Published at 27th of April 2021 12:27:40 PM

Chapter 747: 747

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Looking at the scar on the girl's face, Ye Chen felt distressed.

It's not easy to open a shop alone at such a young age and have to bear the pressure of life.

Ye Chen walked towards the girl. The girl lowered her head and cried and said, "Brother Ye Chen, let's go, don't worry about me, I know I look very scary."

The girl's performance made Ye Chen feel very heartbroken.

He hurriedly walked to the girl and put her in his arms to comfort him: "Xiaoying, don't be like this, the wound on your face will be healed."

"Brother Ye Chen, don't lie here anymore. The doctor has already told me that the wound is too long and deep. Even if it heals, it will leave scars." The girl struggled and cried in Ye Chen's arms.

Ye Chen gently stroked the girl's little head: "Xiaoying, you have to trust Brother Ye Chen, I said yes, yes."

The girl looked at Ye Chen and nodded. Indeed, the little brother in front of her had rescued her many times.

But even so, Ye Chen is not a doctor how could he heal the wound on her face.

Seeing that the girl's mood calmed down, Ye Chen helped the girl out of the hospital and came to the car and said, "Xiaoying, where is your home, I'll take you home."

"No, Brother Ye Chen, I can go home by myself." The girl refused.

In fact, she didn't really want Ye Chen to send her off, but she didn't want Ye Chen to see her ugly appearance.

Ye Chen certainly understood the girl's thoughts. He pulled the girl into the car without saying anything, fastened her seat belt, and drove the car out of the hospital.

Along the way, neither of them had anything to say.

Since that incident, the girl has been looking forward to seeing Ye Chen again.

But she didn't expect to meet this time, she was already disfigured, and now she wanted to find a place to sew in.

The girl sitting in the co-pilot covered her injured half of her face with her hand.

Ye Chen didn't say anything, because he knew that he couldn't comfort the girl anyway, and the only way was to restore the girl to her previous appearance.

If this matter is difficult for others, it is easy for Ye Chen.

He thought of the reward jade skin cream that the system had just given, and he had to know that the products produced by the system must be high-quality products.

Because the girl didn't tell him his home address, and the two couldn't wander around the main road all the time.

Ye Chen suddenly thought that Lin Wanrou was not at home today, and simply drove in the direction of Washington.

After driving for a while, Ye Chen drove into the villa area and stopped at Huafu One.

Ye Chen got out of the car and walked in with the girl.

When the girl saw the luxurious residence in front of her, she was surprised that she covered her small mouth with her hand.

She only knew that Ye Chen was a courier, but how could a courier brother own such a luxurious residence.

"Xiaoying, this is my home. I know that you are afraid of your parents and dare not go home. Let's live here today." Ye Chen said with a smile.

Fan Ying stood there blankly, and came back to her senses after hearing what Ye Chen said.

Ye Chen really knows her very well. If she goes home and sees her like this, her parents will definitely be worried.

Under Ye Chen's guidance, Fan Ying walked into the villa.

Upon entering, the luxurious decoration greeted us, magnificent and magnificent like a palace.

Fan Ying felt like she was dreaming. She pinched her arm and yelled "Ouch."

Since it can feel pain, it is not in a dream.

Ye Chen looked at this cute girl with a smile on her face.

"This is my home. It's true. I deliver the express to experience life." Ye Chen said the doubts in the girl's heart.

The two entered the hall, Ye Chen motioned Fan Ying to sit down.

The girl sat on the sofa stiffly, for fear of dirtying Washington.

"Gurulu" the girl's belly suddenly screamed, Ye Chen wanted to laugh but didn't dare to laugh.

The two did not eat at night. Ye Chen knew that the girl was hungry, so he hurried into the kitchen.

After a while, Ye Chen walked out with four dishes and one soup, and put it on the table.

"Xiaoying, come over for dinner."

Fan Ying sat on the sofa and didn't mean to get up.

Seeing the girl's behavior, Ye Chen said hurriedly: "Xiaoying, you don't have to be afraid to stain the floor."

Ye Chen just hurriedly took the girl to the restaurant.

Seeing the rich dishes on the table, the girl's greedy saliva flowed out.

Ye Chensheng finished the rice, handed it to the girl and said, "Xiaoying, eat it quickly."

Soon there was a table of dishes, and there was not much left to be eaten by the girl.

Ye Chen watched the girl eating, swallowed and foamed.

But seeing that there was not much left on the table, his heart cried out.

After the girl finished her meal, she hurriedly stood up to clean up.

Ye Chen stopped and said, "Xiaoying, sit still and I will clean up. You can watch TV in the living room."

The girl nodded obediently and went to the living room to turn on the TV.

Seeing Ye Chen's busy figure, the girl was moved in her heart.

He wanted to be able to make a boyfriend like Ye Chen how good it would be, but then he thought about how Ye Chen is so good that he would like him as an ugly monster.

After Ye Chen finished cleaning up, he came to the girl and said, "Xiaoying, it's getting late, please rest quickly, I have prepared the room for you."

After speaking, Ye Chen took the girl to the room on the second floor.

After walking out of the room, Ye Chen handed the girl a delicate little bottle and said: "After you take a shower, put this on the scar."

Although Fan Ying was skeptical, she still accepted the small bottle in Ye Chen's hand.

After Ye Chen left, Fan Ying walked into the bathroom and took a bath comfortably.

The room that Fan Ying lives in is also very luxurious.

After taking a shower comfortably, she walked out of the bathroom like a lotus.

Fan Ying put on her clothes, took the jade skin ointment and applied it to the scar in front of the mirror.

Feeling a cool sensation on the skin, the girl instantly felt that her face was not so painful.

Tomorrow has to work, Fan Ying hurriedly lay down on the bed and slept comfortably.

The next day, the girl got up from the bed, looked in the mirror, and suddenly screamed.


Ye Chen was suddenly awakened by a scream, he jumped up from the bed, and quickly ran to the door of the girl's room on the second floor.

"Dangdangdang" knocked on the door a few times, and the door opened, only to see a girl in pajamas standing by the door.

Seeing the girl in front of him, Ye Chen was stunned. He knew that the girl in front of him was Fan Ying, but it had changed a lot from before, even more beautiful.

Fan Ying's face flushed, and she stood there and said, "Brother Ye Chen, look at my face, my face..."

The girl was so excited that she couldn't speak. She really didn't expect the scars on her face to disappear, and her skin was more delicate than before, as if she was condensed fat.

Fan Ying knew that it was the bottle of jade skin cream. She looked at Ye Chen and asked, "Brother Ye Chen, where did your bottle of jade skin cream come from?"

Of course Ye Chen couldn't tell the truth to her. He just said under a guise: "This is a gift from a friend."

Although the girl didn't believe it, she didn't say anything more.

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