Published at 27th of April 2021 12:27:41 PM

Chapter 746: 746

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The bald head was furious when he saw the young man in front of him actually slapped him.

He clutched his swollen face and said fiercely: "Boy, do you know this is my site? You dare to beat me here, don't you want to live?"

As he said, he winked at the men next to him: "Come on together, and give me this kid."

After hearing the bald brother's command, the five men immediately rushed towards Ye Chen.

Now that everyone is surrounded by people, they secretly shook their heads when they saw the scene in front of them, thinking that this kid must be over.

You must know that Brother Bald is a local snake in this area, and anyone who provokes him will not end well.

Seeing the five strong men surrounded Ye Chen, even the timid people had closed their eyes.

The bald brother looked at Ye Chen and said, "Boy, how could you beat five of my men alone, as long as you kowtow and admit your mistakes, I can keep you alive."

Originally, he thought Ye Chen would kneel down and beg for mercy, but what disappointed him was that he didn't see a trace of panic or fear from Ye Chen's face.

At this moment, Ye Chen's face was as plain as water, and he said, "If you want to fight, don't be with this mother-in-law."

After hearing Ye Chen's words, everyone was shocked.

The bald brother has given Ye Chen a way out, but this kid is even looking for death by himself.

The girl in the ice drink shop saw Ye Chen being surrounded by several people, her face was also worried. She regretted that if she just grabbed Ye Chen, such a thing would not happen.

After hearing Ye Chen's words, the bald brother said with a mocking smile: "Boy, I don't think you can see the coffin or cry."

Afterwards, he directed at five of his subordinates and said: "You guys go up together, beat me severely, and be responsible for beating me to death."

After hearing the boss's command, five brawny men with big arms and round waist rushed towards Ye Chen from five directions.

Ye Chen didn't move, but stood motionless.

The bald brother thought that Ye Chen was shocked by the battle in front of him, and he couldn't react for a while.

He even saw the miserable scene of Ye Chen being beaten by his subordinates, and a smile appeared on his mouth.

The crowd onlookers even had a timid girl who had already closed their eyes in fear. They felt that the young man in front of them would definitely die in this situation.

The girl at the ice drink shop also closed her eyes, not daring to look.

When the five people were less than half a meter away from Ye Chen, Ye Chen suddenly moved.

When everyone saw Ye Chen's movements, they knew that the young man had finally reacted, but it was too late for any use.

You must know that the five great men are very different from Ye Chen in terms of size and strength. Under this disparity in strength, Ye Chen is one against five and there is no chance of winning at all.

The bald brother also saw Ye Chen move, but he was not worried at all because no one could escape the combined attack of the five.

You must know that these five people are all well-trained soldiers, and they are also the most powerful men of the bald brother.

With the strength of these five people, his turf can continue to expand.

Even those gangsters are not enough to look at in front of five people, let alone such a thin Ye Chen.

Suddenly, a shocking scene happened. Five big men were kicked out by Ye Chen like a ball and fell to the ground.

"How is it possible?" The bald brother saw his subordinate being kicked into the air, and his jaw dropped in shock.

The crowd around the audience is also unbelievable, which is simply unscientific.

Even how Ye Chen escaped the combined attack of the five people and the process of defeating them was not clearly seen, which shows that Ye Chen's skill is unusual.

The bald brother looked at the hand lying on the ground and holding his stomach, with a frightened expression on his face.

Seeing Ye Chen walking towards him step by step, he instantly felt suffocated.

"Now it's your turn." Ye Chen said coldly.

Brother Bald was so frightened that his face was pale, and he tremblingly said, "Uncle, please take my life, I was wrong, I have eyes but don't know Taishan."

Seeing Ye Chen ignored him, the bald brother was already scared to pee.

He just knelt down on the ground and slapped himself: "If you don't remember the villain, please forgive me."

"Papa Papa" loud slap after loud slap in the ear.

At this moment, Brother Bald's face was red and swollen like a pig's head.

Ye Chen didn't bother to do it either. He reached out his hand and held the collar of the bald-headed brother and asked, "Who caused you to smash the shop?"

"It was Manager Zhou of the Pangguoguo Corporation who instigated us." said the bald brother Yiwuyishi.

Ye Chen's face became difficult to look after hearing the words of the bald brother.

He thought to himself that it was Pangguoguo that had done something wrong and relied on others. It seemed that this company was not very good.

Must find a way to bring him down, otherwise the girl will definitely be bullied again.

Ye Chen took out his cell phone and dialed Zhou Susu's number: "Susu, you guys hurry up and send someone, I cleaned up a few gangsters."

"Okay, Ye Chen." Zhou Susu replied.

The bald brother just heard the conversation between the two and hurriedly asked: "Uncle, who are you calling?"

"Policeman." Ye Chen said honestly.

"This is over." Brother Bald's heart sank.

Ye Chen said coldly: "The police will come in a while and tell the police exactly what you just told me, otherwise you will know the consequences."

"Uncle, I know, don't worry." said the bald brother.

At this moment, the bald brother didn't even dare to look at the expression on Ye Chen's face.

The girl from the ice drink shop ran over, looked at Ye Chen and asked, "Brother, are you okay?"

"What do you mean?" Ye Chen asked rhetorically without answering.

The girl looked up and down at Ye Chen and let out a sigh of relief when she saw that there was no injury on his body.

Ye Chen turned to look at the bald brother, and said coldly: "Hurry up and apologize to this girl."

"I'm sorry, I was wrong, please forgive me, I am also collecting money and eliminating disasters." The bald brother looked at the girl and said.

The girl did not speak, but looked at Ye Chen and said, "Little brother, thank you for saving me again."

"It's nothing, I'm drawing a knife to help when the road sees injustice." Ye Chen scratched his head and said.

After a while, there was the sound of a police siren in the distance, and the bald brother turned pale when he heard it, and fell to the ground.

Several policemen who got off the police car handcuffed the five men and the bald brother who were lying on the ground, and took them into the police car.

This time I didn't see Zhou Susu's figure. It is estimated that this girl is busy handling the case again.

When the police car left, everyone around dispersed, leaving only Ye Chen and the girl.

The girl looked shy and said, "Little brother, my name is Fan Ying, how about you?"

"My name is Ye Chen." Ye Chen said with a smile.

Subsequently, Ye Chen drove the girl to the hospital.

The doctor examined the girl in all directions, and the injuries on her body were not very serious. The only thing was that the injuries on her face might leave scars.

After the girl heard it, sad tears flowed down. After all, appearance is the most important thing for a girl.

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