Published at 27th of April 2021 12:49:40 PM

Chapter 74: 74

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All the classmates were shocked. You have a didi driver to make the president of a listed company with an annual salary of tens of millions work hard!

How can you have such a thick skin?

Are you shameless after all!

Gao Yuan was also dumbfounded.

"Don't you even notice that I'm pretending to be forcing you?"

Ye Chen smiled faintly: "Don't stand stupidly, everyone, let's go in."

With that, Ye Chen took Lin Shanshan's hand and walked towards the hotel.

It feels as if it was his treat.

Gao Yuan is already confused, didn't this guy figure out the situation?

Obviously it was the money he spent, but Ye Chen was forced to pretend it.

When the hotel waiter saw Ye Chen, his face suddenly changed slightly, and he bowed and saluted quickly.

Seeing this scene, the classmates admired one after another. It is worthy of being a five-star hotel. Look at the service attitude of the waiter.

Gao Yuan stared at the Miss Welcome, who was bowing on both sides, and was stunned.

I haven't seen this service in the hotel before!

When the group came to the hotel, Gao Yuan took a deep breath.

Ye Chen was forced to pretend just now, this place must be found back.

He looked at Ye Chen, who was sitting at the wine table talking and laughing with Lin Shanshan and gritted his teeth.

It's just a little brother Didi, who dare to grab a woman with him is too self-conscious.

Except for Ye Chen and Lin Shanshan, the other students heard about his identity and were very respectful to him.

Toast frequently.

But this is not what he wants, what he wants is Lin Shanshan's worship of herself.

However, Lin Shanshan and Ye Chen were like a pair of lovers, talking and laughing, treating him as air from beginning to end.

At this time, the waiter served the dishes.

Gao Yuan coughed, it was time to pretend to show his abilities.

"These dishes are all carefully selected by me, and each one is the finest of the major cuisines, and this table of dishes is only three or four thousand yuan."

Hearing the price of the food, all the students took a breath and praised them.

"Thirty to four thousand, Mr. Gao is so awesome, this is almost my salary for a few months."

"That's right, it's true that Mr. Gao is too arrogant."

"It is estimated that I will have such a rich feast once in my life."

"It's all right, they are all old classmates. If we want to eat, we have to eat the best, right?" Hearing the classmates' praise, Gao Yuan felt very happy.

Many girls in the class cast ambiguous glances at him.

However, when he looked at Ye Chen and Lin Shanshan, he was almost mad.

The two people were whispering something that didn't even listen to him pretending to be.

He took a deep breath and said to Ye Chen: "Brother Ye, it's your first time to eat this kind of rich feast, eat more, a didi driver, such opportunities are rare."

Ye Chen glanced at the dishes on the table and shook his head: "These dishes you ordered are the lowest-grade dishes in this restaurant. How can they be the boss of the listed group, why are they so stingy."

Ye Chen said astonishing again.

This table of dishes, 30,000 or 40,000, is so stingy?

How much can you earn as a didi driver in a year?

The students were speechless about Ye Chen.

Gao Yuan's eyes slapped the table coldly and fiercely: "Boy, I have tolerated you for a long time. I know you are jealous that I have money, so I deliberately pretend to be forced in front of Shanshan, but pretend to have the qualifications. Why should the driver be arrogant with me?"

"That's right, Mr. Gao kindly invited us to dinner, you still pick and choose, have you eaten three or four thousand dishes?"

"Mr. Gao, don't be angry with this kind of person."

"Shanshan, how did you find such a boyfriend? It's too much."

All the students accused Ye Chen one after another.

Gao Yuan snorted coldly, "Pretend to be forced by me, do you know how much money I spend in this hotel a year?"

He took out a gold card from his pocket and slapped it on the table, and said to the waiter: "Call me your manager."

Manager Li hurried over.

Gao Yuan arrogantly said to the manager: "Manager Li, tell him how much to spend here to get this gold card? There is also this person I am annoying, so throw him out of me!"

The classmates watched the trouble getting worse, and quickly persuaded: "Gao is finally done."

"That's right, after all, it was Shanshan's boyfriend who gave some face."

"Yeah, Ye Chen also kindly wanted everyone to eat something good."

Manager Li suddenly sweated when he heard Gao Yuan's words.

Just now he heard the waiter say that Mr. Ye is coming, and he was about to come over to pay a visit, but he didn't expect such a thing to happen.

He glanced at Ye Chen, who was sitting in the position, and almost didn't scare to pee.

In the group, Ye Chen has the power of life and death, and a word can make him get out.

This idiot dared to yell with Mr. Ye and let Mr. Ye go?

Manager Li's face was gloomy, and he picked up the gold card on the table and said coldly: "Mr. Gao, you are no longer a gold member of our hotel, and you are included in the blacklist of our hotel. Starting today, you can't enter our world hotel. One step, please get out of the hotel immediately."

Everyone around was stunned, no one thought that such a divine reversal would appear in the plot.

What's the situation? The hotel manager even revoked Gao Yuan's gold card and put him on the blacklist.

Could it be because of Ye Chen?

Gao Yuan looked dazed, he looked at Manager Li in disbelief.

He never dreamed that the manager of the Universe Hotel would directly revoke his gold membership, knowing that he would have to spend more than one million yuan in this hotel a year.

Could it be because of Ye Chen?

But isn't Ye Chen just a little brother Didi? How could he have such energy?

If the news that Gao Yuan was blacklisted by the Universe Group spreads out, how can he get involved in the aristocratic circle?

Where should he put Gao Yuan's face?

And in front of so many classmates and goddesses, how did he suffer?

"Why did you sell my gold card!" Gao Yuanqi roared.

"Is it because of him, a beeping trash?" Gao Yuan pointed at Ye Chen and cursed.

Manager Li was almost mad when he heard Gao Yuan insulted President Ye for the second time in front of him.

This idiot!

Gao Yuan said to the security guard behind him, "Throw him out for me."

"What?" Everyone at the scene was dumbfounded.

"Who is Ye Chen? With so much energy, Gao Yuan was thrown out of the hotel because he offended Ye Chen?"

Several security guards couldn't help but drag Gao Yuan out.

All the students looked stupid.

Manager Li came to Ye Chen respectfully and said: "Mr. Ye, we just watched the dishes you ordered at this table. The quality of the dishes is too bad and does not fit your identity. We have added a few more hard dishes, please You slow down."

A few beautiful waitresses in cheongsam walked in and started serving dishes.

Everyone looked at the dishes served by the cheongsam girl and they were all stupid.

Buddha jumps over the wall, orchid bear paw, wolfberry shark fin soup...!

Each of these dishes can be worth the price of this table.

These dishes plus wine cost more than 300,000 yuan!

"Thanks." Ye Chen nodded.

"President Ye, please use it slowly, let the waiter notify me at any time if you have anything to do." Manager Li bowed slightly and exited the box.

There was dead silence in the box.

President Ye?

Could it be that Lin Shanshan's boyfriend is actually the boss of the Universe Group?

The audience was silent.

Just now Ye Chen said that the dishes on the table were low-grade, and everyone thought he was bragging.

But seeing the new dishes, the two are really inferior to a few grades.

Ye Chen looked at Gao Yuan and smiled and said, "Shanshan classmates are gathering today. I'm going to treat you. Just eat and drink well."


Outside the hotel, Gao Yuan got up from the ground and roared angrily: "

"You dare to throw me out... well, well you wait for me."

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