Published at 27th of April 2021 12:27:31 PM

Chapter 755: 755

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Su Wanyi sat in the co-pilot and stared at Ye Chen next to him blankly, but did not speak.

Feeling the look in the eyes beside him, Ye Chen said with a smile: "Why don't you know?"

"Husband, how did you know Yan Chuang?" Su Wanyi thought for a while to express the doubt in her heart.

Ye Chen smiled and said, "I drove Didi before and he used to make my car."

Su Wanyi definitely didn't believe it, what Ye Chen said was that he was so respectful to him after just doing the car once, which is completely impossible.

Obviously Ye Chen was unwilling to tell the truth, so she didn't ask any more.

"Husband, you are like a mystery before my eyes, how many things I don't know?"

"Hahaha, guess what?"

Su Wanyi thought if I knew, why would I ask you?

Seeing the displeased expression on the face of the girlfriend next to him, he was obviously angry.

Ye Chen stopped laughing and said with a smile: "It is because of my mystery that you are interested in me, aren't you?"

After Ye Chen said so, the expression on Su Wanyi's face eased a lot, as he said, it was the mystery on Ye Chen that attracted her deeply.

The car drove into Washington No. 1, Ye Chen took Su Wanyi out of the car after stopping the car.

Originally, Su Wanyi told Ye Chen that there was a meeting to be held tomorrow, and insisted on letting him send herself home.

But after so many days of not seeing each other, how could Ye Chen let go of this beauty, not to mention that the girl's dressing today is more attractive than usual.

Ye Chen carried Su Wanyi into the bedroom, gently put her down, and then began to feel a little dishonest.

Su Wanyi pushed Ye Chen away, pretending to be angry and said, "You tore all the beloved skirts."

"I'm lighter." Ye Chen said softly.

"No, you are all sweaty, so hurry up and take a bath." Su Wanyi ordered like a queen.

Ye Chen wailed and got up, the evil fire in his heart was still burning, and the girl actually stopped.

Originally, Ye Chen suggested that the two of them go to wash together, but Su Wanyi refused, so he didn't force it.

He hurried into the bathroom and took a quick rinse.

After I came out, I found that Su Wanyi hadn't finished washing, thinking that the woman was really troublesome.

After a while, Su Wanyi came out of the bathroom wrapped in a bath towel, her hair damply draped over her shoulders, like a lotus flower, which made the evil fire in Ye Chen's heart burn more vigorously.

Ye Chen couldn't wait any longer, hugged Su Wanyi quickly, the scene in front of him was beyond description.

The next day, Ye Chen woke up from the woman's scream.

Su Wanyi punched Ye Chen with her powder fist and said, "You bad guy, it's all because of you. People are getting up late."

Ye Chen didn't speak, and put Su Wanyi in his arms, and the two had another fierce battle.

"You big villain, you will bully others." Su Wanyi rubbed her aching arm and said aggrievedly.

"Okay, okay, my wife won't cry, I'll get up to see you off now, and I won't delay the meeting." Ye Chen hurriedly got up, comforting.

After the two of them washed up, they ignored breakfast and hurried out of the house.

"My wife, you are done." Ye Chen said as he increased the speed to the extreme, Lyken drove on the road like a bolt of lightning.

The people around were dumbfounded and talked a lot.

"Damn, this is the rich second generation who came out and bombed the street."

"This car is so cool, it's the first time I have seen it."

"Isn't this the car in the Fast and Furious movie?"

Su Wanyi was sitting in the car, her face pale in fright, and she kept yelling: "Husband, you drive slowly."

She felt her heart beating now.

Ye Chen comforted her and said, "My wife, my car is very skilled, don't worry."

When Lyken stopped, Su Wanyi hurriedly got out of the car, her legs were a little weak in fright.

Ye Chen walked to her side, picked her up, and walked towards the building.

"Husband, everyone around is watching, you put me down." Su Wanyi begged.

No matter how she yelled, Ye Chen didn't mean to put her down.

The people around were all talking about seeing the beautiful president being held by a man.

"Why is President Su actually in the arms of a man?"

"I saw this man yesterday, he seems to be President Su's boyfriend."

"This little brother is so handsome."

"It's really too sweet for two people. Sprinkle dog food all over the place."

Su Wanyi's blushing blushed, and she buried her head in Ye Chen's arms, regardless of the people walking around.

Ye Chen opened the door of the president's office and gently placed Su Wanyi on the office chair.

"Wife, if there is nothing to do, I will leave first." Ye Chen said with a smile.

At this moment, Su Wanyi's pretty face was still blushing, she did not speak, but nodded.

Ye Chen walked out of the building, and then walked to a nearby McDonald's to buy two breakfasts.

He led the breakfast, returned to the president's office, put the breakfast on the table and said, "Wife, no matter how busy you are, you must have breakfast."

Su Wanyi felt warm when she heard Ye Chen's words.

Ye Chen walked out of the building and drove the car home to change clothes.

He changed into the express uniform, and then drove Geely to the express station.

After putting the parcel to be delivered today, Ye Chen drove the car and started the day's express delivery work.

After sending a package, Ye Chen had just walked downstairs, and a system prompt sounded in his mind.

【Ding! Congratulations to the host for getting five-star praise and system rewards for mind reading. 】

"Really, this reward is simply awesome. Having a mind-reading skill is equivalent to knowing what others think and mastering everyone's hearts."

"I really earned it today." Ye Chen thought in his heart.

At this time, he was more motivated to deliver express and worked harder.

I believe that as long as he works hard to deliver the courier, the system will give him better and more powerful rewards in the future.

Ye Chen drove the car and came to the restaurant where he ate last time.

The waitress saw Ye Chen walk in, and enthusiastically won the past: "Sir, I'm really happy to see you again."

Seeing the girl, Ye Chen asked with a look of confusion: "Did you not make the phone number on your business card?"

The girl smiled and said: "It's done. As soon as Manager Chen heard that you introduced me, he asked me to go to work in that hotel as soon as possible."

"Then why don't you go?"

"I want to work in this restaurant for this month, at least after the store has recruited new people, it would be better for me to leave.",

Ye Chen's vision is really good. He didn't see the wrong person. Girls are not only motivated but also responsible. This is an employee that any company or company needs.

The older waiter who ignored Ye Chen before, hurried over after seeing Ye Chen, with a very enthusiastic attitude.

At first she thought Ye Chen was just joking with Xiaoxue, but when she heard that Xiaoxue was going to work at the Marriott Hotel in Magic City, she couldn't help regretting her bad attitude towards Ye Chen.

To know that being able to work at the Marriott Hotel is their dream, and the treatment there is much better than here.

Now that Ye Chen patronizes the store again, she must be a good performer.

If you like the beginning, choose the president of Yiwan Group, please collect it: ( Choose the president of Yiwan Group for the fastest literary update.

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