Published at 27th of April 2021 12:26:56 PM

Chapter 775: 775

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After a few young people left, Hao Jian, who was beaten with a bruised nose and swollen face, lay on the ground and cried. He felt that Ye Chen was his nemesis, and every time he met him, there was nothing good.


Ye Chen drove away with Su Wanyi, and Chen Jiajia chased after him.

Looking at the figure in the rearview mirror, Su Wanyi twisted Ye Chen and said angrily: "Ye Chen, you are so beautiful, it doesn't matter if you see other girls chasing after her, and it doesn't matter if you are a lover."

"What does it have to do with me, it's not that I asked her to chase after." Ye Chen said disapprovingly.

He thought in his heart that a woman like Chen Jiajia would be given for nothing, and he would not want it.

When I was in college, I had already seen through the virtues of this woman, which was a piece of green tea.

Passersby saw a long-haired girl in a long skirt and high heels chasing the sports car in front of him.

Chen Jiajia didn't care about her image anymore. She thought that if she catches up with Ye Chen, as long as she spends a good night with him, then Ye Chen naturally knows his benefits, and she must be inseparable from her.

Thinking of this in her heart, the corners of her mouth couldn't help but raised slightly, as if she had seen Ye Chen bowing down in her pomegranate skirt.

Just like this, Chen Jiajia didn't see the telegraph pole in front of her, and slammed into it. She knocked her eyes straight out of the gold star.

Chen Jiajia couldn't take care of everything, and rubbed her painful forehead. At this moment, a big date was swollen on her forehead.

Looking at the sports car away from him, Chen Jiajia simply kicked off the high heels, and continued to run with her two snow-white feet bare.

She thinks that as long as she can catch up with Ye Chen and be with Ye Chen, all the suffering is worthwhile.

Perhaps because of this belief in her heart, Chen Jiajia endured the pain in the soles of her feet and was actually about to catch up with the sports car.

Ye Chen was really startled as he watched the figure behind him getting closer. He didn't expect Chen Jiajia to run so fast.

Just when Chen Jiajia thought that she was about to catch up, she tripped over a rock under her feet and lay directly on the ground.

Seeing the sports car getting further and further away from her, Chen Jiajia struggled to get up from the ground, crying.

At this moment, her nose was smashed, she was bleeding, her front teeth were knocked off, and the makeup on her face was blurred due to sweat and tears.

Pedestrians on the roadside saw this ugly Chen Jiajia, and they all pointed at him.

Seeing that Chen Jiajia didn't catch up, Ye Chen also let out a sigh of relief, really scaring the baby to death.

"Very disappointed, right?" Su Wanyi asked while looking at Ye Chen.

Just seeing Chen Jiajia chasing Ye Chen fiercely, Su Wanyi's jealous jar has been overturned.

"How do I smell a vinegar smell?" Ye Chen didn't answer, but said jokingly.

"You don't have to be stinky here anymore, and people are no longer jealous." Su Wanyi just denied and said.

In front of Ye Chen, of course she couldn't admit it, that would be too shameful.

Ye Chen just smiled and did not speak, but he felt very warm in his heart.

Because he felt that Su Wanyi now cared more and more about herself, and was even more worried about losing herself.

Driving the car, Ye Chen sent Su Wanyi home directly, and left after a few words.

Seeing Ye Chen's leaving figure, Su Wanyi's eyes flashed disappointment, she opened her mouth but did not speak.

Originally, Su Wanyi wanted to let him stay overnight, but she was embarrassed to say.

After all, the long-term family education has made Su Wanyi very reserved for ladies. How could such a girl open the door to leave a man at home for the night?

It was already nine o'clock in the evening when Ye Chen returned to Villa One in Washington, and he took a bath and lay on the bed comfortably.

At this time, Zhao Zhe and Sun Peng in the Washington Villa District were drinking red wine leisurely while chatting with the hostess of the Internet celebrity.

"Shao Shao, the big thing is not good." The butler ran over with an anxious expression.

Zhao Zhe frowned and said, "Steward Zhang, didn't you see that the young master is busy? What are you doing in a panic?"

Sun Peng also had some doubts on his expression. He knew that Steward Zhang had always been prudent, and he must have been so gloomy and flustered when something happened.

"Steward Zhang, what happened, please speak slowly." Sun Peng looked at Steward Zhang and asked.

Steward Zhang breathed a sigh of relief and said: "Just now, the master called and asked me to tell the young master that I will go out to support myself from tomorrow, and will stop all the bank cards in his hand."

Zhao Zhe shuddered when he heard it. He just turned off the phone and looked at Steward Zhang with disbelief and asked, "Why did my dad do this? What excitement did he get."

Sun Peng was delighted, Zhao Zhe usually looks arrogant in front of him, but now it is good but he wants to go out to earn money with sorrow.

This is really ten years of Hedong, ten years of Hexi.

"Shao Shao, you don't need to worry, although the old man stopped your bank card, isn't there a brother and me? You won't be hungry enough." Sun Peng said fakely and comforted.

After hearing Sun Peng's words, Zhao Zhe's heart was obviously less worried.

Yes, he still has this brother, so what else does he worry about?

Steward Zhang looked at Sun Peng expressionlessly and said, "Sun Shao, starting tomorrow, you will be like Shao Zhao. You have to go out and support yourself."

"What?" Sun Peng widened his eyes and did not believe what the housekeeper said.

For Zhao Zhe's father, he believed he would make such a decision, but how could his father be willing to let him go out and suffer.

He was really unbelievable, and even felt that the butler was wrong.

"Shao Sun, this is absolutely true. Mr. Zhao and Mr. Sun were very touched because they saw a young man before," the housekeeper said.

"My dad sees young people being touched, what do we care about?" Sun Peng's temper was also a little up.

You must know that his father loved him very much since he was a child.

Sun Peng, who was born when Mr. Sun was in his forties, is an old son for him. For this son, he is even more afraid of falling in his hands, and he is afraid of turning when he is in his mouth. Patience makes him feel wronged.

Now that such a decision was made, it was really difficult for Sun Peng to accept it.

"I want to call my dad and ask clearly." Zhao Zhe took out his cell phone and said.

"I also want to call my father and ask him to understand." Sun Peng also took out his cell phone and said.

Steward Zhang hurriedly stopped and said, "Two young masters, I advise you not to make this call. After all, the decision made by Zhao and Sun cannot be changed."

Then he continued to persuade: "I advise the two young masters to be obedient to avoid suffering."

After hearing Mr. Zhang's words, Zhao Zhe and Sun Peng were like deflated balls, their heads drooping and listless.

They don't know exactly what kind of mysterious young man actually changed their future destiny.

Liushui's full free new book: "City: 999 Mansions for Beginning Sign-in Reward" has been released. More exciting stories. Looking forward to the arrival of the old irons, you can find them by searching the title on QQ reading.

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