Published at 27th of April 2021 12:28:06 PM

Chapter 730: 730

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I knocked on the door several times in a row, but there was no reason.

Ye Chen took out his cell phone and dialed Grandma Zhang's number. He had already thought that if the old man didn't answer the phone, he would be ready to break in.

Grandma Zhang, who was making water in the kitchen, heard the ringing of her mobile phone, pushed her wheelchair to pick up the phone and saw the number on it, she was excited: "Xiaochen, are you finished with work?"

"Grandma Zhang, you scared me to death, if you don't answer the phone, I will decide to hit the door." Ye Chen said in a breath.

Grandma Zhang didn't respond for a long time. She thought Ye Chen would call her after finishing her work, but she just heard the word hitting the door.

When there was no voice on the other end of the phone, Ye Chen said: "Grandma Zhang, I'm at the door, please open the door for me quickly."

"Well, you wait." Grandma Zhang hung up and hurried to the door to open the door.

In front of him was a handsome guy in a courier uniform, and Grandma Zhang's moved tears flowed down.

Seeing the old man blocking the door, Ye Chen scratched his head and said, "Grandma Zhang, don't you plan to let me in?"

"Xiaochen, please come in, please come in." Grandma Zhang pushed the wheelchair aside and gave way.

Ye Chen changed his slippers and walked in and sat on the sofa.

Grandma Zhang made a pot of tea and poured it on Ye Chen: "Xiao Chen, how come you come back?"

Ye Chen didn't have a relationship with himself. He just made a phone call and rushed to see him. How could this keep the old man unmoved?

"I'm busy with work, so I miss you too, so I'll come and have a look." Ye Chen said with a smile.

Hearing Ye Chen's words, Grandma Zhang was moved for a while and didn't know what to say.

"Grandma Zhang, the weather outside is very good, I'll take you down to get some breath. It's not good for you to stay at home." Ye Chen said suddenly.

Grandma Zhang hesitated and said, "Xiaochen, thank you, no need."

"Grandma Zhang, don't worry, I am not a bad person." Ye Chen said straightforwardly, trying to eliminate the worries of the old man.

After all, I only met twice, and it was normal for the elderly to have thoughts in their hearts, and Ye Chen didn't mind.

"Xiaochen, don't get me wrong, grandma doesn't mean that. I know you are a kind child, it's just..." Grandma Zhang quickly explained.

"Just what?" Ye Chen thought to himself that since the old man thinks he is a good person, he still has any concerns.

Grandma Zhang continued: "I'm just afraid that it will trouble you too much. After all, my legs and feet are inconvenient. It is not so easy to go downstairs."

Hearing the old man's concerns, Ye Chen said with a smile: "Grandma Zhang, you don't have to worry about this, I will carry you down."

The old man got up from the wheelchair and lay on Ye Chen according to what Ye Chen said.

Ye Chen walked out of the house, carrying the old man carefully step by step, for fear that the old man would feel uncomfortable.

When he got downstairs, Ye Chen was already sweating.

Seeing Ye Chen sweating profusely, the old man felt distressed: "Xiao Chen, thank you for your hard work."

"Grandma Zhang, don't be polite to me."

As soon as she left the building, Grandma Zhang quickly took a few breaths of fresh air, enjoying the warmth of the sun shining on her body.

She can't remember how long it has been since she left the house.

If it weren't for Ye Chen, she wouldn't even dare to think about it. It would be so difficult to see her daughter, let alone go downstairs.

At the beginning, Ye Chen walked back and forth with the old man, and a happy smile appeared on the old man's face.

But suddenly, the old man's face turned pale, and he kept covering his heart.

"Grandma Zhang, Grandma Zhang, what's the matter with you?" Ye Chen asked anxiously.

"Xiaochen, I have medicine in my pocket, and I will be fine after taking it." The old man said in a weak voice.

Because Ye Chen didn't return to the courier point to drive, he hurriedly dialed 120 and talked about Grandma Zhang's situation and address.

Ye Chen took the medicine out of Grandma Zhang's pocket and let the old man hold it in his hand.

After a while, Grandma Zhang slowed down, her face no longer as pale as before.

"Xiaochen, I scared you just now, I'm really sorry." Grandma Zhang apologized.

"Grandma Zhang, don't talk, the ambulance will come in a while."

When the voice fell, the 120 ambulance drove to the entrance of the building, Ye Chen and the medical staff helped Grandma Zhang into the car.

The car drove quickly to the General Hospital. After the doctor checked the old man, he said to Ye Chen: “The old man has a heart disease and needs surgery, but the director who is doing heart surgery has gone abroad to study. The old man is getting older and must find an expert. , Our suggestion is to go to Renai Hospital."

Then the doctor continued: "Of course I know that Ren'ai Hospital is not accessible to ordinary people, and the cost is quite high, so we want to discuss it with the family."

"Doctor, I am not a family member of the old man. I know that the old man has a daughter. I think it is better for you to discuss with her." Ye Chen said with an embarrassment on his face.

"Oh, do you know her daughter's phone number?" the doctor asked.

"I don't know, but the old man knows."

Ye Chen and the doctor walked into the ward and looked at the old man and said, "This young man said that he is not your family member. We need to talk to family members now."

After hearing the words, Grandma Zhang showed an embarrassed expression on her face: "I don't need a doctor, my body understands it by itself, just take some medicine."

"Grandma Zhang, I think it's better to let your daughter come." Ye Chen said with a firm expression.

Persuaded by the doctor and Ye Chen, the old man called his daughter to the hospital.

Half an hour later, a woman in her forties wearing an OL uniform walked into the ward.

After seeing the old man, she looked impatient and said: "Mom, I'm still in a meeting, what's wrong with you staying at home, why did you come to the hospital?"

When a woman sees her mother, she doesn't show concern on her face, but asks her guilt here.

"Yu Ting, I was just downstairs and my heart felt uncomfortable, so I came to the hospital." The old man said tremblingly.

"What's downstairs, how could your legs and feet get downstairs?"

Before the old man could speak, Ye Chen said: "I took your mother downstairs. Your children don't know that you care about your mother's body, and you won't find time to visit the old man."

Hearing Ye Chen's words, the woman was unhappy: "You said you are a courier, why are you nosy, take my mother down and do something really fine."

"And mom, how can you let a stranger into the house, do you know him, what if it's a bad guy?"

Hearing what his daughter said, the old man said emotionally: "Xiaochen is better than you and kinder than you."

"Mom, are you confused, how can you trust an outsider?"

"I am an outsider who cares about the elderly more than your relatives. You are too incompetent as a child." Ye Chen said in an angry voice.

"What do you know, I don't have a job like you and I, such a big family needs me to raise? What qualifications do you, a courier, have to say about me."

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