Published at 27th of April 2021 12:28:49 PM

Chapter 696: 696

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Although Ye Chen is young, he looks like a boss very much. It can be said that he is young and promising.

Before Zhao Ming heard that there was a new boss coming, and the man was still very young, Zhao Ming was not convinced, thinking about where the hairy boy came from.

But now seeing Ye Chen's conversation and demeanor, Zhao Ming understood the reason, and the young man in front of him was very king.

After listening to Zhang Tao, he was also ashamed, with an ugly expression on his face.

He knew he was over this time, and he really regretted what he did just now.

Ye Chen is right. Managers can't always look high, they should be like brothers with employees.

In fact, when Zhao Ming was not a leader before, he really got along with everyone, but since becoming the deputy general manager, his status and mentality have also changed. Gradually, he looked down on these employees and even talked to him before. The good brothers are also alienated from him.

However, Zhang Tao didn't find the problem from himself, he thought that those people felt that they couldn't afford to climb up high.

Hearing what Ye Chen said today, he was really ashamed that he wanted to find a place to drill in.

Zhang Tao didn't plead with Ye Chen anymore, because he really had no face to stay any longer.

He came to Ye Chen and said ashamed: "Boss, I'm sorry, I know I was wrong, I am really taught today."

Then, he came to the couriers again, bowed to everyone and said, "Please forgive me for what I did before. I'm sorry, I was wrong. I shouldn't have treated you so badly."

Everyone looked at Zhang Tao and didn't say anything. They really hated the guy in front of them. Ever since Zhang Tao took the leadership position, he has cursed them as much as he wants, regardless of everyone's face.

After speaking, Zhang Tao turned and walked out the door.

Ye Chen looked at the back of Zhang Tao's departure and felt that this person was still somewhat conscientious, unlike the people he met before. He didn't admit that he had done something wrong, and he stubbornly depended on the company to not leave.

Ye Chen admires people who know their mistakes and can correct them, so he decided to give Zhang Tao a chance.

Seeing the younger brother-in-law leave, Zhao Ming also showed an embarrassed expression on his face. He was having a headache and how to explain to his wife at night.

The wife is the best to this younger brother. If he knows that Zhao Ming is not interceding in front of the boss and the younger brother resigns, then his life at night must be difficult.

But even if it was to intercede in front of Ye Chen, Zhao Ming knew it was useless, because the brother-in-law committed a big taboo.

Maybe I'll get involved by my brother-in-law and lose my position.

Zhao Ming was thinking, but was suddenly pulled back by Ye Chen's words.

"Manager Zhao, you immediately call Manager Zhang and ask him to return to work tomorrow. If he performs well within three months, he can continue to work here. If not, let him leave." Ye Chen said lightly.

Originally, Zhao Ming was still worried about how to explain to his wife at night, but when Ye Chen said this, the sorrow in his heart disappeared.

"Good boss, I'll call him in a while." Zhao Ming said hurriedly.

"Okay, you guys are busy, I'm going to deliver the express." Ye Chen said lightly.

Originally, Zhao Ming thought that the boss was wearing the express uniform to hide his identity. He secretly investigated, but he did not expect Ye Chen to actually send the express.

But when Ye Chen said this, he felt a little ashamed in his heart. Everyone had a courier company, and with such hard work, thinking that he was just a general manager, he was already very satisfied.

After seeing Ye Chen leave, Zhao Ming hurriedly took out his cell phone and called his brother-in-law.

Walking down the road in despair, Zhang Tao heard the phone ring and glanced at the phone number, which turned out to be the phone number of his brother-in-law.

You don't need to think that Zhang Tao can know that his brother-in-law called him, it must be to reprimand him.

Zhao Ming made several calls and Zhang Tao didn't answer him, thinking about what this kid was doing.

Hearing the ringing of the mobile phone, Zhang Tao bit his head and pressed the connect button, but there was no sound of reprimanding from the other end of the phone.

"Zhang Tao, the boss said that he would give you a chance to continue working in the company tomorrow." Zhao Ming said.

When Zhang Tao heard it, he thought he was dreaming, and immediately pinched his face with his hands. Ouch, it hurts.

Hearing the whoops on the other end of the phone, Zhao Ming asked suspiciously: "Did you kid listen to what I said, what are you doing?"

Zhang Tao knew this was the truth from the pain he had just felt, and hurriedly said, "Brother-in-law, the boss allowed me to continue working tomorrow. Is this true?"

"What did I lie to you for? But there is a three-month inspection period for you. If you fail to pass, you still have to leave." Zhao Ming told Zhang Tao what Ye Chen had said.

"Okay, I must behave well, and I will definitely live up to the boss's trust in me." Zhang Tao said as he shed tears of gratitude.

He originally thought that he had been fired like this, and there was no room for maneuver, but he didn't expect Ye Chen to give him a chance. Zhang Tao vowed in his heart that he would do it well.

After leaving the express company, Ye Chen drove Cullinan to the gate of a community.

According to the contact information on the courier, a number was dialed.

"The user you are dialing is temporarily unavailable, please try again later" on the phone.

After making several calls in a row, no one answered, Ye Chen decided to make the last call.

At this time, a very impatient voice came from the other end of the phone: "Who are you, you are calling endlessly, don't you know I'm busy?"

Ye Chen didn't get angry because of the man's attitude, and said calmly: "Mr. Zhou, your express has arrived, and the security of the community is not allowed to enter, so please come out and take it. I am at the gate of the community now.

"I'm busy, wait for me for another ten minutes." After speaking, the phone was hung up.

Ye Chen did not continue to call, but took out the pre-prepared loudspeaker and shouted: "Mr. Zhou of Building 708, the inflatable doll you just bought has arrived. Please go to the gate of the community to get it."

He yelled three times in a row, and the security guard next to him watched him stunned, thinking that this courier's behavior was really ruthless.

The small heads of the residents in the community were all poked out, wanting to see what happened downstairs.

At this time, a tight man who wrapped himself up, like a "mummy" man walked slowly.

"Mummy" looked at Ye Chen angrily and said, "Hurry up and give me my things."

Ye Chen looked at the "mummy" and said, "I can be guessed by me by this. It's a god, Mr. Zhou, what you bought is really an inflatable doll."


He didn't expect that he would not confess to himself, it was really shameful.

Taking things from Ye Chen's hands, he hurriedly left in embarrassment.

Ye Chen looked at the "mummy" leaving behind, and did not forget to shout: "If you think the service is good, remember to give a five-star praise."

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