Published at 27th of April 2021 12:49:54 PM

Chapter 69: 69

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Ye Chen and Liu Weiwei walked in.

"This is?" Li Ju was stunned when he saw Ye Chen coming in.

Liu Weiwei quickly said: "This is Ye Chen. He just cracked the virus. I think he should be able to help us catch the hacker."

Li Ju heard this with joy on his face: "Mr. Ye, what do you do?"

"I am a Didi driver." Ye Chen replied.

The smile on Li Ju's face disappeared instantly.

"Naughty, how could the driver of Didi crack the computer virus." Li Ju angrily said.

Liu Weiwei quickly explained: "July Li, my computer got a virus just now. Ye Chen helped me fix it. He can crack the virus so quickly. I think he really has a chance to help us catch the hacker."

Li Ju snorted: "Did he fix it? We just got a report that Qilong 360 has just developed anti-virus software."

"Weiwei, you are still too young."

"This little brother Didi really dare to say that he used 360 anti-virus software to kill the virus, but he actually said it was the virus he killed."

"At this time, it's too foolish to make trouble."

Liu Weiwei was taken aback for a moment and looked at Ye Chen.

Ye Chen was already sitting at the desk at this time, his hands crackling on the keyboard.

He turned a deaf ear to all the accusations against him.

Seeing the characters on the computer screen, Liu Weiwei was stunned.

There was a shocked expression on her face.

Oh my god, it's too strong.

Li Ju continued: "Now that we have found a way to kill the virus, the other party will definitely jump over the wall and sell the data to foreign countries. In that case, our loss will be too great. We must find the other party in the shortest time."

At this time, his eyes turned to Ye Chen: "Are you still not going out?"

"Don't talk, I want to find the hacker to be quiet." Ye Chen suddenly scolded.

Suddenly there was silence in the meeting room.

Everyone was stunned.

Ye Chen was just a didi little brother, who openly scolded the leader.

Li Ju was also taken aback. He just wanted to say something, but Liu Weiwei gave her a booing hand.

Could this kid really catch the hacker?

He suppressed the fire and silenced the sound.

Liu Weiwei stared at Ye Chen's computer screen.

At this time, Ye Chen was tracking the hacker's IP address.

This hacker is very cunning, his virtual IP address is like a spider web.

Ye Chen had to get rid of the cocoon and find the real hacker IP address from many fake IP addresses.

There was dead silence in the meeting room, and everyone stared at Ye Chen.


In the entire conference room, there was only the sound of Ye Chen hitting the keyboard.

"Found it!" Ye Chen said suddenly.

"found it?"

Everyone in the conference room was shocked.

Ye Chen said: "The other party is in the 16th Villa of the Magic Capital Wanxin."

There was dead silence in the conference room.

No one thought that Ye Chen could find the hacker's lair in such a short period of time.

Liu Weiwei was the first to get back to her senses and quickly said: "Li Ju hastened to give orders."

"Yes, to... immediately notify the SWAT team to arrest."

Ten minutes later, an armed SWAT team had closely surrounded 16 Wanxin villas.

In the yard, there are three luxury cars parked, Limborghini, Ferrari, and a Pagani. It looks like a local tyrant's home.

The SWAT captain made a gesture, and a SWAT team quickly jumped onto the wall, and then opened the door.

The special police rushed into the villa and kicked the door open.

A fat white man was lingering on the bed with two glamorous women, but was directly subdued by the special police.

In another room, several computers are still running.

Network experts found all the stolen company data on the computer.

The news came and thunderous applause broke out in the conference room.

Li Ju stood up excitedly: "Young man, you are so amazing, I was just abrupt."

Although Ye Chen scolded him just now, but the case was solved, Li Ju had forgotten this matter a long time ago.

"It's okay, it's just a matter of effort, the other party is too good, not a bit challenging."

After hearing Ye Chen's words, the network experts in the conference room blushed.

Is this really human?

National network experts and hacker masters have never caught this master-level hacker, and you are a rookie in your eyes!

Zhou Susu looked at Ye Chen blankly.

He actually did it.

Ye Chen just said that he could catch the hacker. Zhou Susu didn't believe it at all. He didn't expect Ye Chen to lock the other party in just ten minutes.

Is this guy Superman?

Being able to solve crimes and hacking skills is simply omnipotent!

"Ye Chen, you are so strong, can I worship you as a teacher?" Liu Weiwei blushed.

"Worship me as a teacher? I just made a joke." Ye Chen smiled.

"No, I'm serious." Liu Weiwei was very sincere.

"Actually, I think it's better to forget it, I have to make money with didi." Ye Chen smiled.

"Open dick?"

Everyone heard that Ye Chen was still thinking about opening didi and they were all speechless.

Especially meow, your hacking skills are so awesome.

"Mr. Ye, join our police force, how about I directly give you a deputy chief." Li Ju said excitedly.

Hearing what Li Ju said, everyone at the scene was stupid.

I rub!

This is one step in the legend.

Directly as deputy director, this is simply unprecedented!

Everyone's eyes were full of envy.

"Sorry, I am not interested in the deputy director, I just want to be a didi driver." Ye Chen replied calmly.

Everyone was stunned again!

Is this kid crazy?

Actually gave up the opportunity to reach the sky in one step.

The deputy director did not do it, but he turned on a beep?

Are the young people so individual nowadays?

Ye Chen smiled faintly: "The problem is solved, I will continue to run didi to make money! By the way, police officer Liu, do you want to make a didi?"

Liu Weiwei nodded, the criminal had been caught, and the people from the Modu Public Security Bureau were responsible for the rest of the work. On the contrary, she had nothing to do.

Zhou Susu was a member of the task force and needed to stay, so Ye Chen drove Liu Weiwei to the hotel in a Xiali car.

"Master, how did you track down that guy?" Liu Weiwei said coquettishly.

Ye Chen was speechless: "This girl just looked icy, but now she is a forgiving fairy."

"It's very simple. Although he wove a huge spider web, there is always a main thread. It's OK to find the main thread."

Ye Chen said it was an understatement, but Liu Weiwei understood how difficult it was to find that main thread.

Otherwise, there would not be hundreds of network experts across the country, and there would be no way to deal with this hacker.

"In fact, this guy is just a gun, he has no such skills." Ye Chen said lightly.

"What? You mean he still has a man behind the scenes?" Liu Weiwei asked in surprise.

Ye Chen nodded: "I have found the man behind the scenes through ID, and I just gave them a big gift."

At this moment, Liu Weiwei's phone rang.

"Weiwei, something big happened!"

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