Published at 27th of April 2021 12:26:57 PM

Chapter 774: 774

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Hao Jian regretted that he had provoke Ye Chen, a big man, and now he has lost his job with an annual salary of several hundred thousand.

But this is nothing. What made him even more depressed was the next sentence his girlfriend Chen Jiajia said.

"Hao Jian, thank you for taking care of me during this time. I now finally know that Ye Chen is the love in my heart. Let's break up." Chen Jiajia looked at Hao Jian and said with a smile.

Co-authoring yourself is a spare tire.

Just now Chen Jiajia heard that Ye Chen used a billion yuan to manage wealth, and she could imagine that she was a rich man.

Hao Jian was stunned when he heard it. He never expected Chen Jiajia to change his face so quickly.

Just now he looked down on Ye Chen, but now he is chasing him.

Chen Jiajia looked at Ye Chen and said, "Ye Chen, I actually love you. The reason why I am not with you is because I want you to work harder."

She regretted it in her heart. If she knew Ye Chen was so rich, she had to chase Ye Chen for whatever she said when she was in college.

Ye Chen listened to the words of the scheming woman in front of him, thinking in his heart it seemed that I gave you a face.

"Chen Jiajia, you have to figure it out. I didn't want to be with you at the beginning, okay?" Ye Chen couldn't bear it and told the truth.

Chen Jiajia didn't expect Ye Chen to tell the truth in person, and felt a bit embarrassed.

After hearing these words, Hao Jian's heart broke even more, he did not expect to be deceived by Chen Jiajia.

In college, girls liked Ye Chen very much.

However, Chen Jiajia became his Hao Jian's girlfriend, which made him a little puzzled.

Chen Jiajia kept saying that she liked him since she was in college, but it turned out to be a lie.

Now he knew that Chen Jiajia was rejected by Ye Chen, so he turned to be with him, mainly because of his money.

Regardless of identity and occasion, Hao Jian said hysterically: "Chen Jiajia, didn't you say that the person you like is me, and that it is Ye Chen you dumped?"

"I...I..." Chen Jiajia stammered.

She really doesn't know how to explain it now.

"You bitch, you dare to deceive Lao Tzu all the time, and you are so lucky that Lao Tzu treats you as a treasure." Hao Jian raised his hand angrily and drew towards Chen Jiajia.

Just five centimeters away from Chen Jiajia's face, Hao Jian felt that his wrist was being held.

No matter how hard he tried, he couldn't get it out.

"Ye Chen, you let me go. This is a matter between me and this bitch. You don't need to worry about it." Hao Jian roared with painful cold sweat.

"You are right, this is a matter between you, but I hate men hitting women the most." Ye Chen said coldly.

As he said, he let go of his hand and slapped Hao Jian in the face.

Hao Jian staggered because of a bit of strength just now, and fell to the ground without standing.

Seeing the mocking expressions of everyone around him, Hao Jian's expression was like pig liver.

"Thank you, Ye Chen." Chen Jiajia said gratefully.

Seeing Ye Chen actually hit Hao Jian for her, a warm current flashed in Chen Jiajia's heart.

Then her pretty face flushed, and she said shyly: "Ye Chen, can I be your girlfriend?"

"Sorry, if my actions just made you misunderstand something, I apologize to you, I just can't understand men who beat women, let alone I already have a beloved one." Ye Chen didn't even look at Chen Jiajia. Instead, she looked at Su Wanyi affectionately and hugged her in her arms.

Su Wanyi's pretty face flushed: "I hate it, you are so nauseous in the public."

Speaking, she squeezed the fat on Ye Chen's waist fiercely.

Ye Chen felt painful and tightened Su Wanyi's building.

Su Wanyi's pretty face became even more flushed now, and because of Ye Chen's great strength, she couldn't get out even if she wanted to break free.

"It doesn't matter, I can be your lover." Chen Jiajia said persistently.

Ye Chen said coldly: "You are not qualified." As he said, he walked out of the cafe with Su Wanyi.

Seeing Ye Chen about to leave, Chen Jiajia hurriedly chased it out.

"Ye Chen, stop for me and wait for me." Chen Jiajia couldn't care about the image at all.

Seeing that Chen Jiajia was even willing to be Ye Chen's lover, she was really jealous and collapsed.

He felt that his life was such a failure, no matter how hard he tried, he couldn't catch up with Ye Chen.

Now even the job with an annual salary of several hundred thousand is gone, and the girlfriend has also ran away with others.

Wang Yang, who was still angry with Hao Jian just now, looked at him with sympathy.

Wang Yang comforted: "Hao Jian, this is just a green tea, just run away."

Seeing that Hao Jian didn't speak, he then said: "How can you see a rainbow without experiencing wind and rain? No one can succeed casually."

After hearing this sentence, Hao Jian felt so familiar, it seemed that this was a song.

In his heart, countless grass and mud horses are running, thinking that the leader will not take you to build his own happiness on the suffering of others in this way.

What kind of success do I have, because I was forced to pretend to have lost my work.

Not only that, the girlfriend also ran away with others.

Where is the wind and rain to me, it is simply a storm.

Hao Jian knew that he would never see the rainbow anymore, and his life would be dark and dull from then on.

Although there is regret in my heart, but what can I do? This is called self-sacrifice.

Wang Yang comforted Hao Jian a few more words and left, leaving only Hao Jian, whose heart collapsed to the extreme.

Everyone around him cast a mocking look at him, and some even started talking.

"Have you seen it? It's just that you can't pretend to be a fool."

"There are outsiders and there are outsiders. You think you are powerful, and there are more people who are better than you."

"You must be low-key, otherwise you don't know how to die."

Hearing the surrounding discussion, Hao Jian showed an angry expression on his face and roared: "I, you all shut your mouths for me, what qualifications do you have to say about me?"

Due to repeated blows, Hao Jian now has lost his reason.

After hearing this sentence, five or six young people walked towards him.

"You kid dare to give orders to us, right? I'm so impatient to live." said one of the yellow hairs.

"You...what do you want to do?" Hao Jian looked at the person in front of him with horror.

Another young man smiled and said, "It's nothing, let's go out and talk."

With that said, he motioned to his companion next to him to do it.

"I'm not going, you let me go." Hao Jian, who was dragged by a few young people, was a little scared.

But wherever he broke away alone, he was taken out of the coffee shop just like that.

However, none of the people around was nosy, because everyone didn't want to cause trouble.

Several people took Hao Jian directly to a small alley with no one before stopping.

"What do you want to do?" Hao Jian asked tremblingly.

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