Published at 27th of April 2021 12:28:55 PM

Chapter 691: 691

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Ye Chen snorted coldly: "You look sallow, you are over-indulgent and addicted to alcohol, and you are narrow-minded, like to get angry, and even your body is not well regulated. Are you embarrassed to say that you are an old Chinese doctor?"

Hearing Ye Chen's words, the old man's expression suddenly changed.

In fact, the old man is indeed sick, and as Ye Chen said.

Who the **** is this young man, who is so powerful.

Hu Ming took a deep breath and said, "Mr. Chen, it seems that this little brother has superior medical skills than me, so I won't be here to show my ugliness."

With that, Hu Ming sighed and turned to leave.

Ye Chen smiled faintly, now that Miss Jiang is cured, then I won't bother.

With that, Ye Chen turned and left.

Ye Chen's cell phone rang suddenly after leaving the Jiang family.

"Ye Chen, my grandfather is going to do it." Su Wanyi's cry came over the phone.

Although grandfather once wanted to marry her out, Su Wanyi loved Su Wanyi the most since childhood.

So she still has feelings for Su Lao.

Ye Chen frowned and said, "Don't worry, I will go over."

At this time, in the ward, the instrument's alarm sounded continuously.

A doctor wiped his sweat, then sighed.

"It doesn't seem to work anymore, let's notify the family members."

The faces of several doctors were very ugly.

You know, lying on the operating table is the Patriarch of the Su family.

The Su family's background and status were not caused by them.

"What to do, the patient is suffering from acute cerebral congestion. We have no way to treat it. If the prime time is missed, Huatuo may not be able to cure it even in the world."

"What if a craniotomy?" an expert said, pushing his glasses.

"No, now Su Lao's vital signs are already very weak. If you rush the operation, it is very likely that the patient will die on the operating table. We can't bear the anger of the Su family."

The faces of several doctors were hard to look.

Yes, the Su family is no better than ordinary people. Although they are all well-known experts in Kyoto, the disease is indeed very difficult.

The old man was already very weak, and the onset of cerebral congestion was too sudden. When he was sent, he had already missed the time for golden treatment.

Although they have tried their best, they are still unable to recover.

Now they can only hope that the Su Family will not fall their anger on them.

The door of the operating room opened, the attending doctor Sun Ming went out and said, "Miss Su, I have tried my best, but the old man is sick..."

Su Wanyi's face was ugly and she said, "Doctor, you must think of a way again. As long as you can cure my grandfather's disease, there is no problem with how much you spend."

Sun Ming sighed: "Ms. Su is really sorry. The old man has a sudden cerebral congestion. We really can't help it, and it was delivered too late. I really can't help it. Let alone us, Hua Tuo can't save it even in the world. Old man."

After hearing Sun Ming's words, Su Wanyi's face became difficult to look.

"There is really no way, we are willing to spend as much money."

Sun Ming sighed: "Ms. Su, it's not a question of money. I am an expert in Kyoto Brain Department. I said that there is no cure. Basically no one can treat Su Lao's disease."

As the youngest brain expert in Kyoto, Sun Ming does have such arrogance.

Su Wanyi sighed, "Is there really no way for Grandpa's illness?"

At this moment, a voice sounded behind Su Wanyi: "Grandpa's disease, I can cure it."

Although the sound is not loud, it is sonorous and powerful.

Su Wanyi turned her head and saw the face of the person who came with joy: "Ye Chen."

That's right, Su Wanyi now regards Ye Chen as her last hope.

Sun Ming was stunned when he saw Ye Chen.

"Boy, what nonsense are you talking about? Old Su is very ill and cannot be treated at all."

Ye Chen said indifferently: "It can't be cured. You can only say that your medical skills are not good. You can't cure it, I can cure it."

Sun Ming was also angry when he heard the young man in front of him speak wild words.

He had just announced in public that Su Lao could not be cured.

But Ye Chen said that he could be treated. Isn't this slapping him in the face?

Su Wanyi said, "Ye Chen, please, you must save my grandpa."

Ye Chen smiled faintly: "Don't worry, leave it to me."

Sun Ming frowned and said: "Miss Su, healing is not a trivial matter. Medical skills need to be accumulated. This young man is only in his early twenties. Where can his medical skills go? If something happens to Old Su, then I Can’t afford this responsibility."

Su Wanyi said, "You can't help it, don't you let others try it?"

Sun Ming had nothing to say when he heard it, so he had to give up a way.

He glanced at Ye Chen coldly: "Hmph, I just uttered wild words at a young age, I'm going to see how you end up in a while."

Ye Chen didn't pay attention to the other party at all, and went straight into the operating room.

Sun Ming's face was ugly.

This young man is too much to treat so many people without giving him face.

Sun Ming led several other doctors into the operating room.

But he saw that Ye Chen was giving Su Lao a needle.

"Acupuncture?" Sun Ming frowned.

What Chinese medicine is, Western medicine can't cure it. How could Chinese medicine save Lao Su?

Sun Ming frowned and said, "Boy, what are you doing nonsense? Are you treating a disease or killing someone? Security guard, give me this kid and blast out."

At this moment, a nurse suddenly shouted, "Look, Su Lao has recovered his heartbeat."

Everyone looked at the instrument watch, and as expected, Su Lao's heartbeat was recovering steadily.

No one dared to speak after seeing this scene.

Everyone took a deep breath.

No one thought that Ye Chen would have such a means at such a young age.

Ye Chen glanced at Su Ming coldly: "I don't like people yelling at the side to get out of me."

Su Ming was immediately angry when he heard it. He was the attending doctor, how could he make people so insulted.

He was about to say something, Su Wanyi on the side pointed to Su Ming and said, "Get out of here."

"I..." Su Ming was stupid.

Ye Chen can afford to provoke him, but Su Wanyi is the eldest of the Su family, how can he provoke it?

Then the two bodyguards of the Su family directly racked Su Ming out.

Ye Chen said coldly: "Wan Yi, you stay, and other idlers will all go out."

Su Wanyi nodded: "Everyone else is out."

Everyone left, and Ye Chen continued to start acupuncture.

Ye Chen has just passed acupuncture and moxibustion, and the old man has returned to normal.

Now the other doctors looked at Ye Chen with admiration.

The silver needle in Ye Chen's hand kept piercing the acupuncture points in Su Lao's brain.

One stitch, two stitches, three stitches...

After a while, Su Lao had more than a dozen stitches in his head.

Ye Chen gently twisted the silver needle with his hands, and sweat ran down his cheeks.

Su Wanyi quickly took out a handkerchief to wipe the sweat for Ye Chen.

Seeing Ye Chen's serious and handsome look, Su Wanyi's heart almost melted.

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