Published at 27th of April 2021 12:49:39 PM

Chapter 75: 75

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Gao Yuan rushed to the phone: "Dad, just now the manager of the World Hotel cancelled my gold card and blacklisted me from the hotel."

"What? There is such a thing, dare to bully my son, I will go over immediately!" Gao Weather rushed.

Gao Tian is a major customer of the Universe Group and has a very good relationship with the vice president of Universe Group.

Now the manager of the Universe Group dares to drive his son out of the hotel.

Isn't this hitting Gao Tian in the face?

Gao Tian directly terminated the meeting and went straight to the World Hotel.

Soon, the high weather came to the door of the Huanyu Hotel and saw the extremely embarrassed son.

Gao Tian's eyes grew colder.

Oneworld hotel, very good.

Gao Tian has been dealing in medical equipment over the years, and the company has been developing rapidly, and he also has a certain position in the Magic City Gaojia.

Now his son was even blacked out and kicked out of the hotel. If he didn't give him an explanation, their Gao family would be ashamed.

This place must be retrieved.

Gao Tian led his son straight to the hotel and rushed into Ye Chen's box.

Seeing that the situation is not good, Manager Li hurried over.

Gao Tian stared at Manager Li, his eyes flashing fiercely.

"Li Song, you are fine, give you a chance to apologize to my son immediately, and blast me out of the hotel with this little brother Didi, otherwise you, the manager, don't have to do it."

Gao Tian is a major customer of the Universe Hotel and has a good relationship with the vice president of the hotel, so his family has always been very prosperous in the hotel.

Manager Li saw Gao Tian but didn't buy it.

This time, their family offended Mr. Ye, a person they couldn't afford to offend.

If you have offended President Ye, it is already considered minor to pull the black, you dare to come to the door.

Manager Li said coldly: "Mr. Gao, please leave and don't disturb the guests eating."

"What's the matter, don't you understand what I said? For a little brother Didi, you drove my son out of the black, did your little manager eat the courage of the bear heart and leopard?"

As he spoke, Gao Tian looked arrogant and sat angrily on a chair full of style.

Gao Yuan saw his father being so arrogant, but also arrogant.

"Manager Li, you immediately apologize to me and blast this kid out of the hotel, otherwise my dad will definitely let you lose your job."

Manager Li looked righteous: "Impossible, Mr. Gao, I advise you not to make trouble and leave immediately, otherwise don't blame me for being rude."

"You're welcome? Don't you want to blast me out of the hotel? Well, I will call your boss now."

At this time, the atmosphere in the box was very tense.

Gao Tian glanced at Ye Chen, a touch of contempt in his eyes.

Such a young, still open didi, can have a terrific background.

Gao Tian directly called Lu Gang, the vice president of the Universe Group.

Gao Tian is so arrogant because he has a good relationship with Lu Gang, the vice president of Huanyu.

Usually the two often drink together and call them brothers and sisters.

That's why he has the confidence to be mad and arrogant.

"Hey, is it Brother Lu? You Li Song from the World Hotel threw my son Lahei out of the hotel because of a little brother Didi. You must give me an explanation for this matter."

"What? There is such a thing, you call Li Song."

Li Song answered the phone, and Lu Gang's roar came from inside: "Do you really want to do it, do you know who Gao Tian is? He spends millions of dollars in our a year, how did you do it? "

Manager Li whispered, "Mr. Lu, the didi driver is Mr. Ye."

"Mr. Ye Chen Ye? Give Gao Tian the phone." The other side froze for a while and his tone became colder.

Manager Li handed the call to Gao Tian again.

Lu Gang’s roar came from Gao Tian’s cell phone: "The surname Gao, we have broken off diplomatic relations from today, and you don’t call me brother in the future. I don’t know you, and I urge you to apologize to Mr. Ye immediately. Otherwise you will die miserably."

"By the way, starting from today, not only your son, your entire Kangda medical equipment has been hacked by our Universe Group, so you can do it for yourself."


The phone was hung up, Gao Tian looked dazed.

Gao Tian is going crazy, isn't he just a little brother Didi?

It's fine if Manager Li doesn't give face, this President Lu actually broke off his relationship with him because of this little brother Didi.

Lu Gang's voice was very loud just now, and everyone heard what Lu Gang said.

What kind of situation, I vented my anger for his son, and not only did he lose his anger, he was even blacked out!

How much energy does Ye Chen have?

Gao Weather gritted his teeth, knowing that he couldn't take advantage of it today, and took his son to leave.

It's not too late for a gentleman to take revenge for ten years.

However, at this moment, Ye Chen suddenly said coldly: "You interrupted my meal and just left?"

Gao Tian stopped and raised his brows, then turned and stared at Ye Chen.

"You are such a beep, what right do you have to talk to me?"

Ye Chen said lightly: "Really? If you don't apologize, the consequences will be serious, and you will regret it!"

"Regret, Gao Tian never knew regret."

With that, Gao Tian took Gao Yuan and left the hotel in a stride.

Everyone looked at Ye Chen, don't know why, they always felt that what Ye Chen had just fired was not an empty cannon.

Ye Chen took out his cell phone and dialed a call.

Hearing Ye Chen's call, everyone gasped!

Fuck, this is the real boss.

Gao Tian and Gao Yuan rushed into the car.

"Dad, just forget about it."

"Forget it? How could it be possible to offend my Gao family and just let it go, check this kid's bottom first, and then clean him up."

At this time, Gao Tian's cell phone rang suddenly.

The call was made by the director of Ren'ai Hospital.

"President Wang, what's your order?"

"What? The cooperation with us ended?"



However, the call has been hung up.

Gao Tian didn't have the calmness he had just now, and his face was as gray as death.

The reason why their Kangda Medical has developed so well is because they are close to the backer of Ren'ai Hospital.

It can be said that Renai Hospital is keeping them in Kangda Medical.

When the cooperation is terminated, their sales channels are cut off.

Now the factory still has medical equipment that was just produced in the warehouse, and this loss is enough to make them bankrupt.

Gao Tian was at a loss. He had just had dinner with the dean two days ago, and the cooperation was so good why he suddenly terminated the cooperation.

Could it be that I did something that I shouldn't have done that offended the senior management of Ren'ai Hospital?

At this moment, his face changed abruptly.

What Ye Chen said in his mind.

"Is it him?"

Gao Tian immediately called the secretary's phone: "You can check the relationship between Ye Chen and Ren'ai Hospital."

Soon the news came back, Gao Tian's face looked like ashes.

Gao Tian shouted at the driver: "Turn around, turn around and immediately return to the World Hotel!"

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