Published at 27th of April 2021 12:27:48 PM

Chapter 745: 745

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Seeing everyone's shocked eyes, Ye Chen was not surprised at all. After all, no one would have thought that as the company's chairman, he would go to deliver express delivery.

Ye Chen checked the time. It was already more than one o'clock in the afternoon. He had already delayed all morning and must hurry up.

Under everyone's shocked and envious eyes, Ye Chen walked outside.

"Ye Dong, where are you going?" Manager Lu asked after returning to his senses.

Ye Chen said lightly: "It's been so long, I want to send the courier quickly now."

Talking and walking out quickly, everyone looked ashamed after hearing the words, Ye Dong worked so hard, what reason do they have not to work hard.

"Ye Dong, you must pay more attention to your body, and don't be tired." Manager Lu said again with concern.

Ye Chen wanted to get system rewards instead of delivering couriers, so he wouldn't fight like that.

However, he has a net worth of over 100 million, so of course he will not be exhausted like other couriers.

Hearing what Manager Lu said, Ye Chen just gave a soft "um".

"Ye Dong, go slowly."

With the delivery from Manager Lu, Zhang Dafu and others, Ye Chen walked out of the store holding the courier to be delivered.

At this moment, there were already many people on the opposite side. Ye Chen walked in the direction of the crowd, only to see everyone crowding around his car.

Among them, an internet celebrity is leaning in front of the car to do a live broadcast, and some even gather around the car to take pictures.

Ye Chen frowned and walked over quickly.

Seeing Ye Chen coming over, the female internet celebrity's heart was pounding. "This little brother is really handsome."

But when she saw the express uniform that Ye Chen was wearing, a disappointed expression appeared on her face. Originally, she wanted to catch Ye Chen.

But seeing that it turned out to be a courier brother, I immediately lost the mood.

When the female internet celebrity saw Ye Chen walking in her direction, she thought to herself that she also wanted to take pictures with the luxury car.

After all, such luxury cars are rare, and there are bound to be many people who want to take pictures and make circles.

The female Internet celebrity said with a mocking face: "Brother Express, even if you take photos with this luxury car and post to Moments, no one will believe it. After all, you are dressed like a poor man."

"Trouble you, I have to drive the courier." Ye Chen said with a smile.

"What? You said this car is yours, how could it be possible?" The female internet celebrity seemed to hear a joke.

If it wasn't live, she would even clutch her belly and laugh.

The people around also pointed to Ye Chen.

"Young people should be down-to-earth, not whimsical."

"No matter how you look at this little brother, he doesn't look like a rich man."

Ye Chen ignored everyone's discussion, but looked at the female Internet celebrity and said: "Please let me go, don't delay my work."

As he spoke, he took out the car key and opened the door, then sat in.

Seeing the scene in front of them, everyone looked surprised.

The female internet celebrity couldn't even speak, she hurried away from the car acquaintedly.

Since the live broadcast has just been live, the fans in the live broadcast room can see it clearly.

"Wow, this little brother is so handsome, I really like it."

"I think it must be a rich second generation, there is such a luxurious car."

"He is my prince, and I am in love."

Suddenly, the screen of the phone was already swiped.

When the female internet celebrity and everyone around stood beside the car with a look of surprise, Ye Chen started the car.

The roar of the motor sounded, and Ye Chen walked away in the eyes of everyone's astonishment.

The female Internet celebrity sinks. He knows that such a rich and rich second generation is both powerful and powerful. It is easy to block himself.

She regretted her attitude towards Ye Chen just now, and estimated that her live broadcast career would definitely be over.

Ye Chen didn't bother to pay attention to her, because he was busy delivering the express.

In addition to Manager Lu and Zhang Dafu, the employees at the express delivery point were also surprised.

They would never have thought that Ye Chen would have such a luxurious car.

That's something they need to earn a few lifetimes to have, but Ye Chen can easily own it.

Envy and jealousy could not help but the two outstanding employees vowed to work harder.

Ye Chen drove the streets and alleys, and delivered a few express delivery.

Just as he was about to start the car, a system prompt sounded in his mind.

【Ding! Congratulations to the host for receiving five-star praise, and a bottle of jade skin cream rewarded by the system, which is in the host's pocket. 】

Sure enough, Ye Chen took out a small bottle from his pocket.

He looked at the bottle in his hand and groaned in his heart, the system, you are playing with me, even rewarding me for something like this.

Originally, Ye Chen was afraid of being noticed, and adjusted his charm and appearance to the lowest level. Now the system even rewards him with things that enhance his appearance. How can he not be depressed?

Since it was something rewarded by the system, it must be an extraordinary product, Ye Chen thought in his heart and put the jade skin ointment back into his pocket.

He drove the car towards the next house. After driving for a while, he came to the fat round ice drink shop run by the girl.

Due to the narrow road ahead and frequent congestion incidents, Ye Chen parked the car on the side of the road.

He walked to the front and saw a crowd of people around the girl's ice drink shop.

Ye Chen thought in his heart that this girl's business was really good, but when he walked in, he heard noise.

Seeing a few big guys surrounding the girl, Ye Chen couldn't help but quickly threw the express aside in his hand and ran towards the girl quickly.

He faintly heard the girl's cry, and because the distance was too far, he couldn't wait to fly over with his wings.

Although Ye Chen tried his best to run forward, it was still too late and the shop was smashed by a big man.

The girl was also injured because she stood at the door of the shop to prevent the destruction of the big guys.

When Ye Chen arrived, the girl fell to the ground, her pretty face was bleeding, and she cried into tears.

He lifted the girl from the ground and took the girl to sit on a chair.

Then Ye Chen turned and walked towards the big man, only to find that his hand was caught.

Turning her head to see, it turned out to be a girl, and she said tearfully: "Little brother, don't go too dangerous."

"You are waiting here, don't worry, there is nothing wrong." Ye Chen comforted the girl.

In the girl's uneasy and scared eyes, Ye Chen walked towards several big men.

What he hates most is men who bully women, and there are so many men who bully a girl.

The big guys are still enjoying the joy of smashing the shop, but they feel that someone is attacking them behind them.

Suddenly being interrupted, the big guys became a little unhappy, and turned around to see Ye Chen wearing express clothing.

"Boy, you should be nosy here, and quickly send your courier." One of the bald heads said fiercely.

Ye Chen didn't speak, "pop" a loud slap in the face.

After being beaten by Ye Chen like this, the bald man covered his face and was a little blinded.

This little brother really started to fight if he didn't agree with him!

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