Published at 27th of April 2021 12:27:11 PM

Chapter 767: 767

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Seeing the director's expression, the middle-aged lady thought she was surprised that Fan's mother and daughter could afford to live in a high-end ward but were eating cheap fruits.

She said with a mocking look: "Director Zhang, don't look at some people who can afford to live here, they are still poor."

Director Zhou ignored her, but looked at Mother Fan and asked, "Where does this fruit come from."

Mother Fan is an honest person after all, and when asked by Director Zhang, she felt a little nervous.

Before she could speak, Ye Chen said, "I brought this, is there any problem?"

Hearing the words of the young man in front of him, Director Zhang looked at him up and down again, not believing it at all.

The middle-aged lady thought that Director Zhang would criticize him and feed the patient cheap fruit, which is not good for the patient's health.

"Director Zhang, the rotten fruit was indeed brought by the courier brother, I can prove it." The middle-aged woman hurriedly spoke.

After hearing her words, Director Zhang said with a displeased expression: "Rotten fruit? This bag of fruit is invaluable, and it will greatly help your body's recovery."

"How is it possible? It's obviously a bunch of rotten fruits, how can it be a priceless treasure, Director Zhou, don't tease us here." The middle-aged lady looked unbelievable.

When I saw Ye Chen carrying a torn plastic pocket just now, I didn't think there would be any good things in it.

And when Fan Ying took it out, she also saw that the fruit was very small, as if it was not fully ripe, it was clearly a cheap fruit.

But when the well-informed director said so, there was indeed some doubt in his heart.

"Isolate and ignorant." After Director Zhang finished speaking, he ignored the middle-aged lady.

Afterwards, he looked at Ye Chen and said, "Little brother, can you let me take a look at the fruit in the bag."

"No problem." Ye Chen got up and handed the broken bag to Director Zhou.

"Yes, yes, that's it." Director Zhang took out a fruit from the bag and said to himself.

He held the fruit in his palm for fear of falling to the ground, as if holding a priceless treasure in his hand.

Director Zhang's voice trembled and looked at Ye Chen and said, "Little brother, do you know that this fruit is called pearl fruit, and the output is very small. It is enjoyed by members of the Y country's royal family."

The middle-aged lady was so shocked that her eyes widened and her chin dropped in shock.

The fashionable girl also has a surprised expression.

After Ye Chen heard it, he couldn't believe it. He knew that the things Zhou Zong gave him were expensive, and he didn't expect it to be so rare.

You should know that it is exclusively for the royal family. It is impossible for ordinary people to even see it, let alone eat it in the mouth.

Before, he thought that Mr. Zhou was really stingy, so he gave him a small box. Now he knows the reason. Originally, this kind of fruit is very rare.

The middle-aged lady still didn't believe that since it was for the royal family, how could Director Zhou have seen it? If he hadn't seen it, how could it be said that this is a very rare pearl fruit.

"Director Zhou, you haven't seen it before, how can you be sure that this is a pearl fruit?" the middle-aged lady asked.

Hearing this, Director Zhou took out the phone, opened a photo, and handed it to the middle-aged lady, saying: “This is last year. The dean and I were invited to country Y to treat a member of the royal family. At the banquet, I not only saw this kind of fruit, but also had the honor to taste it. It was really delicious."

Director Zhou said that as he fell into his memories, he couldn't help swallowing a bit when he thought of the taste of the fruit.

After seeing the photo, the middle-aged lady immediately believed.

In the face of the facts, she has nothing to refute and have nothing to say.

"Little brother, where did you get this pearl fruit?" Director Zhou asked the doubt in his heart.

Ye Chen smiled faintly: "It was given by a friend."

"From a friend?" After hearing Ye Chen's words, not only the middle-aged lady but also Director Zhou was surprised.

How strong this friend's background is, and he would give such a rare fruit as a gift, the background of the little brother in front of him can't be underestimated.

"Yes, it was just given to me by a friend." Ye Chen said blankly.

Fan's mother and daughter were also very shocked when they heard it. They thought it was ordinary fruit, but they didn't expect to enjoy the royal treatment. Does this make them not surprised and shocked?

"Ye Chen, this pearl fruit is too precious, we can't collect it, you should take it back." Fan said hurriedly.

Ye Chen has already helped herself so much, if she receives such an expensive gift again, she doesn't know how to pay it back.

"Brother Ye Chen, mom is right, you should take it away." Fan Ying said before Ye Chen could speak.

"Since I have brought it, I want to give it to my auntie, don't be so polite with me." Ye Chen looked at Fan's mother and daughter with a smile.

Director Zhou looked at Ye Chen and admired him for a while. Just now he didn't know how rare this fruit was to give as a gift.

But now that he knows the truth, he still insists on giving away, which is really enough to admire him.

It's really the rich people's world, not what they can understand.

"Ms. Fan, how is your body feeling?" Director Zhou asked while looking at Mother Fan.

Originally, he was here to take a look, but seeing that the Fan family's mother and daughter actually knew people with such a strong background, he definitely wanted to flatter them.

Maybe it will be helpful for promotion in the future.

"Thank you, Director Zhou, I'm fine." Fan Mu replied.

"Okay, I'll leave first. If you have any physical discomfort, just call me directly." Director Zhou was about to walk out of the room.

The middle-aged lady was angry when she saw that Director Zhou didn't ask her about her situation.

"Director, you haven't asked me about my situation, I feel..." said the middle-aged lady with a pained expression on her face.

Before she could finish her words, Director Zhou said impatiently: "I think you can eat and drink, and you are in good condition. There is no problem." After speaking, one foot has already stepped out of the ward.

Seeing Director Zhou's attitude towards her, the middle-aged lady was lucky there, but she had never received such treatment.

Due to her husband’s identity and status, since she was admitted to this hospital, all the medical staff except the dean have treated her very politely. Here she enjoys VIP treatment, but she has been admitted to Ms. Fan. Afterwards, other people's attitudes towards her changed, and she felt suffocated in her heart these days.

"Wait a minute, Director Zhou." Ye Chen shouted suddenly.

"What's the matter with little brother?" Director Zhou asked with a puzzled look.

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