Published at 27th of April 2021 12:26:29 PM

Chapter 787: 787

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Kang Zhen squinted at Liu Tian and said, "Miss Liu, now you have nothing to say."

Seeing the self-righteous look of the man in suit and leather shoes in front of him, the waiter showed a dull look on his face, and he did not understand what Kang Zhen was talking about.

Liu Tian ignored Kang Zhen.

"What the **** do you waiter do? The Marriott Hotel does not always adhere to the principle that the customer is God. I have already given you a tip why not do it as I said." Kang Zhen said with an arrogant face, as if he really is. Like God.

"Sir, you are right. Every guest who comes to the hotel is our God, but you let me blast people out. This completely violates the purpose of the hotel." The waiter retorted.

Now it is the peak of dining, and the guests around dining are all talking about it.

"This man is too magnanimous, so he found fault with a waiter."

"When he speaks, he always looks pretentious, which is really unbearable."

Kang Zhen ignored the comments of the people around him, his eyes were a little cold: "Boy, it seems that you are shameless. Since you are tipping you, you will not do anything for me, so I can tell you that my dad is a director of Marriott Hotel. , Believe it or not, I can fire you with a single call."

After hearing Kang Zhen's words, everyone who was still discussing just stopped, it seemed that they were really capable, no wonder they were so arrogant.

The waiter didn't speak, his eyes kept looking at Ye Chen.

Kang Zhen was obviously a little angry. He looked at Ye Chen and said, "Boy, I tell you that the rich and the right are king in this society. The poor will only be bullied, and I believe that Miss Liu also knows how to choose, and no one wants to make peace. The poor live a lifetime, right."

Now the waiter understood what Kang Zhen said, and his mouth opened wide: "Someone even said that Ye Dong is a poor man. Is this wrong? He is a big man worth over 100 million yuan."

Where did this guy's courage dare to say that to Ye Dong? Could it be that his brain was kicked by a donkey.

Ye Chen looked at Liu Tian and smiled and said, "Tiantian, let's go, I really don't bother to talk to this idiot anymore."

Liu Dessert nodded and said, "I don't want to stay here anymore. It's a waste of time."

The two stood up, clasped their fingers and walked towards the outside of the hotel, holding hands.

Seeing being ignored again, Kang Zhen's face became a little ugly: "I haven't finished my words, you dare to leave."

Ye Chen and Liu Tian didn't bother to pay attention to this brain damage, and walked outside without looking back.

Looking at the back of Ye Chen leaving, the waiter bent down and bowed, and said respectfully, "Ye Dong, you are going full."

The performance of the waiter made Kang Zhen even more crazy: "Boy, you have to figure out that it is the money I gave you. What do you always do to your colleagues so kindly, I am your God, you should..."

Before Kang Zhen had finished speaking, the waiter had left.

Although he was angry, Kang Zhen said nothing.

Seeing the sweet looks of Liu Tian and Ye Chen, Kang Zhen clenched his fists, thinking in his heart: "We must get Liu Tian, ​​and then ravage her well, let her know how to ignore him."

Kang Zhen got up and chased outside, "The woman he wants can't escape the palm of his hand, and Liu Tian is no exception."

"Hello, Ye Dong."

Song Yang also walked towards the door of the hotel and saw Ye Chen say hello quickly.

"Uncle Song," Kang Zhen saw Song Yang's face showing a touch of joy, and he pointed to Ye Chen and said: "Uncle Song, this guy actually delivered the courier privately. As a hotel waiter, he went out to do private work. How can he be steadfast? People like this should be fired for this job."

Song Yang has a very good relationship with Kang Zhen's father, so Kang Zhen directly said what was in his heart, and wanted Song Yang to help him out.

But Song Yang just nodded at him slightly, and didn't speak to him, thinking to himself, this child is mentally ill, so he should be fired from the chairman of the hotel.

"Ye Dong, I have to call you, the company holds a board of directors." Song Yang looked at Ye Chen and said with a smile.

The two talked as they walked outside, and Liu Tian followed behind.

Seeing that Song Yang ignored him, Kang Zhen also chased him out. He vowed that he would chase Liu Tian, ​​and let out such a bad breath.

Ye Chen did not walk in the direction of parking the electric car. Liu Tian asked with a puzzled look: "Ye Chen, where are we going?"

"Get the car and go." Ye Chen said lightly.

Liu Tianxin thought, the electric car obviously stopped there, but why did Ye Chen walk in the direction of the underground parking lot.

She had to follow Ye Chen, and Kang Zhen went to the underground garage with them.

Ye Chen took Cullinan's key from Song Yang, opened the car door, and the three of them sat in.

When Kang Zhen saw the scene in front of him, he finally realized that this young man turned out to be Uncle Song's driver, and a wicked smile appeared on the corner of his mouth.

"Boy, you wait for me, I must let me know what to do with me."

Liu Tian, ​​who was sitting in the car, greeted her with a face, but she didn't express the doubt in her heart.

Cullinan walked away, like an arrow off the string on the road.

Kang Zhen also drove the BMW and followed, but no matter how he speeded up, he couldn't catch up with Ye Chen and his car.

Soon, Ye Chen came to the downstairs of the Marriott Group Building, and the electric door slowly opened.

The car drove inside, Ye Chen parked the car, and a group of people walked towards the building.

After a while, Kang Zhen also drove the BMW to the door of the building. As he did not have permission, the electric gate remained motionless and stopped him outside.

He honked the horn vigorously, and the security came out and asked, "Sir, do you have a travel certificate?"

"Hurry up and open the door for me. My father is a member of the board of directors of the Marriott Group. What pass is needed." Kang Zhen said with an arrogant expression.

"Sorry, sir, the group has regulations, we also act in accordance with the regulations, please don't embarrass us." The security guard said with a grimace.

Kang Zhen, who was stopped by the security, had to dial his father's phone, "Dad, I am outside the door of the Marriott Group. The security will not let me in. Tell them."

"Xiao Zhen, we are about to have a meeting, wait a minute, I will send someone to pick you up." Kang Hua whispered.

When entering the building, the staff passing by saw Ye Chen calling him "Ye Dong."

"Hello, Ye Dong."

"Hello, Dong Ye."

Everywhere Ye Chen passed by, people greeted him.

"Tian Tian, ​​you go to the lounge and wait for me first." Ye Chen looked at Liu Tian and said.

Liu Tian opened her mouth and did not speak, so she obediently nodded and followed a female employee into the lounge.

Liushui's full free new book: "City: 999 Mansions for Beginning Sign-in" has been released. More exciting stories. Looking forward to the arrival of the old irons, you can find them by searching the title of the book by QQ reading. Waiting for you!

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