Published at 27th of April 2021 12:28:33 PM

Chapter 709: 709

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Ye Chen hurriedly pushed Xiao Ya away and ran towards the bathroom.

This little Nizi is really hooked up, if he doesn't leave immediately, he really doesn't know what he will do.

Seeing Ye Chen leaving, Xiao Ya's mouth showed a smug smile.

Ye Chen came to the bathroom, turned on the faucet, and kept washing his face with cold water. After the **** in his heart dropped a lot, he went inside to release the water again.

After doing all this, his mood just agitated by Xiao Nizi has calmed down a lot.

Just when he was about to walk out of the bathroom, he suddenly found a man standing at the door blocking his way.

The boy in front of him is wearing an Armani suit, with a fashionable haircut, and an expression of disdain on his face.

"A good dog doesn't stand in the way." Ye Chen said lightly.

The boy's mouth twitched, but there was no anger on his face. Instead, he said with a smile: "Hello, my name is Sun Ze. My grandfather is the helm of the Sun group, and I am his grandson."

Sun Ze proudly introduced his identity, and then asked: "Should you have heard of the Sun Group? It is one of the best in Shanghai and the whole country."

He thought he could see surprise and even envy in Ye Chen's eyes, but Ye Chen's eyes were still plain when he saw him, and he didn't even care.

In order to prevent the boy in front of him from beeping here, Ye Chen said blankly, "I haven't heard of what the Sun Group is."

Sun Ze twitched the corners of his mouth again, but there was a slight anger on his face, but there was no attack.

In fact, Ye Chen was so angry with him on purpose. From the moment he first entered the KTV box, he saw that this boy always stared at Xiao Ya with ill intentions, like a hungry wolf seeing delicious food.

Although he and Xiao Ya didn't have that kind of relationship, he didn't want such a good girl to fall into the hands of such a person.

"Brother, it doesn't matter, it's normal that you haven't heard of it." Sun Zeqiang suppressed the anger in his heart, with a smile still on his face.

It may be years of family education and nurturing that made him develop this kind of indescribable ability.

Ye Chen looked at Sun Ze who was holding back the anger in his heart, and he was amused: "Be here with me to pretend to be forced, you are still far away, I don't know that I will give the nickname to force the king.

He ignored Sun Ze continuing to walk outside, but was stopped by Sun Ze.

Just now when Sun Ze saw the boy coming in, Xiao Ya circled him around and knew that the two should have a good relationship.

So I thought of making a breakthrough from this kid and inquiring about the news.

When he was stopped by Sun Ze again, Ye Chen was of course unhappy. He never pretended to be, and said coldly: "Get out of the way."

Sun Ze still kept the smile on his face, and said politely: "I don't know the name yet."

"Ye Chen." Ye Chen replied lightly.

"Oh, Ye Chen, hello, nice to meet you." Sun Ze stretched out his hand and said with a smile on his face.

Ye Chen didn't shake hands with him, because from Sun Ze's address to him, he felt that this kid was too arrogant.

Sun Ze was a few years younger than Ye Chen, and he should have called Ye Chen "Brother Ye" or "Brother Chen", but the other party called his name directly, which seemed extremely disrespectful.

Seeing that Ye Chen did not stretch out his hand, Sun Ze retracted his hand awkwardly: "Ye Chen, I want you to do me a favor."

"How can you help me?" Ye Chen asked back, he just wanted to see what Sun Ze wanted to do.

"Oh, it's nothing. I think Xiao Ya has a very good relationship with you. I just want to get some news about her from you regularly. I can tell you that I like Xiao Ya, but she has a very good attitude towards me. Indifferent." Sun Ze said his needs.

He said that he took out a wad of money from his wallet and handed it to Ye Chen: "Of course, I won't let you do this in vain. This is your reward, and I will pay it every month. You are paid. If I can pursue Xiao Ya, I will give you a large thank you fee."

With a smile on Ye Chen's face, he took the wad of money from Sun Ze's hand.

Seeing Ye Chen's movements, a look of contempt flashed across Sun Ze's face: "The poor are the poor. It's really open to seeing money."

When he saw Ye Chen throw the money into the trash can, Sun Ze showed an ugly expression on his face.

"Sorry, I'm not something you can buy with money. Your money is in the trash can. Go and pick it up." Ye Chen turned and left after speaking.

Just leaving Sun Ze staring at the money in the trash can is unscientific. Sun Ze knew from an early age that money could solve everything, but it didn't work for the young man in front of him.

If he knew Ye Chen's true identity, he would probably be shocked to drop his chin. Ye Chen didn't even look at this amount of money.

Ye Chen walked into the box, looked around, and saw that Xiao Ya was chatting with some of her best friends.

He quietly walked to a sofa in the corner, thinking about what Sun Ze did just now, he was amused for a while, what an idiot even wanted to use money to buy himself, but he couldn't think of it.

Xiao Ya just swept Ye Chen from the corner of her eyes, she got up and walked to Ye Chen's side, and threw herself on the sofa fiercely.

Fortunately, Ye Chen dodged in time, otherwise this little Nizi would sit on him.

When Xiao Ya saw Ye Chen hiding from herself, a hint of displeasure appeared on her face, and then it turned into a smirk.

She kept squeezing towards Ye Chen's side, and Ye Chen kept dodging, so the two of them played the game of you squeezing me until Ye Chen had no way out, and the game ended.

At this time, Xiao Ya's best friend also came to this side, seeing the expressions of the two people, everyone found it interesting.

At this moment, Ye Chen looked helpless, but Xiao Ya looked proud.

Seeing Sun Ze entering the box, the best friends looked at Xiao Ya's twittering comments with envy.

"Xiao Ya, why are you so happy? I am so envious of you that you are attracted by a good man like Sun Ze."

"I heard that Xiao Ya is still Sun Ze's first love, and she only likes one person for three years. How specific is this."

"Sun Ze, as the heir of the Sun Group, is not like the other rich second generations. He is not only humorous and loving, but also very caring."

"Yes, I heard that he begged his grandfather to donate money to Project Hope every year to help those children who can't afford to go to school. Such a man can't be found with a lantern."

"Xiaoya, you have to hurry up. Such a man can be met but never asked for. You always look cold to others, and no one can stand it. If Sun Ze meets other girls that he likes, you But it’s too late to cry."

Listening to your friends, Xiao Ya's expression turned ugly, her fists were tightly clenched, Ye Chen winked at her and motioned her not to speak.

Ye Chen knew that some of these best friends were bought by Sun Ze, and some were just drifting along with the crowd.

Sun Ze was so scheming, and it was so hard to go after Xiao Ya.

Ye Chen wanted to zoom in, and the next words left those girlfriends speechless, but Xiao Ya was ecstatic.

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