Published at 27th of April 2021 12:28:19 PM

Chapter 720: 720

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"When you arrive, you will know." Xiao Ya said mysteriously.

Hearing the girl's answer, Ye Chen felt like a thief car.

The red Ferrari shuttled on the road and stopped after driving for a while.

Xiao Ya opened the door and signaled Ye Chen to get off.

When Ye Chen saw the scene in front of him, he knew that he had been fooled, and thought that he was really a cheating little fairy.

There is a racing track in front of you, but unlike previous racing tracks, this racing track is charged.

There were a lot of luxury cars parked around, and the ticket office was going forward. Xiao Ya took Ye Chen to the ticket office.

Ye Chen saw the above content and thought that the young people's money was too good to be cheated. The admission ticket was 1,000 yuan, and the entry ticket was 10,000 yuan.

This is simply stealing money. Ye Chen turned and left after reading it. Even though he had money, he would not throw the money here.

Seeing Ye Chen about to leave, Xiao Ya hurriedly chased him.

"Brother Ye Chen, where are you going?" Xiao Ya asked anxiously.

"Go back, I still have a lot of things to do, but I don't have time to accompany you to mess around here." Ye Chen said as he walked.

At this time, a Bentley drove from a distance and stopped in front of Ye Chen and Xiao Ya.

A man and a woman came down from the car. The man was wearing a racer's costume, and the woman was wearing a white lace skirt. They were also good-looking, and their figures were more bumpy and feminine compared to Xiao Ya.

"Xiao Ya, I didn't expect you to dare to come." The lady in the lace skirt said with a smile.

"Tenderly, how could I be afraid of you." Xiao Ya said without showing any weakness.

Wen Wan smiled and said: "Xiao Ya, but I have invited a racer, don't tell me, today you have to go to the battle by yourself."

Xiao Ya ignored her, but looked at Ye Chen beside her with pleading eyes.

At this time, Wen Wan also noticed Ye Chen, this little brother was so handsome, he was my favorite type.

"Little brother, hello, my name is Wen Wan, let's get to know each other." Wen Wan stretched out her slender hand and looked at Ye Chen winkingly.

Xiao Ya didn't think so well, this vixen was going to hook up with his brother Ye Chen again.

But seeing that Ye Chen didn't pay attention to the gentleness, he was proud of it.

No man has ever refused her. Wen Wan saw that she was ignored, and her face was displeased: "Doesn't it mean you are handsome? You look like a poor man in this dress."

Xiao Ya heard Wen Wan's words so unpleasant, she was stopped by Ye Chen as soon as she was about to say something.

Ye Chen walked towards the ticket office with Xiao Ya and spent 10,000 yuan to buy tickets for the competition. The two drove into the racing track and stopped in the waiting area.

"Brother Ye Chen, don't be gentle, she is such a person, I hate her." Xiao Ya said cautiously.

"Silly girl, I didn't take it seriously." Ye Chen said with a flat expression.

Ye Chen's approach to people who look down on others is to ignore them, and then slap them hard in the face to let these people know what pain is.

"Brother Ye Chen, why did you suddenly change your mind?" Xiao Ya asked tentatively.

"I can't let people bully you."

Hearing Ye Chen's words, Xiao Ya felt her heart warm. She knew that Ye Chen cared about herself.

Seeing that Ye Chen didn't pay attention to herself, she said gently to the man beside her: "Xiao Yang, it's going to be your performance in a while, you have to help me out."

"Don't worry, Miss Wen, can you still trust my car skills?" The man said confidently.

Xiao Yang and Wen Wan also drove into the waiting area of ​​the racing track.

The gentle Bentley stopped next to Xiao Ya's red Ferrari.

She rolled down the car window and said to Xiao Ya: "Xiao Ya, don't forget the bet between us."

"I'll be afraid of you, so you won't be fooling around then," Xiao Ya said.

Ye Chen learned from Xiao Yali that this Wen Wan and she were high school classmates, and the two have always been rivals.

Both girls are in the rebellious period and like to play the exciting things like racing, and bet that whoever loses will have to run at the racing track.

Hearing Xiao Ya's words like this, Ye Chen's heart slapped his tongue. The current high school students really dare to play, and even dare to take this as a bet.

"Xiao Ya, do you dare to raise a bet?" said Wen Wan defiantly.

"Okay, you said." Xiao Ya said without flinching.

"Well, let's add another 5 million to the previous bet."

"Good." Xiao Ya replied simply.

Ye Chen thought in his heart that he was really a bunch of prodigal children and couldn't appreciate the hardship of their parents in making money.

A man wearing Gucci sportswear came from a distance and waved at Xiao Ya.

At this moment, Xiao Ya's face became a little ugly. Ye Chen certainly knew the reason. This man was the Sun Ze he saw at Xingguang KTV.

Sun Ze came over with a smile on his face and said with a smile: "Xiao Ya, I knew you would come today."

"I didn't come because of you." Xiao Ya gave Sun Ze a white look.

Sun Ze instantly felt a hot face against his cold buttocks, but because of his long-term family education, he was not angry.

The gentleman on the side said, "Young Master Sun, I have made a bet with Xiao Ya. You can wait for a good show in a while."

In fact, one of the reasons why Wen Wan and Xiao Ya are not right is because Sun Ze pursues Xiao Ya but ignores her, which makes Wen Wan, who has always been arrogant, unacceptable.

Sun Ze didn't hear the gentle words, but looked at Xiao Ya and asked with concern: "Xiao Ya, can my racing driver be used for you?"

"No need, Brother Ye Chen will play for me." Xiao Ya rebuffed mercilessly.

Hearing Ye Chen's name, Sun Ze hated the tickling of the roots of his teeth, thinking that it was because of Ye Chen last time that he not only lost his aura, but also embarrassed him, and his face showed anger.

Seeing Ye Chen sitting next to Xiao Ya, Sun Ze was even more unable to control his emotions: "How could a person like him race a car? Xiao Ya, you are irresponsible to yourself."

"Who said that, I only believe in Ye Chen's brother." Xiao Ya said while showing a nice smile at Ye Chen.

The better Xiao Ya treated Ye Chen, the more angry Sun Ze was.

He said angrily: "Well, Xiao Ya, let's just wait and see, I will definitely win the first place in the next game."

"You say that you are a big man with your mouth. I think you are ashamed." Ye Chen said suddenly.

"Boy, what are you talking about? Be careful of car crashes and deaths later." Sun Ze said viciously.

He has made up his mind now that he must give Ye Chen something to do in this game, and he has even made up his mind to kill Ye Chen.

"I think you should be careful." Ye Chen said coldly.

"Boy, you owe you a beating, right?" Sun Ze got angry when Ye Chen said so.

Ye Chen ignored him because he felt that men should really do it instead of playing tricks.

Seeing that Ye Chen ignored him, Sun Ze didn't want to be boring, but turned and walked towards his sports car.

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