Published at 27th of April 2021 12:27:56 PM

Chapter 738: 738

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After listening, Zhou Susu's eyes lit up and said, "Ye Chen, I love you so much. You have reduced our workload a lot."

Seeing the scene in front of him, all the policemen were a little confused, what exactly was the method to make the captain so excited.

After Ye Chen and the girl left, Zhou Susu called two policemen and said, "Xiao Zhang and Xiao Li, you should ask the woman about the child's illness and hospitalization."

After Xiao Zhang and Xiao Li heard the captain's order, they were a little confused, but they still did.

The woman with heavy makeup was taken into the interrogation room and saw the two police officers sitting opposite her, and said straightforwardly: "No matter what you ask, I don't know. If you have anything, just ask my lawyer."

Hearing the woman talking so arrogantly, Xiao Zhang's face turned gloomy. Originally, he was very annoyed when he saw Zhou Susu's actions to Ye Chen, and he couldn't find an outlet to vent, and the woman's actions were too irritating.

After the companion, Officer Xiao Li, saw it, he hurriedly persuaded him in a low voice: "Work is important, don't get angry, otherwise it will be difficult to keep asking."

Officer Xiao Zhang calmed down and asked, "Tell me about your son's illness and hospitalization."

When the woman with heavy makeup heard the police ask this, a smile appeared on her face, but it was fleeting, and then she choked up and said, "Police officer, after my son ate that ice drink, he was poisoned and rolled all over the floor in pain. We The couple took him to the hospital on the same day."

Before the woman finished speaking, Xiao Zhang said impatiently: "Do you have evidence to prove that what you are saying is true?"

"The diagnostic certificate you found is evidence, and that date is the day of the incident."

The woman Yiwuyishi said that she thought that since the attack, the police had not asked about the child's hospitalization. Since this question was asked, it means that the police also believed that their husband and wife were victims.

Before the police could speak, the woman immediately said, "Police officer, what else you want to know, I will tell the truth."

This time, a woman's attitude has undergone a 360-degree change.

After finishing the transcript, the woman was taken back to custody.

Now she thought in her heart that she and her husband should be released soon.

After Xiao Zhang and Xiao Li came out of the interrogation room, they went straight to Zhou Susu's office and showed her the transcript of the conversation.

"Captain, ask what's the use of these, does it have anything to do with our watching the video?" Xiao Zhang has finished his work and finally said the question in his mind.

"Find out the diagnosis certificate, and push it forward for two days according to the above date. Just watch the video of those three days, and we can find the evidence." Zhou Susu said with a smile.

"Although this can reduce a lot of work, is this method feasible?" Xiao Wang asked.

Zhou Susubai said the two of them said, "You can just do it. Why don't you feel that you don't see it too much? You can just read it all."

"Don't don't don't, let's go see it right away, please be merciful to the captain," Xiao Zhang and Xiao Wang said in unison.

After two hours, all the videos were watched, and sure enough, evidence was found in the videos of these three days.

The video showed that the child had a stomachache and rolled on the ground after eating an ice drink in his store.

After the police watched this video to a woman with heavy makeup, she was immediately dumbfounded, and her husband told her that all the videos had been deleted, so how could there be any more.

The two lawyers were very angry when they learned that the woman with heavy makeup had not told them, but had lied. At the same time, the two did not want to be the lawyers representing the couple.

After all, for the sake of some attorney fees, their reputation is added, and some of the gains outweigh the losses, which will inevitably affect their careers.

Therefore, the two told the head office the truth of the matter and filed an application not to act as the attorney for the case.

Originally, Manager Zhou also contacted the newspaper reporter to reveal the news about the food poisoning incident in the round fat ice drink shop, but after hearing the truth of the matter, he immediately called a stop.

If this news is released tomorrow, will you slap your face without knowing it? And it will have a huge impact on the Pangguoguo head office.

Manager Zhou looked ugly and scolded: "This couple is really harmful. The franchise contract with them is cancelled, the store is recovered, and the fees owed will be recovered from them."

At the same time, the Pangguoguo head office issued a statement that the food poisoning incident has nothing to do with the company. Ms. Chen and her husband used improper means to frame others as a husband and wife. The company has no knowledge.

Faced with the evidence, the couple can only bow their heads and plead guilty.

At this time, I didn't frame it as someone else. Instead, I was going to go to jail. The shop was taken away and the child was left unattended.

I really responded to that sentence, and you can't live by committing sins.

Ye Chen received a call from Zhou Susu: "You really helped me a lot this time. Without you, I won't be able to solve the case."

Ye Chen smiled and said, "How do you plan to thank me?"

"Let me think about it again, I won't tell you for now, there is still a lot of work waiting for me to deal with." Zhou Susu finished speaking and hung up the phone.

On the other side, the girl received a call from the police station, telling her that she was framed and that the couple would compensate her.

The girl was very happy when she heard it, and finally returned her innocence, otherwise the business of the ice drink shop would definitely be affected.

She knew that the reason why the police were able to solve the case was due to the courier brother, and she should be grateful if she thought about it.

But she and Ye Chen only met twice, and they didn't even know where the other party's name was, and where to look for them.

Thinking of this, the girl felt sad, maybe she would never see that handsome and warm-hearted courier brother again.

The next day, Lin Wanrou called and said that she was going back to the magic capital.

Early in the morning, Ye Chen drove to the outside of the airport.

Soon, the plane landed.

The stream of people holding salutes walked out.

The most beautiful scenery among the crowd is Lin Wanrou.

Four people followed Lin Wanrou.

One of the boys wearing Hermes was very attentive by Lin Wanrou's side, and he was holding Lin Wanrou's box.

This time, Lin Wanrou also took two colleagues with her.

Lin Wanrou also lit up when she saw Ye Chen's eyes.

"The son."

So it disappeared, Lin Wanrou really missed Ye Chen a little bit.

Ye Chen showed a faint smile at Lin Wanrou.

"My son, let me introduce you. This is our project manager Chen Ming, and this is my assistant Xiao Rou."

Ye Chen said hello to the two of them, and said after the scroll: "Well, since I have come to the magic city, then I will invite you to dinner first. You have been working hard during this time."

"Okay, you have to treat us to a big meal." Lin Wanrou smiled.

Because Ye Chen drove his Geely car, Chen Ming looked disdainful.

"Wanrou, your friend is driving a broken car."

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