Published at 27th of April 2021 12:28:48 PM

Chapter 697: 697

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The "Mummy" thought that Ye Chen actually called out his house number downstairs. The most annoying thing was that he even shouted three times for the purchased items. Now he hated his teeth.

I also want five-star praise, so it would be nice not to complain to Ye Chen.

In the surprised gaze of the security guard, Ye Chen drove Cullinan away from the gate of the community.

I took a look at the courier in my hand, and the next place to be delivered was Haijing District.

Ye Chen felt that the address above was a bit familiar, but he couldn't remember it for a while.

He dialed the contact information above: "Miss Xiao, I am a speed courier, are you at home?"

"Well, there is someone in the house, come up." The girl said in a sweet voice.

Ye Chen entered the elevator, pressed the number 8, walked out of it, and knocked on the room number 806.

The door opened, and standing at the door was a girl in cartoon pajamas.

Seeing the girl in front of him, Ye Chen was stunned for a moment. Before he could speak, the girl spoke first: "Hello, handsome guy, we meet again."

Ye Chen smiled and nodded: "Hello, this is your express, please sign for it."

The girl looked at the handsome boy in front of her, but did not sign for it for a long time.

"Miss Xiao, is there any problem with the express delivery?" Ye Chen frowned and asked.

The girl pouted and said, "Handsome man, you really don't remember me."

Ye Chen felt funny in his heart when asked by the girl. How could he remember so many couriers every day?

Seeing Ye Chen didn't speak, the girl showed an unhappy expression on her face: "You forgot, you sent me the courier yesterday."

"Oh, isn't it? I'm sorry to forget." Ye Chen scratched his head and said.

Seeing Ye Chen's cute expression, the girl put a smile on her face and said, "Well, I will forgive you."

Ye Chen said: "Then can I sign for express delivery now?"

The girl still had no plans to sign for the receipt. She looked at Ye Chen and said, "Handsome guy, hello, my name is Xiao Ya, how about let's keep contact with each other?"

"Oh, hello, my name is Ye Chen." Ye Chen said politely.

"Do you think we two are very destined?" Xiao Ya said mischievously, sticking out her tongue.

Ye Chen didn't say anything on the surface, but he thought that the current girl was really too courageous. It was really dangerous to take the initiative to strike up a conversation with a strange man.

"Little girl, don't talk to strangers in the future, let alone leave contact information with each other, this is very dangerous." Ye Chen kindly reminded.

"Brother Ye Chen, with a handsome guy like you, I'm not afraid of danger anymore." Xiao Ya said coquettishly.

From the first time I saw Ye Chen, she had fallen in love with this boy.

The boys who pursued Xiao Ya in school could form a long line, but Ye Chen didn't even look at them.

But it was different for Ye Chen. Every time she saw Ye Chen, she felt that there were seven or eight small deer bumping into her heart, which was a feeling of shock.

Since the girl was kindly persuaded not to listen, Ye Chen had no choice but to tell Xiao Ya about her contact information out of politeness, and the girl was so happy that she signed for the delivery.

Seeing that Xiao Ya had signed for and gave a five-star praise, Ye Chen took a deep breath and turned and left.

At this time, the girl's sweet voice sounded behind her: "Brother Ye Chen, if I call you, will you answer it?"

"Yes." Ye Chen said lightly.

When the voice fell, I heard Xiao Ya's excited voice: "Oh, great."

Ye Chen walked into the elevator and went downstairs. Xiao Ya was different from the girl he had contacted before.

Xiao Ya has a lively and cheerful personality. Ye Chen knows that this has something to do with her age. This girl looks like seventeen or eighteen years old, and she is a high school student to put it bluntly.

Therefore, Ye Chen would not take this girl to heart at all, the key is the disparity between the two ages.

This can be regarded as a small episode. Although Xiao Ya gave a five-star praise, she did not activate the lucky star to obtain system rewards.

After checking the time, it was 12 o'clock noon. Ye Chen walked into a fast food restaurant and ordered a burger set meal to take away, and sat in the car to eat.

Ye Chen doesn't pay much attention to eating, he thinks that as long as he can fill his stomach.

After lunch, I took a nap in the car and then continued to deliver the express.

Ye Chen parked the car on the side of the road, walked into a community, and saw a beautiful blonde woman arguing with a fat man sitting in a Nissan car.

Originally, Ye Chen didn't want to be nosy, but when he saw that the man was about to beat the blonde beauty, he hurried over.

The blonde girl closed her eyes, thinking she would definitely get her slap.

Unexpectedly, I heard the wailing voice of the fat man: "Boy, you let go, don't be nosy here?"

The fat man felt his hands were clamped by iron tongs, unable to move.

After the blonde beauty opened her eyes and saw the young man in front of her, her eyes lit up first. This little brother was so handsome, he was like a movie star who came out on TV. It was completely mine.

However, after seeing the express uniform that Ye Chen was wearing, the blonde beauty sighed in her heart. Unfortunately, she was just a delivery courier and had no future, but she was kind-hearted.

Ye Chen pushed hard, and the fat man rolled aside like a ball and hit the Nissan car.

The blonde beauty looked at Ye Chen and said with gratitude: "Thank you, handsome little brother."

It is because Ye Chen is handsome that the blonde beauty called him the little brother. If he is changed to someone else, he will definitely be called "Master" or "Uncle".

Ye Chen looked at the blonde beauty and asked, "What happened?"

The blonde beauty told the story again, and Ye Chen got a general idea after hearing it.

It turned out that the fat man just threw a banana peel out of the car. The blonde girl argued with him when she saw it, saying that this approach was uncivilized, but she didn't expect to say a few words before the fat man would hit someone. .

Fortunately, Ye Chen took the shot, otherwise the blonde beauty would be miserable.

The two types of people Ye Chen hated most in his life, the first type was to beat women, and the second type was to betray his brothers.

It's a pity that the fat man actually took a little, so how could Ye Chen let him go.

Ye Chen walked up to the fat man and said, "What you did just now was wrong, so please apologize to this young lady."

The fat man looked at Ye Chen with a mocking look, and said, "Boy, you are a delivery courier. Don't be nosy here, and if you broke my car, you have to pay me."

The blonde beauty was also a little guilty when she heard it. After all, Ye Chen was in trouble because of herself, so how could she stand by and watch.

She looked at the fat man and said, "How much money do you need, I will pay you."

"Twenty thousand." The fat man said with an arrogant expression.

As soon as the blonde beauty was about to speak, Ye Chen said: "This gentleman, you have to figure out that we have never touched your car. If there is any problem, you have caused it yourself."

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