Published at 27th of April 2021 12:26:50 PM

Chapter 780: 780

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Seeing Yang Xue walking out of the office, Su Wanyi said with a look of anger: "Ye Chen, I blame you for ruining my image. How will I see people in the company in the future?"

Speaking of Su Wanyi, she wanted to inflict domestic violence on Ye Chen again.

"Wife, you can think about it clearly, it is very likely that someone will come in later." Ye Chen said with a threatening smile.

Su Wanyi thought about what Ye Chen said was not unreasonable, she hurried to the lounge.

"Wife, you are still thoughtful, we are not afraid of people who come in here." Ye Chen followed Su Wanyi in.

"You think too much, I want to change clothes, you go out for me now." Su Wanyi gave her a blank look and pointed out the door.

Ye Chen looked aggrieved: "Wife, do you just let me stay here? Besides, people have seen every place of yours, so there is nothing to be shy about."

Su Wanyi glared at Ye Chen, and said, "Hurry up and let me out, or I will call the security guard."

"Don't don't, I'm joking with you, it's serious." Ye Chen walked out helplessly, sitting on the sofa and waiting for Su Wanyi.

Su Wanyi changed her clothes, carrying a small bag in her hand, and came to Ye Chen and said, "Let's go."

Just now, Su Wanyi wanted to leave the company early, so she wouldn't be hit by Yang Xue, and she felt a little regretful in her heart.

But now that it has happened, it is useless to regret it.

Ye Chen and Su Wanyi walked out of the building, looking at the pair of handsome men and women, attracting enviable eyes from the people around them.

The two walked to the car, Su Wanyi sat in the co-pilot, and Ye Chen drove towards the Su's house.

On the way, two people came to the mall to buy some gifts. After all, it is impolite to go to someone's house empty-handed.

When she walked out of the mall, Su Wanyi called her mother: "Mom, Ye Chen and I are on our way to our house."

"Well, your dad and I are waiting for you at home." Mother Su said excitedly, and then she glanced at Father Su.

After the car drove for about an hour and a half, Ye Chen and Su Wanyi came to Su's house.

At this moment, Su's mother and Su's father were already waiting at the door, and their daughter seldom went home, and this time they also brought a boyfriend. How could they not be excited.

After parking the car, Su Wanyi got out of the car and went straight to her mother.

Poor Ye Chen carrying large and small packages of gifts followed behind, walking a little hard.

After seeing her, Su's mother looked at her daughter reproachfully and said: "Wan Yi, you don't help Xiaochen either, look at her tired."

Speaking, Mother Su walked to Ye Chen, took a few gifts from Ye Chen and said, "Xiao Chen, come on when you come, why do you buy so many things."

"Not much, not much, you eat slowly, Wanyi and I are often not by your side, so I feel guilty in my heart." Ye Chen said with a smile.

Hearing Ye Chen's words, Su's mother's eyes were slightly red.

"Auntie, Wanyi and I will often come back to see you in the future." Ye Chen said hurriedly.

Ye Chen saw Father Su's polite greeting and said, "Hello, uncle."

With a displeased expression on his face, Father Su said, "It's all a family, should you change your mind?"

Hearing that, Ye Chen's expression was a bit embarrassing. After all, he hasn't married Su Wanyi yet, so if he changed his words, he would be a little uncomfortable.

After Su Wanyi heard it, she hurriedly pulled Lasu's father's arm and said, "Dad, what are you talking about? We are not married yet."

"That's not going to happen sooner or later." Father Su said with a serious expression.

"Dad..." Su Wanyi said with an unhappy expression.

Su's father ignored his daughter, but looked at Ye Chen and said, "Xiaochen, follow me upstairs, I have something to ask you." He said that he walked upstairs.

Ye Chen also stood up from the sofa with a helpless expression, and walked upstairs reluctantly.

When passing by Su Wanyi with a nervous expression, Ye Chen patted her on the shoulder to comfort him and said, "Don't worry, there is me."

Every time I heard Ye Chen's words, it was as if there was magic, and Su Wanyi's mood was able to relax.

Ye Chen walked up to the second floor and saw Father Su standing there smoking a cigarette.

"Uncle, what do you want me to do?" Ye Chen asked.

"It's all a family, I'll call my dad later, have you heard it?" Father Su said with a serious expression.

Ye Chen nodded, expressing his understanding.

"Xiaochen, you and Wanyi are not too young anymore, shouldn't you think about getting married?" Su's father looked at Ye Chen and asked.

Before Ye Chen came, he knew that Su's father would ask him about the marriage, but he had guessed it as expected.

"Dad, we are still young now, don't worry about getting married." Ye Chen scratched his head and said.

"You are not in a hurry. Your mother and I are in a hurry to hug your grandson." Father Su said more seriously.

Ye Chen walked to Su's father and said with a smile: "Dad, you can rest assured that Wanyi and I will let you and your mother hold your grandson. We will have a few more births by then."

"Your kid is using my daughter as a pig." Father Su said with an unhappy expression.

"No, no, I just think there are too many people." Ye Chen explained hurriedly.

Father Su took a cigarette, and then the subject changed: "I heard Wanyi's mother said that you don't want to get married so early, do you?"

"Well, that's right." Ye Chen replied.

In order to relieve Wan Yi, I once admitted in front of Su's mother that he didn't want to get married, but now it would be a bit bad if he turned back in front of Su's father.

On the one hand, it seems that the other person's character is not good, and on the other hand, she betrayed Su Wanyi, this woman definitely can't spare him.

"I'm from here, and it's normal for a man to be bothered, but after all he wants to return to his family when he grows old." Su's father persuaded him painstakingly.

Hearing this, Ye Chen felt something was wrong, and hurriedly explained: "Dad, it's not what you think, you have misunderstood."

"You don't need to explain, I know everything."

"Dad, it's really not like that. The main reason is that I want to start a career before getting married. I want to give Wanyi a better life." Ye Chen said with a serious expression.

"You are now very good, and you have been able to give my daughter a happy life, not to mention that I know my daughter very well, and she loves you as a person."

"But, but..." Ye Chen vaguely said.

Su's father seemed to have discovered something suddenly and said: "Xiaochen, you tell me if Wanyi doesn't want to get married, the reason you just told me just doesn't make sense."

Ye Chen didn't speak, because he really didn't know what to say.

Since Father Su asked this, it meant that he was already suspicious about this matter.

"Xiaochen, women can't control, they have to be disciplined. Just now I saw how you look in front of Wanyi, and I knew that you have no place in the house." Father Su said while looking at Ye Chen.

Ye Chen didn't know how to answer these words, and was silent.

"Xiaochen, I am really anxious for you. It seems that I have to teach you a few tricks." Su's father said with a hatred of iron and steel.

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