Published at 27th of April 2021 12:27:50 PM

Chapter 743: 743

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The next day, when Ye Chen woke up, it was already noon.

Ye Chen thought in his heart: "This is over. He has never been so late before."

Climbing up from the bed, he took a brief wash and rushed out of the house.

The express order, Zhang Dafu looked outside with a look of doubt, thinking why Ye Chen hasn't come so late, this is simply not Ye Chen's style.

You know, apart from Zhang Dafu every day, Ye Chen is the earliest one among the employees.

Zhang Dafu was not angry about Ye Chen's lateness. He knew that Ye Chen was not short of money and worked very hard.

However, he still made a few calls to Ye Chen, but no one answered.

At this moment, a motorcade drove from a distance, and Zhang Dafu knew that it was sent by the head office to show condolences to the outstanding employees.

Yesterday he received a notice from the head office because Ye Chen arrived early every day and his performance was good.

Zhang Dafu didn't call in advance, but who would have thought that Ye Chen would not come today.

If this is to let people in the head office know that outstanding employees are late, isn't he slapped himself?

At this moment, Zhang Dafu was sweating on his forehead, and when he saw the people getting on and off the car, he hurriedly greeted him.

"Manager Lu, you are welcome to come here." Zhang Dafu said respectfully.

Manager Lu saw Zhang Dafu sweating on his forehead and asked with a puzzled expression: "Dafu, are you feeling unwell? Why do you sweat so much?"

"Thank you for your concern, Manager Lu. I have nothing to do, but it's too hot." Zhang Dafu explained quickly.

While talking, he greeted Manager Lu into the office and ordered people to quickly pour some tea.

"Dafu, you don't need to be so polite. We just want to express our condolences to the outstanding employees. Are these three in the store?" Manager Lu said straightforwardly.

"Yes, I notified them in advance yesterday, and today the head office sent someone to come over for condolences, so they are all in the store." Zhang Dafu replied.

Then he handed the poured tea to Manager Lu and said, "Manager Lu, you have worked hard all the way, hurry up and drink and thank you!"

The reason why he did this was to delay time, after all, Ye Chen hadn't come until now.

If the incident of a good employee being late is spread out, let his face go wherever he goes.

Manager Lu also said politely: "No, we will have to go to other stores in a while, so we won't waste time. You can call in all the three outstanding employees as soon as possible."

After hearing Manager Lu's words, Zhang Dafu was in a cold sweat. Where did he change three people, and he has seen Ye Chen's figure until now.

Seeing Zhang Dafu's embarrassed expression, Manager Lu asked, "Dafu, is there any problem?"

"No, no, I will call them in now." Zhang Dafu said as he walked out.

He found Wang Jia, the girl in charge of logistics work, and said anxiously: "Xiao Jia, call Ye Chen quickly and ask him to come to the store quickly."

After speaking, he called the two outstanding employees Xiao Zhang and Xiao Wang who were waiting in the store into the office.

Seeing outstanding employees coming in, Manager Lu said with a look of gratitude: "Our purpose of coming here today is to condolences to outstanding employees. It is because of your hard work and hard work that we have the brilliant achievements of the company. You are the pride of the company. You are..."

Manager Lu stopped suddenly and frowned.

Originally, when Zhang Dafu called Xiao Zhang and Xiao Wang to the office, Manager Lu did not speak. He thought he had passed the blunder.

But now that Manager Lu stopped talking halfway through, it was obvious that he had discovered it.

"Dafu, there are only two people now. Although I have bad eyesight, I can still see the number of people." Manager Lu made a joke so that everyone would not be embarrassed.

Zhang Dafu said nervously, "Manager Lu, it's like this. We don't know why the number one in the station hasn't come until now. This young man has never been late, but I don't know what happened today."

He explained as he wiped his sweat, for fear that Manager Lu would be angry.

"Oh, it doesn't matter, have you called him?" Manager Lu asked kindly.

"It hit, but no one answered it." Zhang Dafu said honestly.

Manager Lu knows that the express industry is highly competitive nowadays. Such hard-working employees with such good performance are the treasures of the company, and they must be treated well.

He smiled and said to the two outstanding employees: "In the future, the company will increase your salary and increase various subsidies. You must combine work and rest. If you are tired, it will be a loss for the company. Take care to prevent heatstroke and cool down as the weather is so hot now. , If you feel uncomfortable, you must not hold on."

Hearing Manager Lu’s heartfelt words, Xiao Zhang and Xiao Wang were moved with tears: "Manager Lu, thank you for your concern. We must work harder and strive for a better tomorrow for the company."

In fact, these words were taught by Zhang Dafu in advance, and Manager Lu nodded with a smile.

Later, he looked at Zhang Dafu and frowned and asked, "Dafu, why don't you call?"

"You are here, how can I fight?" Zhang Dafu cried out in his heart.

"Hurry up."

Zhang Dafu looked aggrieved and took out his mobile phone from his pocket.

Dialing Ye Chen's cell phone, it said: "Grandpa, your grandson called you, grandpa, your grandson called you..."

Zhang Dafu held back the anger in his heart and listened to the voice inside.

"Master, sister, you should answer the phone quickly."

However, the call has been unanswered...

Seeing that Manager Lu had been chatting with two excellent employees, Zhang Dafu stood there with his mobile phone. After all, Manager Lu was old and had a bad memory.

He had heard from the webmasters of other sites before, that Manager Lu often forgot what he said before.

Perhaps he had a good chat with the employees this time, and he forgot about Ye Chen's affairs behind his head.

After a while, Manager Lu laughed loudly: "I love to chat with you young people. I feel that I am much younger when I am with you, and the opinions and suggestions you put forward are also very important for the future development of the company. Helping."

Later, he continued: "The company needs promising young people like you. You are the company's tomorrow and the company's future."

Seeing the three people talking so well, the expression on Zhang Dafu's face stretched a lot, and he was relieved.

Just when he thought the matter was over, Manager Lu suddenly looked in his direction and asked, "Is the phone connected?"

When Zhang Dafu heard the words, a cold sweat broke out on his forehead: "Manager Lu, I made a few more calls, but no one answered."

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