Published at 27th of April 2021 12:28:18 PM

Chapter 721: 721

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The game was still going on, Ye Chen and Xiao Ya sat in the car to watch the game.

The venue for this competition is Jiulong Mountain. It is called Jiulong Mountain because it has nine bends, and one bend is more dangerous than one.

Only professional drivers can ensure that there is nothing wrong, and there are not a few people who die every year because of the race.

Although dangerous, many people risk car crashes and deaths just to get a high bonus of 10 million.

As the broadcast sounded, this round of competition ended.

Ye Chen and Xiao Ya exchanged positions, preparing for the game.

The same Wen Wan and Sun Ze also let the hired racer sit in the cab, while he sits in the co-driver, ready to set off at any time.

At the beginning of the game, every player participating in the competition had all their strength and concentration.

Only Ye Chen looked like a fool, and he had the skill of a car god. This kind of competition was simply a piece of cake for him.

Instead, Xiao Ya, who was sitting in the co-driver, showed a nervous expression on her face.

Ye Chen felt amused when he looked at it.

The announcer gave the start command, except for the red Ferrari, all the cars rushed out like arrows from the string.

The red Ferrari remained motionless, which drew laughter from the audience.

"You can't even drive a car, so hurry up."

"Dare to come to the car at this level, it's speechless."

"Don't be ashamed here, get out and go home quickly."

Hearing the audience's ridicule, Xiao Ya's expression became a little anxious.

But Ye Chen didn't panic, and was not affected by others.

He studied the car carefully, and then said awkwardly: "I'm sorry, there is no gear."

Xiao Ya smiled at him. After all, she called Ye Chen, so how could she blame others.

She thought in her heart that this time was definitely over, she had already pulled the gentle car so far, and it was too late to catch up.

Just as she thought about it, the red Ferrari drove forward like an off-string arrow.

Wen Wan saw her Bentley leading the way, but she didn't see the red Ferrari when she looked back. She wondered how a rookie is a rookie who can compare with a professional player.

Sun Ze never saw the shadows of Ye Chen and Xiao Ya, thinking that after the game was over, he would have to taunt them fiercely.

Ye Chen drove the car attentively, constantly drifting past the other sports cars in front of him.

From the big screen, the three leading cars are a white Bentley, a silver Lamborghini, and a blue Porsche.

Ye Chen continued to overtake the car in front through the front curve. The audience saw the red Ferrari, which was still last, and it took a short time to surpass the sports car in front, and they were constantly exclaiming.

But it is also a pity that if the red Ferrari started faster, maybe it could be ranked in the top three, but now there are only three corners, it is impossible to catch up again.

The announcer said: "There are still three corners, the seventh, eighth, and ninth. The ones running in front are Bentley, Lamborghini and Porsche."

Just as his voice fell, Ye Chentong increased his speed when he passed the seventh corner, and when he passed the corner, he surpassed the three cars mentioned in the broadcast that was far ahead.

Xiao Ya looked at the three cars behind her with an unbelievable feeling. She thought she would lose this time.

Ye Chen didn't expect Ye Chen, but turned the situation around.

The broadcaster exclaimed: "I can't believe it, the red Ferrari is far ahead."

Everyone opened their mouths in shock. How could it be possible that the red Ferrari was far away from the three leading cars? How could it be possible to overtake it? This is simply unscientific.

The red Ferrari is now leading and the race will be over after the remaining two corners.

Xiao Ya became a little excited now: "Brother Ye Chen, you are amazing, we must be number one."

"Little girl, the game is not over yet, don't be too happy too soon." Ye Chen reminded.

Xiao Ya poked her head out of the car window, felt the whistling wind, and made a victory gesture toward the car behind.

After Wen Wan saw it, her angry face was livid, and she yelled at Xiao Yang: "Everyone has surpassed us, you can chase it quickly."

"Are you a racer, how do you feel the turtle speed."

"If you know this, I won't invite you. It's a shame to lose the game."

Along the way, Wen Wan's mouth kept beeping, and Xiao Yang who got her was a little impatient, and she wanted to throw her halfway.

Sun Ze was a little unhappy when he saw being overtaken and ordered the racer to accelerate.

Although not convinced, the two hired racers had to admit that Ye Chen was a master.

Sun Ze had already thought that even if he could not win the game, he would still have Ye Chen and Xiao Ya punished.

He winked at the racer, and the racer understood.

After the eighth corner, Lamborghini had already overtaken Bentley and ranked second.

The broadcaster once again broadcasted the ranking: "Now the number one is still Ferrari, and the second place Bentley was overtaken by Lamborghini and turned into third place."

After driving for a while, the most exciting moment is coming. This is also the most exciting part of the game, that is, the car passes through the ninth corner.

The ninth corner is different from the previous eight corners. It is basically a big right angle. Any carelessness can cause car crashes and deaths.

Ye Chen drove the car attentively, watching Xiao Ya, the man beside him, deeply attracted by his eyes.

The Ye Chen she saw before always looked like a hippie smile, and now he is even more charming.

Suddenly, Lamborghini accelerated and crashed into the rear of Ferrari.

Xiao Ya felt the vibration in the car, and Huarong paled with fright, her face pale.

"Sit down, don't worry" Ye Chen said calmly.

He comforted Xiao Ya while concentrating on driving.

Lamborghini did not stop the collision. Sun Ze sat in the car with a smug expression: "Boy, fight with me, today is your death date."

The racer next to him said with a worried look: "Sun Shao, Miss Xiao is also sitting in the car. If this happens, she will definitely die."

The smile on Sun Ze's face disappeared, and he said fiercely: "Since I can't get it, then ruin her, and others don't want to get it."

"Brother Ye Chen, will we die?" Xiao Ya asked in a low voice.

"No, don't worry." Ye Chen comforted.

"Brother Ye Chen, I am not afraid of dying with you at all, but there is one more word I haven't told you." Xiao Ya continued.

Before Ye Chen could speak, Xiao Ya plucked up the courage and said, "Brother Ye Chen, I like you."

After speaking, she closed her eyes, because Ferrari had already driven to the right-angle corner ahead, and the cars behind kept crashing.

Xiao Ya knew that under the influence of inertia, the Ferrari would definitely rush towards the cliff, and she and Ye Chen would undoubtedly die.

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