An old man's face was pale, his face was soaked with sweat, his breathing was short, and he looked very uncomfortable.

There was a woman beside her anxiously wiping tears.

This is 10,000 feet in the sky, where to find a doctor.

At this moment, an old man who came early is giving the other person's pulse.

Seeing the old man, who looked like an old Chinese doctor, Wu Ning let out a sigh of relief when he saw someone helping him.

"This person should be fine."

Ye Chen asked curiously: "How do you know he will be fine?"

Wu Ning smiled and said, "I know this old man. He is the principal of our medical school. Mr. Lu Ming, the vice president of the Chinese Medical Association of Chinese Medicine. If he takes action, he will surely get rid of the disease."

Ye Chen laughed but didn't say anything. As time passed, the old man pulsed, but his brows became more frowning.

"This kind of illness, it takes so long to get the pulse." Ye Chen said silently.

Although he only talked to Wu Ning in a low voice, everyone was very nervous when the old man got his pulse, so it was very quiet.

This voice seemed very abrupt, everyone was stunned for a moment, and their eyes turned to Ye Chen one after another.

Ye Chen's words made the old man very dissatisfied.

He opened his eyes and gave Ye Chen a fierce look.

Ye Chen didn't think so. Even with this medical skill, he was embarrassed to be the vice president of the Chinese Medicine Association?

No wonder Chinese medicine is so unwelcome now.

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