Published at 27th of April 2021 12:27:55 PM

Chapter 739: 739

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Chen Ming patted the body of the Geely car with contempt.

Since seeing Lin Wanrou for the first time, Chen Ming has fallen in love with Lin Wanrou.

It turned out that Lin Wan and Ye Chen were so affectionate, and he was naturally very upset.

That's why he deliberately wanted to step on Ye Chen.

"Really, I think this car is very good." Ye Chen said lightly.

Chen Ming sneered: "Hey, I haven't built such a junk car in a long time. The cars I ride are generally BMW-class cars."

While speaking, Chen Ming patted Ye Chen on the shoulder and said, "Brother, your Geely car is not suitable for business use at all, so just run dick."

"Coincidentally, I really drove this car past Didi." Ye Chen smiled.

Lin Wanrou said with dissatisfaction on the side: "Chen Ming, you are enough."

With that, Lin Wanrou said to Ye Chen: "I'm sorry, my son, if I know he is like this, I won't let him come with me."

Ye Chen smiled and said, "It's okay, everyone get in the car."

Chen Ming is still arrogant.

"Hey, then I will take a cheap car and experience the life of the poor."

Chen Ming opened the car door as he spoke.

However, when the door was opened, Chen Ming was stunned.

Nima, is this the interior of a Geely car?

When did Geely cars become so awesome.

The interior of the entire Geely car is simply not lost to a luxury car like Ferrari and Lamborghini.

Inside the car, refrigerator, small wine table, even LCD TV, everything.

Watching the interior is definitely the configuration of a luxury car.

Sitting on a chair, there is warm heat behind him, and it has heating and massage functions.

Chen Ming was dumbfounded immediately.

"Brother, you auspicious car?"

"Oh, it is to blame Wanrou, I have to say that I have worked hard and spent a million to redecorate the interior for me."

Chen Ming: "..."

For a car with less than one hundred thousand, you spend millions to renovate the interior, which is too arrogant.

Chen Ming, who was still arrogant just now, was suddenly stupid.

Several other people also looked dumbfounded.

This is too arrogant.

Especially Chen Ming's face was hot, and this face was slapped.

This car, the interior alone costs more than one million, and his 700,000 BMW is a shit.

Ye Chen's face was slapped by Ye Chen.

Ye Chen drove the car, and the two were chatting.

This time Chen Ming was honest.

His face is very ugly.

He never thought that Ye Chen, who drove a Geely car, was so rich.

He feels very upset.

This time he followed Lin Wanrou to fix this woman.

But now, he has encountered such a powerful opponent.

Ye Chen came to the restaurant that Ye Chen ordered.

The location of the restaurant is good, and it is also the top club in the city.

After all, please Lin Wanrou's friend, Ye Chen should be more generous.

Chen Ming walked into the hall and was immediately shocked by the splendor inside.

Several other people also looked excited.

You know, it's the first time for them to come to this kind of place.

Lin Wanju said, "Ye Chen, it must be very expensive here."

Ye Chen smiled: "It's not too expensive to ask your friends."

Chen Ming snorted coldly: "A renovated hotel may not be expensive. I know one and the decoration is also good. It is said that a table of food costs tens of thousands. If Wanrou has the opportunity, I will invite you to eat."

Lin Wanrou frowned when she heard Chen Ming's words.

A **** the side laughed and said, "That's good, let's also try the ten thousand yuan meal."

Chen Ming smiled triumphantly and said, "Brother Ye should be together at night? I guess you must have never been to such an expensive restaurant. I will take you to meet the world and you can also play with others."

Ye Chen said lightly: "Thank you, no need."

Chen Ming said: "Don't you rush to refuse? Such opportunities are not often available."

Ye Chen smiled without saying a word.

At this time, a middle-aged man came over and said, "Mr. Ye, you can come. I have already booked the private room No. 1 for you. Is the package of 88888 okay?"

Ye Chen said: "It's still a set meal of 188,800."

After hearing Ye Chen's words, Chen Ming and the other girls' complexions changed slightly.

180,000 package.

Lin Wanrou smiled faintly.

She naturally knew Ye Chen's identity and status.

How could the place he entertained be an ordinary place? It is estimated that Chen Ming would definitely be beaten in the face.

In Ye Chen's eyes, Chen Ming was nothing but ants.

Ye Chen smiled faintly: "Mr. Sun, please lead the way, please."

A group of people followed the manager through the marble and walked towards a box.

Chen Ming's face was even more ugly.

Just now, he also said that he invited Ye Chen to eat a meal of 10,000, and now Ye Chen is directly at 188,800, which is a huge gap.

Chen Ming's face was even more ugly.

Several people followed the manager through the long corridor, which was very luxurious.

Crystal chandeliers, famous paintings on both walls.

Chen Ming thought about what he said just now to bring Ye Chen to the world, his face flushed.

This is obviously Ye Chen taking him to the world, OK?

When we arrived at the restaurant, a few people were seated.

Ye Chen smiled and said, "By the way, do you drink red wine?"

Speaking of red wine, Chen Ming came to the spirit again.

"Do you have romance here? That is the emperor of red wine. My relative brought back a bottle when he went abroad a few years ago. It is said that it was seventy to eighty thousand in ten years."

Speaking of Chen Ming's face showed a willful expression.

"The taste of the red wine is really delicious, it's really different from ordinary red wine."

Chen Ming was pretending to be forced.

He wanted to see an expression of envy on Ye Chen's face.

But to his surprise, Ye Chen's expression was very indifferent.

At this time, the door of the box was opened.

A bald man walked in with three waiters.

"Mr. Ye, hello." The bald man said respectfully on his face.

Ye Chen was stunned for a moment: "Are you?"

"Mr. Ye, I am the owner of this club. I heard the manager say that you are here, so I will meet you specifically."

Ye Chen finally understood that the other party must know his identity, so he wanted to make friends.

At this time, Ye Chen also recognized the other party. At a party of big brothers, this bald man seemed to have had a drink with himself.

It's just Ye Chen's identity, he didn't have the opportunity to talk more, and he quit after drinking.

The bald man said: "My name is Zhang Wang, Mr. Ye, it is my honor for you to come and drink with us. This 20-year-old romantic red wine is dedicated to you."

"What? Twenty years of romantic red wine?" Chen Ming was stunned when he heard the manager's words.

The **** the side asked, "Chen Ming, what is the difference between these twenty years and ten years."

Chen Ming smiled bitterly and said: "The difference is big, it's only eight or nine million in ten years, but it's worth 300,000 in twenty years."

Two hundred thousand?

The girl was also surprised when she heard Chen Ming's words.

Chen Ming is speechless, what exactly is Ye Chen's identity? He even gave away 20 years of romantic red wine as soon as he shot it.

In the past, he had no chance to drink this wine.

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