Published at 27th of April 2021 12:27:28 PM

Chapter 757: 757

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Therefore, Xiao Zhang and Xiao Wang waited for Ye Chen to take the bait.

If you change to an ordinary person, you will definitely be in the middle, but Ye Chen has mind-reading skills and knows the two people's tactics, then he can't just sit back and die.

Suddenly, he had a plan in his mind.

Ye Chen picked up the teacup with half a cup of water left and walked straight to the water dispenser.

At the same time, he glanced at Xiao Zhang and Xiao Wang.

However, they found that the gazes of the two dared not meet him, and they kept avoiding.

After seeing Ye Chen receiving the water from the drinking fountain, the two raised their necks and drank the water in the cup.

"Drank it, I actually drank it!"

Hearing the sound of drinking water, the two people were in ecstasy, but they didn't show it on their faces.

When Ye Chen returned to his seat and sat down, Xiao Zhang and Xiao Wang stood up at the same time.

Xiao Wang said very politely: "Brother Chen, let's go shopping now, we will bring you back what you want to eat."

"No, I have already eaten it." Ye Chen replied lightly.

Xiao Wang ignored Ye Chen's attitude, but took Xiao Zhang out with an "um".

When he walked out of the store, Ye Chen immediately became excited when he saw the two of them, and he looked very proud.

Ye Chen sneered in his heart: "They are really two fools."

In fact, Ye Chen didn't receive the water from the drinking fountain just now. What Xiao Zhang and Xiao Wang saw was an illusion. The water he drank was naturally the original in the cup.

Ye Chen picked up the cups of the two of them, poured all the water in the cups into the toilet, and then took two cups of water from the drinking fountain and placed them in their original positions.

In order to avoid harm to innocent employees, Ye Chen brought in a new bucket of water and installed it on the drinking fountain.

In fact, if Xiao Zhang and Xiao Wang were only targeting Ye Chen alone, he would not be very angry.

But these two guys took the laxative in the drinking fountain in order to frame themselves.

You must know that every employee at the express station will drink the water here on and off work, so the victim is not only Ye Chen alone.

Thinking of this, Ye Chen decided to teach Xiao Zhang and Xiao Wang a lesson.

After setting everything up, Ye Chen loaded the parcel into the car and drove the car away.

Ramen restaurant.

Xiao Zhang and Xiao Wang sat in there proudly, eating ramen.

"Brother Wang, I've seen Ye Chen displeased a long time ago. You said that he is so rich and he is fighting with us. This is not intentional." Xiao Zhang swallowed the ramen in his mouth.

"Yeah, we two were treasures in Zhang Dafu's eyes before he came, but when he came, we two stood aside." Xiao Wang said with a sigh.

"He must have to suffer a bit now. Who told him he doesn't have eyesight." Xiao Zhang said with a smug expression.

"Yes, I dare to provoke Lao Tzu, Lao Tzu clearly doesn't play with you, and crushes you to death." Xiao Wang said viciously.

After eating, Xiao Zhang and Xiao Wang went back to the store and went straight to the lounge. They picked up the cups and drank. There was too much spicy in the ramen just now, and the two of them were reluctant to buy water. Can only go back to the store to drink.

Seeing that Ye Chen was not in the store, the two of them were not surprised.

"Brother Wang, Ye Chen went out to deliver the courier again." Xiao Zhang said with a smile.

"This makes it better, so that he can't find a toilet outside, and it's uncomfortable for him." Xiao Wang said proudly.

The two rested for a while, and rode out on an electric tricycle to deliver the courier.

Ye Chen drove the car very leisurely.

Before I knew it, I drove to the door of Fan Ying's Bing Drink Shop, but I saw that it did not open.

I took a look at the time, and it is now 2 o'clock in the afternoon, which is logically business hours.

What's more, with Ye Chen's understanding of Fan Ying, she worked hard to make money, so how could she give herself a holiday.

"Could it be..."

Suddenly, a bad thought flashed through Ye Chen's mind.

At this moment, the phone's ringing rang, Ye Chen glanced at the unfamiliar number, but did not answer.

These salesmen have gone crazy recently, and Ye Chen didn't bother to waste words with them.

The phone rang again, Ye Chen glanced at the same number as before, and he pressed the connect button.

A girl's anxious voice came from inside: "Brother Ye Chen, you finally answered the phone."

Ye Chen heard Fan Ying's voice, and there was crying in her voice, obviously something happened.

"Xiaoying, what happened? Don't worry and say it slowly." Ye Chen comforted.

"Brother Ye Chen, my mother is sick and is now in the hospital" Fan Ying said hurriedly.

"Where are you now, I will look for you in the past." Ye Chen asked.

Fan Ying replied: "I am in the general hospital now."

"Okay, don't worry, I'll pass right away."

After hanging up the phone, Ye Chen drove towards the General Hospital.

According to Fan Ying, Ye Chen came to the ward and heard the conversation between the mother and daughter.

"Yingying, I know my own body, you and your father don't pay me any more for medical treatment, it won't be better." Fan mother said weakly.

When Fan Ying heard it, her voice choked and said: "Mom, don't talk nonsense, Dad and I will not give up on you."

"Yingying, I really can't bear it because I dragged my family down. Whenever I see you and your father running around to make money for my illness, I hate myself for not dying a hundred." Fan mother said in pain.

"Mom, after you finish the surgery, you will be fine." Fan Ying comforted.

"But where can you collect such a large sum of money for the operation? Don't comfort me."

"Mom, my dad and I will perform surgery on you even after we sold the house." Fan Ying looked at her mother with firm eyes.

At this moment, Ye Chen walked into the ward, and mother Fan asked in confusion when she saw it, "Who are you?"

"Auntie, I am a friend of Fan Ying. I know that you are ill and came to visit you specially." He said that he handed the supplement to Fan Ying.

At this moment, Fan Ying had already cried and turned into a tearful person. After seeing Ye Chen, she quickly wiped her tears. She didn't want to look like this in front of Ye Chen.

"Oh, it's Xiaoying's friend, please take a seat." Fan said hurriedly.

Ye Chen sat on the chair and looked at Mother Fan and asked, "Auntie, how is your health?"

"Hey, I'm old and sick. It's useless to get old. I heard the doctor say that I need to operate immediately." Mother Fan said with a sigh.

"Since the doctor said so, your body will definitely recover after the operation." Ye Chen comforted.

"I also know that I will get better after the operation, but where did we get such an expensive operation? I just discussed with Xiaoying that the operation should not be done, and I went home after the discharge procedures. I always feel uncomfortable here. "

Ye Chen comforted: "The operation must be done, and the cost will definitely be solved."

Fan's mother heard the words and said nothing more. She knew in her heart that this operation was not something ordinary families could afford.

"Auntie, you can rest assured that the surgery fee is covered by me, so don't think about it."

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