Published at 27th of April 2021 12:27:49 PM

Chapter 744: 744

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Manager Lu still smiled and said, "Oh, that might be on the road, it's okay, we will wait, after all, they are the employees with the highest performance, and we must see them today.

Originally, Zhang Dafu thought that Manager Lu would say that he would come again next time when no one answered the phone.

But after hearing what Manager Lu said, his heart was broken.

Zhang Dafu thought in his heart that if Ye Chen didn't come for a day, the head office would definitely think that his management ability was not strong, which would definitely have an impact on his future.

Just when he thought so, the roar of a motor suddenly came from outside.

Ye Chen parked the car and walked towards the store.

With pancakes in his mouth and soy milk in his hands, he walked leisurely and contentedly.

Walking into the store, Wang Jia saw Ye Chen and said, "Brother Ye, why are you here so late? Manager Zhang is waiting for you in a hurry."

"What is he waiting for me?" Ye Chen swallowed what was in his mouth, and then asked.

"Someone from the head office came to condolences to the outstanding employees. We made several calls to you but no one answered them." Wang Jia said hurriedly.

"Oh, Xiaojia, let you drink this soy milk, but I have been in line for a long time?" Ye Chen put the soy milk on the table and walked towards the office.

Wang Jia was about to stand up and stop, but it was too late.

At this time, Ye Chen walked in. Isn't this self-inflicted?

Wang Jia couldn't help but admire Ye Ge's courage very much. If he changed to another employee, he would have been trembling with fear.

But not only was Ye Chen not afraid, but instead broke into the office.

Seeing Ye Chen coming in, chewing in his mouth and holding pancakes in his hand, Zhang Dafu's expression became a little ugly: "Ye Chen, look at what time it is now, and the head office condolences the outstanding employees, Lu The manager has been waiting for you for a long time, and I notified you in advance yesterday."

Ye Chen wondered when Zhang Dafu informed himself, why didn't he remember.

Even so, he did not expose Zhang Dafu, after all, he is usually very good to himself.

Zhang Dafu breathed a sigh of relief when Ye Chen didn't speak.

"Ye Chen, why are you still eating here?" Zhang Dafu asked angrily.

"Oh, stationmaster, this is my breakfast, have you eaten it, I will share it with you..." Ye Chen took the bag in his hand to Zhang Dafu.

"It's time for lunch now, you're still eating breakfast here."

Ye Chen scratched his head and said embarrassedly: "It's not that it's too late because the last order was delivered yesterday, and there is something at home, so I slept very late, only in the morning..."

"You are not allowed to argue in front of Manager Lu, you are obviously late." Zhang Dafu winked at Ye Chen and said.

"Dafu, how can you talk to employees like this."

Manager Lu and the two employees stopped communicating, turned to look at Zhang Dafu and said.

"No, Manager Lu, look at him..."

"What's up with him?"

Manager Lu glared at Zhang Dafu, got up from his seat, walked to Ye Chen and said, smiled and stretched out his hand and said: "Mr. Ye, congratulations on being an excellent employee. I am honored that the company can have an employee like you. I am very happy, do you have any suggestions for the company? And..."

For some reason, Manager Lu stopped again. He looked at Ye Chen up and down, his eyes widened, and then asked: "Are you all right here, just say if you have any questions."

Ye Chen winked at him and motioned to him not to reveal his identity.

Just a little far away, Manager Lu just saw a young man in express clothing.

Now I walked closer and saw that the person standing in front of me was Ye Dong, the new chairman of their company.

He never dreamed that Ye Chen's identity would actually send condescend to deliver the courier.

Ye Chen didn't stretch out his hand, but stood motionless.

Zhang Dafu was also a little dumbfounded when he saw the scene in front of him. To know how many employees dreamed of this, shaking hands with the company's senior management would be a privilege.

The other leaders who came with him were also a little dumbfounded. How could Manager Lu take the initiative to shake hands with an employee? And it turned out to be so polite.

"All are good." Ye Chen said with a smile.

"You think it's good, and if there is something wrong, we must correct it in time." Manager Lu said respectfully.

Ye Chen said "Oh" with a calm expression on his face.

Seeing Ye Chen's disrespectful attitude, Zhang Dafu couldn't pass it: "Ye Chen, why are you talking to Manager Lu like this?"

"Dafu, I'm talking to Mr. Ye, there is nothing you do here, shut me up."

Zhang Dafu complained in his heart. It was obvious that he was doing it for Manager Lu, but he didn't even buy it.

"Manager Lu, I think he, a small employee, shouldn't talk to you like this."

"Dafu, do you think he is just a small employee?" Manager Lu asked suddenly.

"Then who is he?" Zhang Dafu was asked, confused.

"This is the new chairman of the company, Dong Ye." Manager Lu couldn't put it on anymore. He felt that Ye Chen's identity should be revealed.

After all, Zhang Dafu reprimanded Chairman Ye in front of him. It was obviously not good for him to say nothing.

In this case, telling Ye Chen's identity, should Ye Chen not blame him.

"Ye Dong?"

Hearing what Manager Lu called Ye Chen, Zhang Dafu and the other employees were so shocked that they could even put an egg in.

It turned out that the young man who worked with them turned out to be the chairman of the company, which is simply unbelievable.

You must know that Ye Chen is the first one in the station every day, and his work is also the hardest one. Not to mention his performance in the station, even if he looks at the entire company, he can also be among the best.

As the chairman of the company, Ye Chen didn't need to fight like that.

Shouldn't his life be a mansion and beauty? Tired and sweaty every day, what is this picture?

At this moment, the office was quiet, and even the sound of a needle falling on the ground could be heard.

Or Zhang Dafu took the lead in breaking the silence: "Ye Dong, you are really hidden. You have not known your true identity after working for so long. Are you hiding so deeply to understand the situation in the station?"

"No, your work makes me very satisfied, I just want to experience life." Ye Chen said calmly.

"Experience life?" After hearing Ye Chen's words, everyone was stunned.

Nowadays, rich people are so good at playing, and with so much net worth, they send express delivery to experience life.

How do people like them live? People who have money work so hard, let alone people like them.

They have already decided that they will work harder from now on, learning like Ye Dong.

From now on, Ye Dong will be their role model.

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