Published at 27th of April 2021 12:27:29 PM

Chapter 756: 756

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The waitress looked at Xiaoxue and said, "Xiaoxue, the guests over there need to order food, please go quickly."

After hearing the words, Xiaoxue nodded and looked at Ye Chen and said: "Sir, I'm busy over there first, and come back later."

Of course Ye Chen knew the purpose of the waitress to open Xiaoxue, but he didn't say anything.

After all, Xiaoxue has been working here for a while, and if he makes enemies because of him, then he will definitely not bear it in his heart.

Seeing Xiaoxue leaving, the waitress said enthusiastically: "Sir, what do you need, let me introduce you to the characteristics of our shop."

"No need, I just want to see for myself." Ye Chen said coldly.

The waitress just stood there blankly, making no sound.

Ye Chen looked at the menu back and forth, delaying orders.

The waitress can only stand there all the time, not daring to leave.

She wanted to give Ye Chen a good impression. If this guest is satisfied, then maybe she can go to the Marriott Hotel like Xiaoxue.

However, the waitress made a wrong calculation. How could Ye Chen arrange for such a waiter with tinted glasses to treat customers at the Marriott Hotel? This is tantamount to smashing his own signature.

Ye Chen found the menu and said to the waitress: "Take the waitress named Xiaoxue, please. I need to ask her if I have something."

When the waitress heard it, her heart sank and she hurriedly said: "Sir, if you have any needs, just give it to you."

The waitress didn't want to miss such a good opportunity.

Besides, she had missed it once before, this time she must take it well.

"No, you should help me find Xiaoxue." Ye Chen said firmly.

Hearing Ye Chen's words, the waitress would not be embarrassed to stay here no matter how thick-skinned.

Moreover, with the abilities of the young people in front of them, if you annoy the other person, let alone want to go to the Marriott Hotel, it is impossible to work here.

"Okay sir, wait a moment." The waitress said with a smile.

After a while, Xiaoxue walked towards this side and looked at Ye Chen and said politely: "Sir, do you need to order food?"

"Well, what do you think is good, please give me something." Ye Chen said with confidence.

"Okay, sir, wait a moment." Xiaoxue turned and left after speaking.

Ye Chen sat aside looking at the phone, flipping through the news on it.

After a while, the food came up, so that Ci Ye Chen was still very satisfied.

After eating, Ye Chen got up and left.

These days, Ye Chen did not send out a few couriers because he was busy with this matter.

Since express delivery can get system rewards, it must be that the more you send, the greater the chance of getting rewards.

Ye Chen delivered the express delivery all morning, and now he needs to return to the courier point to pick up more packages, and then continue to deliver.

Seeing Ye Chen coming back, Xiao Zhang said enthusiastically: "Brother Chen, why are you back?"

Ye Chen said with a smile: "No, the morning items are all delivered. Come back and pick up some packages before continuing to deliver them."

"Brother Chen, you are really amazing, I simply sigh inferior." Xiao Zhang said with a smile, but there was a look of jealousy in his eyes, but it was indeed a flash that was not easy to be noticed.

Maybe ordinary people would really believe what he said, but Ye Chen, who has mind-reading skills, read a different meaning from his heart.

"You die Ye Chen, you are already so rich, why do you have to compete with the poor for the number of outstanding employees every month, and it will make you suffer for a while."

"That Xiao Zhang is also true. You have long seen Ye Chen displeased. Why do you want me to do it? I wouldn't bother to listen to you unless you have a good relationship with the store manager."

It was just this information that Ye Chen understood. It turned out that Xiao Zhang and Xiao Wang had always had a particularly good relationship with him, but it was only superficial.

"Xiao Zhang? You actually want to harm me because I don't treat you badly." Ye Chen sneered in his heart.

Moreover, before Xiao Zhang's mother was sick and had no money for hospitalization, Ye Chen still paid him the hospitalization fee.

When Ye Chen thought of this, he felt angry, this is really a farmer and a snake.

In fact, he didn't want to compete with them for the award of outstanding employees, but the task given to him by the system was to deliver the express to get the award.

Then he has no choice but to follow the system's instructions.

Although they were all rated as excellent employees, Ye Chen's performance was the highest, so he got the most bonus. This is also the reason why Xiao Zhang and Xiao Wang, who are also excellent employees, hate.

Ye Chen thought in his heart: "I don't know what the **** these two guys want to do, see if I can get it out of Xiao Zhang's mouth."

"Xiao Zhang, I feel that your face is not very good today, did you do something bad?" Ye Chen asked with a smile.

Hearing Ye Chen's question, Xiao Zhang was startled: "Could Ye Chen already know about the laxatives in their drinking fountains?"

Xiao Zhang thought about it, Ye Chen received the message again.

At this time, Ye Chen was a little surprised, he and them had no grievances, and these two people were so vicious.

Although Ye Chen didn't care about wages and bonuses, he couldn't collapse after taking the laxatives.

Their approach is really vicious.

I usually look at the two of them as very good people, but for their own selfish desires, they attacked their colleagues.

Although he knew the plan of the two in his heart, Ye Chen pretended not to know it. He patted Xiao Zhang on the shoulder and smiled: "You didn't really do the bad things as I said, did you? Don't take it seriously."

Hearing Ye Chen's words, Xiao Zhang let out a sigh of relief.

Two people, each with their own minds, walked towards the rest area.

Walking inside, I saw that only Xiao Wang was sitting there drinking water and playing games.

Seeing Ye Chen coming, Xiao Wang hurriedly put down his phone, gave up his seat and said, "Brother Ye, sit down and rest."

Xiao Wang's attitude made Ye Chen feel disgusted in his heart. He thought to himself: "Small, I'm still pretending to be here, I want to see what tricks you are playing."

He is now very curious about how these two people are going to trick him into drinking the water.

Seeing that there was also water in the cups of the two, Ye Chen knew that this was because he was afraid that he would be suspicious.

I think these two guys are really not as simple and honest as they seem to be on the surface, they are really good enough.

Ye Chen didn't pay attention to Xiao Wang, but sat in a chair beside him.

Xiao Wang felt that his hot face was stuck on his cold ass, and he was also consciously boring. He put a smile on his face and stopped talking.

At this moment, the lounge is unusually quiet.

"No action, it seems they want me to drink it myself?"

Ye Chen looked at the two people who were pretending to look at him, thinking to himself.

Just as he thought.

They knew that Ye Chen could have so much wealth, he must not be a fool, if two people are too enthusiastic, it will definitely make Ye Chen suspicious.

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