Published at 27th of April 2021 12:28:02 PM

Chapter 733: 733

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Ye Chen took out his cell phone and dialed a number and said, "Professor Zhang? This is Ye Chen."

"Mr. Ye, what do you want?" Professor Zhang asked.

"I want to trouble you with something. One of my elders needs heart surgery. I know you are the authority in this area." Ye Chen said.

Professor Zhang said with an apologetic expression: "I am abroad now, and I won't be able to come back for a while."

"Professor Zhang is like this. My elder is in a very urgent condition and needs immediate surgery." Ye Chen said truthfully.

"Mr. Ye, don't worry. Since the patient's condition is so serious, I will book a flight back home and arrange the operation tomorrow." Professor Zhang comforted.

"Then I'm sorry to trouble you." Ye Chen hung up after speaking.

Hearing Ye Chen didn't say anything, Sun Peng said with a mocking look: "Boy, don't do it if you don't."

Ye Chen ignored him, but said to the old man: "Grandma Zhang, I've got in touch with Professor Zhang. You will be operated on tomorrow, and you will have a good rest today. I will see you again tomorrow."

"Okay, Xiaochen, thank you!" The old man said with a grateful expression.

Hearing Ye Chen's words, Sun Peng's eyes widened in surprise: "What, surgery tomorrow, how is this possible?"

"Boy, you don't pretend to be here. What kind of identity is Professor Zhang, how could Professor Zhang agree so quickly." Sun Peng grabbed Ye Chen and asked.

Ye Chen didn't even look at him, and said coldly, "A good dog doesn't stand in the way."

Sun Peng didn't say anything when he heard it, but Grandma Zhang's daughter was really unhappy: "Boy, you dare to insult my boyfriend without looking at your identity. Now I will let the company fire you."

Speaking of Yu Ting took out her mobile phone, she originally wanted to see a scared and panicked expression on Ye Chen's face.

But what disappointed her was that Ye Chen looked at her like an idiot, and the anger in his heart suddenly became even greater.

"Boy, I don't think you can see the coffin or cry." Yu Ting said viciously.

"This eldest sister, I advise you not to fight." Ye Chen said with a smile.

Then he looked at the old man and said, "Grandma Zhang, don't blame me for what happens in a while."

The old man did not understand what he meant, but he nodded.

Yu Ting thought that Ye Chen was scared, and looked contemptuously: "Boy, why are you scared now? I want to admit it, I'll tell you it's too late."

Hearing what her daughter said, Grandma Zhang said anxiously: "Yu Ting, Xiaochen is kindly helping us, but you have to sue others. You can't behave like this."

"Mom, why do you always turn your elbows out, I am your biological daughter, this kid is a stranger." Yu Ting scolded her mother.

Ye Chen really couldn't see it, with an impatient expression on his face: "If you want to fight, do it quickly, don't grind and chir here."

"Mom, did you see it? It's nothing to do with me that this kid is looking for death."

"Xiao Chen, go quickly, I will prevent Yu Ting from suing." The old man persuaded Ye Chen.

"Grandma Zhang, don't worry about me."

Originally, Yu Ting wanted to scare the boy who didn't know the height of the sky, but she didn't expect that she was not only not afraid but also ignored her.

As a manager, how could she stand it.

She dialed a number and said, "Manager Zhang, do you know that our company has a security guard named Ye Chen? I want you to fire him."

As she spoke, she looked at Ye Chen arrogantly, wanting to see the change in his expression.

Manager Zhang on the other end of the phone was still drinking tea leisurely. After hearing this, the tea was sprayed from his mouth and he got up from the chair.

"Chen Yuting, I think you are too ambitious. Do you know who you are going to expel?" Manager Zhang said angrily.

After hearing this, Yu Ting hurriedly asked: "Who is he, I have never heard of it before."

"Well, you heard clearly, he is the big boss of our group, who has the power to live and kill, and the fate of everyone in the group is in his hands." Manager Zhang nearly roared.

"What big boss?" Yu Ting's eyes turned to Ye Chen with panic and panic.

She did not expect that she would offend the big boss of the group, which meant that she would lose this job with an annual salary of several hundred thousand.

"What's the conflict between you and the big boss?" Manager Zhang asked anxiously.

Yuting stood there blankly, without answering for a long time.

Looking at this ordinary dressed young man in front of him, he felt incredible no matter how he looked at it.

Before she could speak, Manager Zhang said without mercy: "Yu Ting, you have been fired. Let's go to the company to go through the formalities later."

After speaking, there was no chance to speak to the woman, and the phone was hung up.

After all, Chen Yuting is one of his people, if the big boss blames it, she can't shirk the blame.

He had already thought about the first step to fire Chen Yuting, and the second step to call the boss and proactively admit his mistakes. He must take responsibility for the mistakes made by his employees.

After a while, Ye Chen's cell phone rang, and he didn't even look at the number: "Manager Zhang, is there anything to report?"

Originally, Yu Ting was still holding a fluke mentality just now, maybe it is the same name? Could a miracle happen?

But when she heard the conversation between Ye Chen and Manager Zhang, her hopes were shattered.

"Ye Dong, I apologize to you for the mistakes my staff made, because I didn't manage them properly. I have fired her. Of course, I am also responsible." Manager Zhang said with guilt.

"Oh, she is right next to me, so don't worry, I won't blame you." Ye Chen comforted.

Hearing Ye Chen's words, Manager Zhang finally let go of his hanging heart, and he knew that his position was kept.

"Thank Ye Dong."

"Manager Zhang, if there is nothing to do, I will deliver the express." Ye Chen said with a smile.

"Well, you are busy, you are busy, I won't bother you."

After putting down the phone, Manager Zhang's mouth twitched. It is really hard to understand that a boss as big as Ye Chen sent the courier without the management of the group.

Yuting and Sun Peng were also dull and thought to themselves: "Your kid is so rich, and you still go to be a courier. Isn't this playing a pig and eating a tiger?

Since knowing that the young man in front of him is the chairman of Yida Group, Sun Peng has never dared to speak up anymore.

He was already hiding in the corner, and he didn't even dare to look at Ye Chen, for fear that this young man would have him taken.

"Ye Dong, I was wrong, please forgive me." Yu Ting said apologetically.

"It just so happens that you don't have to be so busy, you can concentrate on taking care of your mother, and it saves you from running around." Ye Chen's expression was flat.

Hearing Ye Chen's words, she knew she had no chance, but she still looked at her mother with pleading eyes, hoping that she could help.

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